Please pardon my brevity. I’m improving slowly, bit not feeling well.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:16 (average 5:13). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Fantasy Football Report:
Here’s the latest from our own fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.
Close, but….
Congrats to Vivian and Seth, our league leaders.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Jeff Merkley Channel): Senator Merkley Speaks Out Against EPA Nominee Wehrum
Sadly, Republicans can and will confirm this earth destroyer, but Jeff is doing the right thing to expose what they are doing. Oregon leads the way! RESIST!!
From Upworthy: See stunning before and after shots of coral reefs as ocean temps rose by only 2 degrees.
Click through to see. Barf Bag Alert!! RESIST!!
From NY Times: An Alabama woman accused Roy S. Moore on Monday of sexually assaulting her when she was 16, the fifth and most brutal charge leveled against the Republican Senate candidate. Senate Republicans are now openly discussing not seating him or expelling him if he wins the Dec. 12 special election.
The new accuser, Beverly Young Nelson, told a packed news conference in New York that Mr. Moore attacked her when she was a teenager and he was a prosecutor in Etowah County, Ala. Ms. Nelson was represented at the news conference by Gloria Allred, a lawyer who has championed victims of sexual harassment.
After that, even Bought Bitch Mitch condemned Moore, but he says Trump should take care of it. What will Trump do? Swap pictures with Moore? RESIST!!
7 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/14/2017”
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4:41 Did anyone else think, “Here’s looking at you, kid”?
Petey Pootie
Jeff – Climate change is already killing 9 million people a year world wide.
Upworthy – Well. There’s always this. Hey, some people are TRYING to help.
NYT – Even Paul Ryan is now saying Moore should drop out of the race. I would be more impressed if I didn’t suspect they are trying somehow to get Jeff Sessions to get that Senate seat back – so Trump can appoint a new AG who won’t recuse.
Cartoon – Yes, and it worked so well for them, they’ve been doing it more and more.
Mr. Merkley: You, Sir, are awesome! Kudos!! for standing up for all of us.
Upworthy: What are we leaving for our children and grandchildren and future generation(s), for caring our wounded Mother Earth? This is so very sad, and depressing. imho.
NYT: What Joanne said, and I also think that that’s what they (probably) will try. Unreal.
Cartoon: UGH!!
Hope that you get to feeling better soon. Take good care,rest/relax, and Thanks, Tom.
Just wanted to share with y’all, I saw this comment (somewhere), but since I have CRS, I wrote it down anyways and KUDOS to the author. Here it is:”Sometimes it almost feels like Trump was installed by an enemy to sabotage our Country.” Truth!!
Merkley is great!
Gingrich is, and always was, an inveterate liar, and bag of puss!
NYT: Handing this over to tRump is a simple, clean, way of failing to take responsibility, for Chicken S*** Mitch!
‘Toon: Did I say that Gingrich was not my favorite guy? The last two times he ran in the primaries, it was for the purpose of selling his books, and milking the fools who donated to his campaigns.
Puzzle — 4:27 Hmmm . . . how did they get a picture of my eyes?
Fantasy Football — Maybe by next week, I’ll be 3rd from the bottom, instead of 2nd from the bottom which isn’t really saying anything since I’ll still be last of the active teams. At least I have a broad understanding . . . I am outstanding in my field, my football field.
Merkley — Kudos Mr Merkley for telling truth to stupidity! Drumpf’s nominees in all categories, and he also, will be seen as idiots by future generations, totally unsuited to their positions and dangers to national security. I would love to be a history student in 50 to 100 years from now to see how Drumpf is regarded.
Upworthy — How anyone can call climate change a hoax when there are devastating occurrences like the death of so much coral globally is beyond SNAFU! And Drumpf demonstrates his stupidity so well by proposing that the US withdraw from the Paris climate accord. We were commenting on the coming weather while was at a meeting this evening. The summer was hotter and drier, but look out for this winter — colder and nastier. It has even started snowing earlier than usual with about 40 cm (16 inches) falling tonight on the Sea to Sky highway which leads up to the local ski hills.
NY Times — Not withstanding the sexual misconduct scandal which of course he denies, Roy Moore was saying that the country needs to get right with God and he can help with that. To hear him talking was scary! And McTurtle is retreating into his shell when it comes to dealing effectively with Moore. Drumpf won’t be able to deal with him either. I heard a piece by Rachael and an Alabama reporter in the know. He says that despite the allegations of sexual misconduct with minors, people in the state will still elect him on 12/12/17 to the senate. Rachael referred to Alabama as the most corrupt state.
Cartoon — Republicans have kept trying it ever since.
Jeff Merkely:
Kudos to Jeff for resisting, and most of all for persisting! He just keeps on going and telling it like it is. But sad to say his is not the kind of telling-it-like-it-is any Republican can understand, if he or she ever wanted to understand it.
Upworthy: That video wants me cry my eyes out in sorrow and shout at the top of my lungs in anger at the same time. In the end all I can do is barf as I think this is happening right now, on the Great Barrier Reef for instance, right under our noses while we can’t muster enough support to put a stop to it.
NYT: Mitch McConnell is only playing political tit-for-tat with Drumpf. Drumpf has thrown Obamacare and the Tax Reform over to the Republicans to take care of and then boxing their ears for not performing; McConnell is throwing Moore at Drumpf, knowing Drumpf won’t do anything about him but saving face himself by “believing the women who accuse Moore”. Another standoff with both sides doing nothing but saving face.
Cartoon: And how powerful it made them feel.
Sorry your mending takes a bit longer, TomCat, but as you’ve learned over time it’s better to invest in fully recovering than demand too much of yourself and have to pay for it with relapses. Keep on taking care.
Thanks all. Sick hugs.