Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. Even though there are many more which I can’t include. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as “unceasing,” “grudging,” and “vengeful destruction.”
Well. I promised to keep everyone posted as the Sherin Mathews case developed, and it has. Yes, her body was found. Yes, it was confirmed to be hers through dental records. Yes, her father changed his story. He now says she choked on the milk he was giving her, and that she died, or he thought she died. He has been formally chsrged with “injury to a child.”
The Indian people and the Indian government is very interested in this case, but they are less interested in the death than in the adoption process, which makes sense. The orphanage from which she was adopted is no longer functioning, but the former owner says “The child had no problem when she was here, neither in drinking milk nor in eating.” Also, “We loved her laughter. She was a smart child.” The adoption was handled through an agency, Holt International, under the supervision of the government’s Central Adoption Resource Authority, which says that due procedures were followed, including background checks. India’s External Affairs minister has formally requested the Women and Child Development Minister to investigate the adoption.
And, already, people with similar names are being harassed on social media. Sigh. Well, Tisiphone, it’s still yours.
In a week in which we are still discussing Harvey Weinstein, in a week in which bill O’Reilly has again raised his ugly head (the upper one), this time to complain to God, and of course Donald Trump’s proclivities are being discussed, this story is still going to cause facepalms.
In Chicago, at a massage parlor called Therapy for Everybody, the operations director and lead therapist, Anthony Winters, raped a client. The client reacted in shock, which caused the therapist to nopologize. Why did he do it?
“because he thought she was physically attractive.”
You can fill in the acronyms. Go ahead. As many as you like.
Well, he is being charged with criminal sexual assault, but is apparently not locked up, because the prosecution has asked the judge to ban him from working as a masseur while awaiting trial. This will probably be another one to follow up. Let’s see – Alecto, since rape culture appears to be unceasing, how about you look into it more deeply.
Montanans are debating the motives of two candidates allegedly running for the United States Senate seat currently held by Democrat Jon Tester.
“James Dean” says he is running for the Republican nomination.
“Sarah Dean” says she is running for the Democratic Party nomination.
I am not making this up.
William James Dean, who currently refers to himself as James Dean, “filed to run for president in California under a different name, Daniel Lane Dean, the name that appeared on his Air Force Academy diploma, and his Hawaiian state bar exam, and a divorce record that shows him being served dissolution papers while working for the Judge Advocate General Corps at Guantanamo Bay.”
And not only that, but
“Sarah Dean has used no fewer than four names, each affiliated with an online business, or a Christian ministry, a collection of children’s books, or a crowd-funded charity.” …. “Several of the answers offered by the Deans are like coins in the deep end of a swimming pool, vaguely recognizable but not reachable,” [Billings Gazette reporter Tom] Lutey explained of the encounter.
They also would not confirm that they were married. Questioned, they were apparently unable to provide a wedding date or location. But they have filed the forms to run, and they are not backing down. Both are still running.
Megaera, I don’t see a grudge here (yet), though I do see an awful lot of grift. Maybe you can clarify this – story (for want of a better word. Oh, myth you say?)
The Furies and I will be back.
Cross posted to Care2 HERE.
4 Responses to “Everyday Erinyes #98”
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Tisiphone: a sad ending.
Alecto: this seems cut and dried. I hope he receives a harsh penalty combined with the therapy he needs for an opportunity to repair the issues in his character that allowed him to violate her and rehabilitate himself.
Megaera: This appears to be a SCAM for two Republicans to double their chances.
Goods one, JD!!
Tisiphone: Rest in Eternal Peace, little babygirl. This is so sad on so many levels.
Alecto: Not jailed while awaiting trial for RAPE? Wth?? Good grief!!
Megaera: Wha???? This is odd, yet feasible. But why?
Thank you, Joanne for your post of the Everyday Erinyes.
I think we probably all had a gut feeling this is how the Sherin Mathews case would end. Sad … just very sad.
Glad to learn Mark Halperin’s has added his sexual harassment “confession” to the stew. His story is getting more and more lurid by the day. (Masturbating under his desk while ogling a fellow worker across from him!?!) I think this effectively puts him out of commission. I really always disliked him … IMMENSELY!
I’ll be curious to see how the Dean-Dean story shakes out. Very odd – not sure what their grift is.
Tisiphone: make sure that this sad, but expected, ending does result in the dad (and involved mom?) getting his (and her) due punishment. I doubt that investigating the adoption process will bring much, but then the Indian government can’t allow to be seen as negligent even if the case seems to be one of a very personal failure in parenting. Perhaps the local child care services should have picked up on some signs like little Sherin suddenly presenting with eating and drinking disorders.
Alecto: What a weird story! The rapist apparently didn’t feel he’d done anything wrong and didn’t leave the massage room until the victim accused him of raping her for which he then apologized and waited outside until she had finished dressing. The rapist doesn’t seem of the usual sort of brutal and power/control freak rapists, but thinks he’s allowed to have sex with any attractive women that comes in for a massage. It makes one wonder how often he had done this before and gotten away with it. He needs a lot of therapy and “resocialization” before being let out into society again.
Megaera: You really lost me on this one. It seems like a very badly thought out scam to get campaign money rolling in. Apparently neither Republicans nor Democrats has done a very thorough background check before the let them run for the party. I wish you good luck on figuring this one out, Megaera.
Thanks for posting the continuing story of the Erinyes again, Joanne.