With the recent turns in the Mueller investigation, many of us are celebrating what may be the earliest beginning of the end of the cooperative take over of our government by Russians , Banksters, pseudo-Christians, Nazis and other Republicans. Some of us may think that with so much corruption and scandal from the Republicans, Democrats can walk in and take over. The past shows clearly how mistaken that is. Unless we offer something worth having, any victories we enjoy will be temporary at best. To prevent that, we need to turn left!
A new poll shows most Democratic voters want their party to move left, with new people in charge. In other words, they want a political revolution.
They’ve got the right idea.
If the party establishment thinks Robert Mueller’s investigation will save it, it’s probably wrong. After President Richard Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew were both removed from office for malfeasance, Jimmy Carter barely eked out a win in 1976. Four years later, Ronald Reagan’s victory ushered in 12 years of Republican leadership in the White House.
That’s a lesson for today’s Democrats. High crimes and misdemeanors don’t automatically translate into enthusiasm for the other party, especially in today’s murky political environment. Corruption is more likely to lead to cynicism than to citizen involvement, unless voters are given something to believe in.
A Left Majority Led By Women and People of Color
Democratic voters apparently know what they believe in. In the latest Harvard-Harris poll, a sample of the party’s base voters was asked: “Do you support or oppose movements within the Democratic Party to take it even further to the left and oppose the current Democratic leaders?”
52 percent of those polled said they support those movements, while 48 percent said they oppose them. That’s a call to political insurrection. These voters want to change the party’s ideology. They “oppose” (that’s a strong word, “oppose”) the people who have been running it for decades.
If the implications for the party’s upcoming races seem clear, the long-term implications are even more stark: 69 percent of voters aged 18 to 34 said they support those insurrectionary movements.
Among other things, the Harvard-Harris poll disproves the “Bernie Bros” canard so beloved by the party’s establishment. Democratic insiders have repeatedly insisted that the party’s left is dominated by white males. The implication is that the left is somehow sexist and/or racist.
But the poll shows that support for the left is greater among female voters (55 percent), Hispanic voters (65 percent), and African-American voters (55 percent) than it is among whites (46 percent) or men (49 percent)… [emphasis added]
Inserted from <Our Future>
This a very long and detailed article, so I urge you to click through and read it in its entirety
Turning left is the very best way to
9 Responses to “Turn Left!”
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Great article, saved to read over again.
Thanks, Tom.
Well, basically what we’ve been saying here. I’ll be saving it for reference also.
Left works for me!
I agree!
Turning left is the ONLY way to go.
I was just at the Women’s Congress in Detroit, and had a fantastic time. I learned a lot and did quite a bit of networking. I’d love to hear from other people who were there – it was definitely worth attending. BTW, Detroit may be full of urban decay, but it’s not as bad as you may think; I saw some signs that the city is starting to make a comeback. (Hey, I bought a Ford a few years ago, and after over 126,000 miles, or over 200,000 kilometers, Connie is still running like a champ.) I am working on a report detailing my experiences there. Maybe I can get Care2 interested in it.
You can also publish it here. Since that was JD’s idea, we’ll let her put it up.![04](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkemoticonssk/img/04.gif)
It was actually Squatch’s idea first, but either one of us would gladly post it. I sent Freya a Care2 PM in case she doesn’t come back to check.
It was? My bad! Good idea. Whichever of you posts it is fine by me.![03](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkkbabe/img/03.gif)