Store to Door was a little early, so all my groceries are unpacked and put away. I’ve had adequate sleep, but for some reason, I think I would sleep all day, if I let myself. The end of the month is upon us, so the next few days will be busy as hell. WWW is coming this evening to destink the TomCat and have dinner. I’m actually looking forward to hot dogs and sauerkraut, having turkey bird up the ying-yang. Has everyone recovered?
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:49 (average 4:26). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Jeff Merkley Channel): Senator Merkley Speaks Out Against GOP Tax Scam
I don’t think I have to call Jeff to tell him how to vote, but I did call to thank him. Oregon leads the way. RESIST!!
From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): Full Frontal’s Undercover Sting
Sam gives us a great parody of the O’Keefe scam to help Roy Moore discredit Moore’s victims. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Donald J. Trump’s use of the name “Pocahontas” at a White House event honoring Navajo veterans was not a racial slur, a prominent white expert said on Monday.
“If some Native Americans were offended by the use of this term, I’m sorry that they’re so wrong,” the expert said. “As a white person, I think I’m in a better position to know about this stuff.”
She also defended the decision to honor the Navajo veterans near a portrait of Andrew Jackson, who is widely reviled by Native Americans. “Before we held the ceremony, we consulted with a number of other white experts, and we all agreed that Andrew Jackson was great,” she said.
But Andy, Sarah Upchuckabee Sanders [pictured in article] is an expert on only one thing: the dissemination of Republican Bullshitology! RESIST!!
I started watching Keith, when he started hosting Countdown on MSNBC in 2003, and I have followed him ever since.
20 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/29/2017”
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4:57 If you’d ever wondered why you usually see birds photogtaphed in profile, wonder no more. This chicken actually comes off pretty well, if a little menacing. Cranes look like clowns, and bald eagles look like one of the three stooges mugging – no dignity at all.
Jeff – Yes. You are fortunate to have him. And I know there was some good management in there along with the good luck … but with the people you have in the Eastern part of the state, there was some good luck too.
YT/FF – It was inevitable, Repubicans being Republicans, that the cases of Repblican sexual assaulters, including Roy Moore, were going to lead to scams, stings, and manufactured evidence against Democrats. And this is a case in point. But you know they are going to, and may have already started to, manufacture evidence against Democrats, especially progressive Democrats, especially Democrats doing good work. Now, I am not saying no Democrats are guilty. I think John Conyers is, and I suspect at least one other.
But Al Franken, it seems to me, has done what an honest man (guilty of stupidity, and that before he even considered politics) would do – he has requested an investigation. He may be guilty of more, but I’d like an investigation, please. Now we have Garrison Keillor, which seems pointless. I want to know more. But what is next? Jimmy Carter?
TNY – Perfect sendup of whitesplaining! And as disgusting as the real thing!
Cartoon – I havn’t followed him as long as you have … but, still, wiping a tear away.
Imagine if Benny Hill were in the Senate.![26](
Mr. Merkley: WTG! Gosh, I sure do like him. I certainly canNOT say that about my senators. They are so deep in the muck, they have knee pads on. Pathetic!!
NYer: “No one knows more about offending people than Donald Trump,” ‘she’ said. So very true.
Cartoon: Like losing a very good friend. I will miss you, Mr. Olbermann.
Sounds like you’re going to be busy. I agree, I’m so done with leftovers, but I still have some stuffing and gravy left. lol. Hope you have a good relaxing evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom. HI, WWW!!
I’ve long thought that Sarah Huckabee Sanders has ptosis of her right eye.
But if not, she should be warned about untoward side-effects of taking similar medicines simultaneously …
Or, when your excuse for a brain is working overtime trying to make sense of the standard, ordinary english language that some of those around you are using, dang ’em!
How she can CONSTANTLY and ENDLESSLY LIE to prop up Twitler and STILL claim to be a “Christian” is beyond me!
