I’m on an unusual schedule this morning. I woke up, like usual, at 5:00. I had a bad case of Republicosis, so I dressed, got out of bed, and motored down to the bathroom in record time. I almost didn’t make. I’ve been back three more times and taken two doses ode Immodium AD. I feel like going back to bed, but I dare not do so, before the Imodium kicks in. So I’ll do all my blogging early and hope I can lie down later.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:43 (average 5:27). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Fantasy Football Report:
Here’s the latest from our own fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.
I would not have won, were I playing an attended team.
Seth, Vivian and I lead the league. Jack, who appears to be AWOL, is in the cellar.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (GQ Channel): Trump is Lying About Russia
Of course Trump is both lying and guilty. We’re just waiting for the shoe to drop and to see who does what about it. RESIST!!
From Addicting Info: In his infamous dossier, former British spy Michael Steele alleged that Trump had paid prostitutes to come up to his room and urinate on one another on a bed that Barack and Michelle Obama once shared. Steele claimed at the time that the incident was filmed and would be used by the Kremlin as “kompromat” (compromising material).
Award-winning British journalist Paul Wood reports for The Spectator that not only do multiple witnesses confirm the pee pee tape, but there are more extreme recordings of Donald Trump than just a couple of Russian girls urinating:
I heard of Russian kompromat — compromising material — on Trump from two sources months before the Steele dossier came to light.
There are, though, reports of witnesses in the hotel who corroborate Steele’s reporting. These include an American who’s said to have seen a row with the hotel security over whether the hookers would be allowed up to Trump’s suite. The dossier’s account of hookers in a Moscow hotel room was the subject of gossip among politicians and intelligence people for months before it was published.
“Now claims are circulating of more tapes showing more extreme behavior. Expect these allegations to emerge in due course,” Wood says cryptically. [emphasis added]
I have no desire to see Putin’s Piddle Puppet on the pee-pee tapes myself, but I want them on display for everyone to see. I want then on the news, and I want them on a wide-screen outside every Republican Supply-side pseudo-Church in the country. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Photo Finish In Race For Virginia
See Cartoon, please. RESIST!!
11 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/7/2017”
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6:15 A bit of a catch.
Dayum! Republicosis does not bode well for an Election Day. I hope I’m just unnecessarily spooked.
Keith # 143 – Well, 72 is a little old for “early” Alzheimer’s. If they mean “in the early stages of” Alzheimer’s, that certainly is a possibility. I did have to crack up over keith’s punchline of “grab a bag of Doritos.” Did anyone else see John Oliver’s “Flood Insurance” show? With the seagull addicted to Doritos?
Keith #144 – Keep nailing it, Keith. OK, you gotta love “Ask for it by name. Well. Given the title, use your own judgement on that.”
Addicting – It has been obvious almost from the beginning that Trump having hookers pee on a bed previously used by the Obamas, to defile it, was not going to deter any of his voters and could, in fact, energize him. I’ve been wondering what else there is. I don’t want to see it either, but I do want to know.
MSNBC – I’m hoping … but my glasses are not rose-colored today. We shall see.
Cartoon – I did, and it has been received for about a week now, and will be counted.
KO: The hole just gets deeper and deeper, doesn’t it? dt was, is, and always will be a liar!! and guilty as H-LL!! They all are liars! (his cabinet).
AI: WHO is their RIGHT mind would DO something like this??? Oh, never mind, dt would. Barfing and sick material, the bully is a very sick man! UGH, bleck!!
MSNBC: I’d vote for Northam if I lived there, I sure hope that he wins. (anyone against dt/rethugs) and dt’s shenanigans has my vote!! GO, Mr. Northam!!
Cartoon: Thank you for the reminder. I early voted by mail, 2 weeks ago.
Did you read this? Syria Vows To Sign Paris Agreement, Leaving U.S. Alone In Climate DenialNicaragua, the other holdout, signed the deal last month in solidarity with nations already suffering from climate change. I read somewhere he (dt) wasn’t invited either. A–Hat!!! *huffpo*
Oh, no! Hope you get better! I was at the middle school today, and did the vision screening. I’m wore out. I don’t know how I worked full days like that with the students, but it sure was fun going back to my olde stomping grounds. Hope that you have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
I early voted, and I did my homework like a proper citizen beforehand – if I may brag.
I hope ALL the people that live in states that have elections are out in force at the polls!!!
KO is AWESOME as usual! And dooooowwwwwnnnn the rabbit hole we go!!!
Thanks for the updates. I’m sure there are MANY more tapes of tRump doing all kinds of perverted things! And Puttin surely has ALL of THEM in a safe marked “do not touch” in his office or under his bed! He probably takes them out from time to time to get a good LAUGH! You know that Puttin has dangled them in front of tRump just to keep him in line!!! If those tapes EVER come out for general population to see, tRump will have a heart attack and so will Melania!!!
Again, thanks for the updates, TC! Later, gator!
It appears that NJ will not have another 4 years of Christi style bull!
KO, and the rest: So much crap emerging that if Nixon were to suddenly reappear he’d be seen as a saint!
I saw the projected (but confident) results, and thought you deserved the honor of posting first. Congratulations! Thank you for voting!
Just a housekeeping note:
I’m heading up to IL tomorrow morning for Mom’s 101st B-day on Veterans’ Day. Taking Mom, my (real) aunt and pseudo-cousin out for lunch on Saturday at a fancy-schmancy restaurant. But first got pill pick up and caddy refills to do, which is why I’m leaving tomorrow. Plus all the odds and ends errands that have accumulated.
Bottom line: There’ll be no “Friday Fun” this week as I’ll be in IL. This is one of the longest intervals between visits, so I’m really looking forward to going (corralling the cat not withstanding).
Have a successful corralling, a good trip to IL and a wonderful visit with your Mom, Nameless. A 101 birthday, that’s not something many of us will ever attend. Wish your Mom a very happy birthday with many years to come in good health.
Have a safe, happy trip, Nameless.
Keith Olbermann #144: Not much new information here with the exception of a few more minor dots connected, so of course Drumpf is lying. He has been lying about Russia and just about anything he opened his mouth or Twitter account on. A year has gone by now, and the damage Drumpf is continuing to inflict on the US and the world is nearly irreparable. Please, Mr. Mueller, do hurry up.
AI: More tapes, showing even more extreme behavior? Please let it not be so, they’ll only distract from the really important things like proven acts and behavior Drumpf can be indicted for. His base doesn’t care about the tapes, they don’t mind anything he does; 91% of them said the would vote for him again.
In New Jersey, Democrat Murphy won over Republican and Chris Christie’s Lieutenant Governor Gadagno, easily with 56 to 43 percent. And in Virginia Democrat Ralph Northan made it to new Governor with 53.7% to 45.1% for Republican Ed Gillespie and Democrat Justin Fairfax made it to Lieutenant Governor with 52.7% against 47.3% for Republican Jill Vogel. Voting maps showed for both states a preliminary Democratic vote in the populated cities and suburbia with Republicans attracting the vote in the thinly populated rural areas.
Sorry to hear about your tummy problems, TomCat. Perhaps the Democratic victories in New Jersey and Virginia will help to put a stop to it.
Thanks all. Sick hugs.