I must have been really tired, because, after sleeping well last night, I slept most if the morning too. There is no improvement in my trigger finger, but I don’t expect any for a few days. It’s a sunny day, and even though it’s only 66°, the room is getting too hot from the sun hitting the wall. TGIF!!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:01 (average 5:01). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (Funny or Die Channel): Republican Tax Plan: How The Koch Brothers Are Robbing America
Republicans are Koch suckers by definition. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Donald Trump on Wednesday signed an emergency travel ban preventing Republicans from fleeing the United States Senate.
In a sombre Oval Office ceremony, a grim-faced Trump signed the ban, which he said would remain in effect “until we figure out what the hell is going on.”
The executive order calls for the relocation of three hundred Border Patrol officers from the Mexican border to Washington, D.C., in order to form what Trump called “a human ring of steel” around the Capitol Building.
Under the travel ban, Republican senators will be permitted to leave their seats in the Senate chamber for meals and bathroom breaks but will be strictly forbidden from speaking to journalists in the building’s corridors.
Andy, is this supposed to be satire? RESIST!!
From Alternet: NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers criticized Republicans and right-wing media for trying to keep the focus on attacking Hillary Clinton even when no credible reason exists.
The conservatives’ latest nonsense claim is that Clinton was colluding with Russia. Why she would try to collude with Russia to her own detriment is never really explained.
But the right-wing media doesn’t care about the facts, only keeping the focus on a perceived villain.
“The right would rather talk about Hillary Clinton than Trump,” Meyers said. “That’s because the right, in the Trump era, doesn’t have coherent principles or an ideology. It just has enemies. Which is why they prefer to inhabit an alternate reality where Hillary Clinton is president. And what little you will hear about Trump won’t be negative.”
Here’s the video:
Barf Bag Alert!!
Amen Seth! Kudos! RESIST!!
And we are still the incarceration nation to our shame.
12 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/27/2017”
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FoD: Yes, Republicons are the worst! Last sentence says it all. imho.
NYer: LOL, but in reality, imho, they should all leave, and take their goose stepping Führer with them!!
Alternet: I agree with his (Seth’s) statement completely. dt is a complete lying A – -!! smh!!
Cartoon: OH! So very sad!
I love the cooler weather, however…anything below 70 is cold to me, (now). We are dipping to 37 tonight. Brrrr! Glad that you are resting. Enjoy your evening, take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
We’ll hit the low 30° next weekend.
GEEZ, Andy! That was SOME article! Could be kind close to the bone, ain’t it?
Haven’t had a chance to watch the vids, but I’ll get to them later.
It will take while for the cortisone to work. Are you going to have to get more? I always had to have a string of three. Hope the repukkklican trigger finger gets to flippin SOON!
Last time, it took only one.
4:50 Unlikely site for a tipi.
FoD – Can’t take any more of this myself.
Andy – I think one of those guards is assigned to make sure Bill Browder doesn’t get in – although, if he did, Trump would likely hand him over to Russia immediately to be tried for murder. Oh, wait – maybe they are there to keep the Senate available for arrests? I just saw the headline on Raw Story and CNN “First charges filed in Mueller investigation – arrests expected Monday.”
Seth keeps getting better, IMO.
Cartoon – Let’s get out some of those marijuana-smoking (eating, drinking, whaever) “criminals out so there will be room for all the sex offenders!
Finger – What Viv said!
That’s quite lovely.
FOD: For the Koch brothers, like Drumpf, this is how business works: They’ve earned their return (tax cuts) on their investments (Republican politicians).
TNY: Soon there will be a ring of human-traffickers around the capitol, using this new opportunity to make some money, although it took them a while before they realized term “human” was applicable here too, Andy. And I’m sure the traffickers will take them to Drumpf’s hotels and golf resorts despite the ban, because how else is Drumpf going to make money out of his presidency.
Seth Meyers:
Bingo! Full marks for that one, Seth!
And the Hannity “defending Drumpf” montage was hilarious. Who needs enemies when he’s got Hannity?!
Thanks for posting Seth Meyers’ “A Closer Look”, TomCat. I’ve been following some of them for a while now and Meyers has hit the mark in most, he’s really good in those segments.
Cartoon: Hasn’t it doubled since then?
Give your finger the rest it needs to heal, TomCat, because after that you’ll need to use it on a daily basis.
According to the US Bureau of Justice Statistics as noted in Wikipedia, “2,220,300 adults were incarcerated in US federal and state prisons, and county jails in 2013 – about 0.91% of adults (1 in 110) in the U.S. resident population.” And of course, there is a disproportionate number of African Americans in those numbers.
Certainly TC knows much more from his volunteer work, I just read.
Lona, when I made the cartoon, it counted prisons only. It’s now over 1.5 million. It’s over two million, only if you count county and city jails.
Puzzle — 3:52 Odd place for a tipi! You can keep the castle. I’ll take the tipi.
Funny or Die — “How The Koch Brothers [and nearly all billionaires and millionaires] Are Robbing America” — Drump’s tax reform has to hit the skids into the garbage before it hits air to breathe.
The New Yorker — I’m with Pat! Get rid of them all — the Senate Republicans, the House Republicans and Drumpf too! They are a cancer for which there is no cure except excision!
AlterNet — Kudos to Seth Myers! I’ve enjoyed a number of his “A Closer Look” spots — he is usually spot on!
Cartoon — And there was nowhere to go but up! Is this what Drumpf means by MAGA?
Thanks all. Hugs!!