I’m sure you’re right that there is a medical condition, and about which one. But the Nyquil-Dayquil thesis is LOL funny. (She’s not quite old enough to have acquired the face she deserves, but she is well past the “face she was born with” expiry.)
As I’ve said before, I hate to mock folks for things they can’t control. But I think my toe only got close to the line on this one … NOT over it!
Not even that close IMO. Definitely not over. My Coco Chanel quote is just a rule of thumb, not a commandment in stone.
Could NyQuil and DayQuil help her talk out both sides of her mouth at the same time?![12](
Merkley: Telling it like it is!
New Yorker: Telling it like it isn’t!
Upchuck is from another star system, where what is is what is not.
I’ve recovered, now that all the left over desserts are no longer left over. I did finish them over several day’s time. Chinese food is great: You get to eat wonderful tasting stuff, and, if you do “take-out” you can build up a supply of reusable plastic containers, good for packing lunch, and packing left-overs. I had thought the leftovers were done, after the dinner we just finished, but NO! There are 2 more containers of turkey in the fridge. We, no, my wife made a Shepherd’s pie with turkey and other leftovers, a good way to go.
Shepherd’s pie is an EXCELLENT use of leftovers!
Had a busy 2 days in addition to blood sugar lows today — started at 2.8 (34 US) this morning but had 2 more during the day even though I ate — so I am too wiped out to comment. I have however read everything from yesterday and today. Maybe later. Goodnight!
Lynn, get medical attention. 34 is dangerously low!![05](
I made a multiplication error. It should be 2.8 (49 US) which is still very low. I once had a 1.8 (32.4 US) reading and I never want to go there again. I have quarterly blood tests on the weekend and see the doctor next week but all is good. Fortunately I am smart enough to always have an ample supply of glucose by my bed.
That’s still horrid. I had a 30 once. I passed out and ended up in the hospital. Let us know what your doctor says please. Hugs!
I started watching Keith on the Countdown many years ago. Did not watch him during his sports broadcasting segment as I am not into sports anymore. I was very excited and happy when he came back to do The Resistance on the GQ Channel. Keith is the most astute commentator anywhere in USA. Perhaps Keith can do a few shows in the future to help keep us apprised of new situations as they arise. Perhaps an edition of the Best of Keith Olbermann’s broadcasts will be in the offering for the future. Maybe TC can cull a few of them worthy as the best episodes.
I, for one, hope that Keith and GQ were not “forced” to drop “The Resistance” from undue pressure by the extreme right-wing groups and individuals.
I, for one, will miss his decisive commentaries as will others too. Sigh…
Jeff Merkely: “This is the product of a vast cycle of corruption. Corruption enabled by Citizens United, vast funds flowing through our the election system to enable to elect individuals, elected by millionaires and billionaires, to get this bill passed to raze the National Treasury to deliver millions to the billionaires.” Jeff just called his Republican colleagues corrupted crooks, but was anybody listening? Will anyone in the GOP have enough guts to heed Jeff’s: “America should rise and defeat this bill.”?
Sam ?: Fantastic parody. Her joy in finally being approached by someone from Veritas was hilarious. Quite an accomplishment, Sam, to beat the O’Keefe scam, because the account of what happened at the Washington Post was ROTFLMAO hilarious in its stupidity too.
TNY: It was about time you parodied Sarah Huckabee Sanders again, Andy. Every time she’s on TV spouting her Drumpfian BS, my husband – a psychologist also – has a fit of laughter because he tries to find a reason for why she is doing this, defending Drumpf’s lies and retarded behavior with even more lies and retarded BS. He just can’t figure out her motivation or why she keeps on persisting in defending the indefensible. But Nameless might just have given a clue to her behavior and her persistence: medication; lots of medication on top of lots of drugs.
Cartoon: I only know Keith Olbermann from the Resistance video’s you’ve posted here, TomCat, but I’m sure going to miss him. If Mueller takes to long, I wouldn’t be surprised to see Keith back in action – intermittently – though.
Thanks all. Hugs!![17](