Here is the one hundred first article in our Republicans on Parade series, featuring individuals who personify what the Republican Party has become. Today’s honoree is Republican Faux Noise commentator Jenine Pirro, shown below in the outfit that qualifies her for employment at Faux Noise. She is so honored for touting debunked Republican conspiracy theories and attempts to protect her Fuhrer and her Reich from the criminal justice they deserve. After one hundred unique parades, I have decide to allow second parades in the second hundred articles.
News that special counsel Robert Mueller will reveal the first indictment associated with his investigation of potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia on Monday has some people at Fox News very agitated .
In an angry opening statement on Saturday night, Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro called for Hillary Clinton to be jailed.
“It’s time to shut it down, turn the tables and lock her up,” Pirro said.
Pirro said that the justification for Clinton’s incarceration was the Uranium One “scandal,” a theory introduced by Steve Bannon in July 2016 and repeatedly discredited.
Pirro also called for the immediate firing of special counsel Robert Mueller and Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General who appointed Mueller. She cited Mueller role as head of the FBI when the sale of Uranium One to the Russians was approved, as well as his friendship with former FBI Director James Comey…
Inserted from <Think Progress>
Here are the included videos.
Double Barf Bag Alert!!
This is Pirro’s second parade. She earned her first in July 2014 for a fascist rant about Obama on Faux Noise. She clearly deserves her parade, but it would be hard to find a commentator on the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, that doesn’t deserve one, so you know the series shall continue.
11 Responses to “Republicans on Parade – 10/29/2017”
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Hmmmm. I have a more constructive idea about whom to fire. I’ll bet you can guess.
LOVE your framing!
And I assume we’ll get two more days of variations on a theme!!
Has she gotten good at that, or what?
I’m taking a break for Monday Night Football … but El Dia de los Muertos is also coming up.
Love the framing too, and the lettering, Joanne.
Oh, ick!!
I’n not going to watch, but it is nice to contemplate the bozos at Faux News going into some form of apoplexy. I’ve been thinking that they have been trying to program the minds of their sheep to reject any Mueller findings as “fake news,” but am hoping that, instead the Mueller findings will have some of those fools recognize the true source of fake news! This is going off on a bit of tangent, but those sheep that buy the Faux News spin might want to go to Jim Bakker’s website and buy some food for the end times, especially lamb chops! It is SO hard to understand how some people can be so phenomenally stupid!
Now that is some Grade A effort by Faux at distracting us Americans from what we know is coming …
Jeanine Pirro definitely deserves her second parade, as do many others associated with Faux Noise, because over time they have managed to keep up with Drumpf’s deterioration and have become even worse than when they were first billed. But that doesn’t mean I could listen to her voice any longer than I could listen to nails across a black board and after the first 12 seconds of the first video my nerves were frayed and I had my fill.
Faux Noise doesn’t know what Mueller has in store any more than we doe – the dear man runs the most tight lipped operation in current history – but they can guess, knowing what Mueller’s brief is. So, after having failed to discredit him and his associates and after having failed with all their decoy stories in the past months, they know the time for the Drumpf Campaign Team is up and even old chestnuts like “lock her up” will no longer do the trick. Pirro sounded both vile and very desperate, and that all in 12 seconds.
I can’t wait for the first charges to become known.
See today’s lead article!
Parade definitely deserved!
My thoughts on Jeanine Pirro’s rant:
This says it so much better than any words I could write!