I have a very busy day today. In addition to my normal research and writing I need to change the poll. I also need to make the graphics and collect the data for Friday’s Monthly Report. I’m waiting for a grocery delivery from Store to Door and need to but the food away. Tonight Wendy is coming to destink the TomCat. Tomorrow, please expect only a Personal Update. I have an appointment with Amanda, my Prosthetist, to finish getting George’s adjustments and replacement parts for the year. Thoughts and prayers for all harmed in or because of the terrorist attack. Remember that both this terrorist and the more common Republican terrorists are right wing religious extremists who would force their hatred, control and dogma on others. The only difference is which religion they abuse and misrepresent.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:09 (average 5:01). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (GQ Channel): Did Trump Spot the Indictment’s Most Damning Phrase?
Tick… Tick… Tick… RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Calling it a story “too hot for the other cable-news networks to handle,” Fox News Channel announced on Tuesday that it would begin airing twenty-four-hour coverage of Bill Clinton’s 1998–99 impeachment.
Fox anchor Sean Hannity announced the programming change, telling viewers that Fox would devote all its resources to reporting the Clinton impeachment to the exclusion of all other news stories.
“This story has everything: sex, lies, and misdeeds at the highest levels of our government,” Hannity said. “We are planning to flood the zone to bring it to you.”
Dang Andy! You mean they are going to change from their coverage of Hillary Clinton’s impeachment? RESIST!!
From Robert Reich: The robbers are the American oligarchs who bankroll the Republican Party, and who are plotting the biggest heist in American history – a massive tax cut estimated to be up to 5.8 trillion dollars.
Around 80 percent of it will benefit the richest 1 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center.
Trump is busily distracting America with his explosive tweets and incendiary tantrums – blasting Republican senators Jeff Flake and Bob Corker, NFL players who take the knee, Dreamers, refugees, immigrants, transgender people, the media, “rocket man,” Hillary Clinton, Obama, NAFTA, Muslims.
The Trump bomb is hugely damaging – unleashing hate, threatening democratic institutions, isolating America in the world.
But none of this seems to bother Republicans in Congress, except for a handful of Senators who won’t be running again. That’s because congressional Republicans are concentrating their efforts on pulling off the giant heist for their rich patrons.
Click through for the rest. The Reich on the left could not be more right. RESIST!!
12 Responses to “Open Thread – 11/1/2017”
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6:03 I think you need to wait for the fruit (which may not be as long as it took me to do it.)
Rapid Response Plan being set up in case Trump attempts to fire Mueller
Keith 142 – If DOJ has a policy of not indicting a sitting President – New York doesn’t. All kinds of possibilities.
TNY – Well, that makes sense. It’s what Hannity would do.
Reich<- – Nothing new here. Disgusting, abhorrent, monstrous, but not new. I read that it’s stalled, but that will probably be obsolete before the end of the day.
Cartoon – Yup.
All things on here are absolutely right! And Andy may be RIGHT later on!
With tRump taking Russian mob money to finance his campaign, what will Mueller do with that? Or is that just another wonky story thays running on the webby-web?
If they get that tax plan thru, we are in DEEP dog-doo! TRILLIONS of dollars going to the richest 1% abominable, to say the LEAST!
Take care, TC. I’ve been running behind on catching up with the latest stories. Hope George is doing BETTER to where you don’t have to attend all these appointments for adjustments. Have a GREAT day!
KO: Keep ’em coming, Keith. This is a great video!
NYer: They have always been at a low time average, this just confirms how they’ve been all along, imho. Hannity is… well…you know.
RR: How horribly cruel!!, for the American people.
Cartoon: Of course! They’d have it no other way. ugh!
Tell Wendy Hi, and the best to you and George tomorrow. Hope in between you get your rest. Take care, and enjoy your evening. Thanks, Tom
*Astros lost last night, goes into another game tonight.
Having just learned over at Daily Kos that EPA Sec. Pruitt has blocked all scientists from EPA advisory boards (but welcoming the “captains of industry” to serve – like the fox guarding the henhouse) by citing a Bible verse, I posted this poster I put together:
Beautifully done!
Pruitt is simply taking G.W. Bush’s path, but doing so with intensity. He is little but a whore to the industrialists!
Keith: MOAC!! I like that concept!! You’ve heard of “Circle the wagons!,” right? Well, how about circle the indictments, and then draw the circle tight when appropriate?
New Yorker: A perfect Hannity ploy! Damn, don’t give them any ideas!
Reich: This is what has kept Ryan’s member throbbing for years! This is his wet dream!
‘Toon: Reminds me of the Beatles’ line “I’ll tax you feet!”
Drumpf’s “popularity” continues to drop and is now at 38%. The people who continue to support Drumpf should listen to both Keith Olbermann & Robert Reich as shown, listed in PP. Perhaps those 38%would have a better understanding of what Drumpf is doing to this country. If those same “38%” need humor, comedy to help them, they should listen, watch Samantha Bee & Bill Maher. sigh…
KO #142: Keith is really glowing with glee and who can blame him? We all are.
TNY: Actually, that may not such a bad idea at all, Andy. Faux News watchers may finally learn something and pick up some pointers on how to impeach a president. Best pointer would be that proof of a really impeachable offense is needed; proof Mueller will come up with shortly.
Reich: The 1% have been very clear to the GOP about what they want and also made it very clear that the GOP will cease to exist without their sponsoring. In fact the GOP knows very well that some of this tax cut will end up in its pockets a blood money for the mercenary job they’re hired to do for their masters.
Cartoon: When will the GOP finally learn you can’t pull feathers from a bald chook.
Take it easy, TomCat.
Thanks all. Very tired hugs.