I can FINALLY see the light at the end of the tunnel! I only have 0.75 more hours to earn that will allow me to renew my medical license, so I should be able to get that done tomorrow. I usually like to earn an extra hour as a safety cushion in case I got the Certificate Expiration Date wrong. (But this year, maybe just a half-hour … or none at all!)
I told Mom when I left on Wednesday I would come back on Christmas day, and I’m anxious to see her! This Rehab unit doesn’t provide phones, so I got her another, newer (but el cheapo – kind of like a burner phone) cell phone. But after working with her for over an hour, she just can’t see the buttons to use it because of her macular degeneration. So I haven’t talked to her for a couple of days – although I call the nurse’s station daily to check-in on how she’s doing: thankfully, very well! (I’m trying to look at it as practice for the inevitable permanent disconnect…. Lord, I’m going to miss those phone calls!)
At any rate, my brother is flying in from Tampa on Wednesday for a few days, so I’m hoping to get all those year-end chores (CME, license renewal, bills paid, personal property tax paid, real property tax paid [OUCH!], year-end donations made, etc.) done by tomorrow so I can head up Sunday – a day early. Unfortunately, they’ve now moved SNOW into our forecast for early (2 AM) Sunday morning north from KCMO along I-35 to at least the Iowa border, so I’ll have to wait and see.
YIKES! You’re three paragraphs into reading this maudlin screed, and it’s all about me whining. ENOUGH! Well, almost … just a note that this will be just a snippet from a previous year’s Xmas offering. So you can re-visit the full thing here:
WTH … since I’m dogging it, let’s throw in a link to another one about Christmas Cats:
Having gotten away with recycling old work, I’ll leave you with this song that I really get a big kick out of this time of year! You’ll recognize the tune right off the bat:
“Hark!” the Herald Penguins sing:
“Please don’t eat our little wings!
“Eat a goose down to the bone,
“But leave Penguins all alone.
“Baby ducks are very sweet;
“Tastier than Penguin meat
“If we’re packaged in your store,
“Find us in your grocery store?!?
“Please don’t shop there anymore!”
And so I wish all of you – no matter how (or even if) you celebrate this time of year – a most relaxing, blessed and joyous Holiday with family and friends … whether they join you on 1, 2 or even 4 legs. (Any more than four legs, and you probably should call an exterminator.)
(You just gotta wonder HOW they got that cat to do it. But I don’t think s/he is a very happy feline, do you?)
10 Responses to “Friday Fun: Blaming CME for BRIEF & LATE Friday Fun: Christmas Redux”
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Congrats on renewing your medical licence(you’ll have earned the last hour by now)!
Wonderful job and a great relief, I think.
Among friends you can “whine” as much as you like, Nameless, the most important thing is your mother is still improving and you get to spend some more time with her in a few days’ time. Enjoy it while you both can.
Your Christmas Fun in past years was so good you can rehash it next year too, I don’t think anybody will mind to watch it again. I certainly enjoyed them as much as I did the first time. Thank you for posting.
Have a great Christmas with your Mom and your brother and travel carefully, Nameless.
Posted to Care2 HERE.
Sorry about the snow! No, I don’t think that cat is happy – I suspect he is plotting murder. In fact, neither of those pictures is good news for anyone in a Santa outfit.
I’m glad you managed to get this posted because, despite good intentions, I didn’t manage to post. So the Furies have the week off, and no doubt they can use it.
I can’t even fathom dressing my Russian Blue with a Santa Suit. Nope! But this kitty seems to enjoy it.
Nameless, safe travels, and the very best to your family, and to your mom.Thank you for posting.
Thank you, Joanne for cross posting.
Ho! Ho! Ho!! He’s not the REAL SantaCat!!
Have a very good, very safe trip, Nameless.
He may be trying to get away!
Have a great and safe trip Nameless! Having lived in snow country for much of my life, I know what it is like to drive in blizzards, whiteouts, and snow packed highways. Please be safe and don’t take any chances. Give your mum a big Canuck hug from me! . . . and my 3 furbabes! Hugs from the 4 of us for you too dude, including the critter.
Love the redux!
I love Santa Cat, that 2 hands, 4 footed bundle of annoyed kitty!
And that last pic . . . fried reindeer meat! Poor Rudolph!
Just An Update:
Since I was planning on coming back a few days earlier last week – but didn’t – I’ve realized that given Mom’s medical situation I need to allow for the unexpected. So, I got all my CMEs earned; my License renewed; my Jackson County Personal & Real Property taxes paid; my year-end online donations made; my conversion of Traditional IRA to Roth IRA to take the tax advantage; backed up & updated my critical files both on my Cloud & phone (mostly CME articles related to HF [Heart Failure] for Mom’s upcoming appointments on 1/3 & 1/4 w/ her cardiologist & PCP); and my bags pretty much packed! I’m planning to return on the 30th (the day my brother goes back to Tampa) – but one just never knows …
The critter – true to his normal self – seeing me pack my bags is now well aware that we’ll be traveling tomorrow … so he’s plotting his hiding places as I type.
Not to mention the impending snowfall. Fortunately, they’re sticking to their prediction of a “dusting” to 1″ here in KCMO. Further north they say there’ll be more – but it’s supposed to end by ~ 7 AM – so plenty of time to clear the roads by the time I get that far … hopefully.
Hopefully indeed. Prayers for your safety headed your way.
Well, it is Christmas Day, and I hope all os going as well as it can.