I’m feeling much better today. I think I was just overly tired in addition to fall allergies that seem to bother me every year around this time. I planned my grocery list and placed my order with Store to door. The sun is hitting the wall, and I may actually have to crank on the AC because of it.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:35 (average 5:47). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Fantasy Football Report:
Here’s the latest from our own fantasy football league, Lefty Blog Friends.
Woooo Hoooo!!
Congrats to Seth, who is the active leader.
Don’t be caught off guard by Sunday’s early morning game in London.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (GQ Channel): John Kelly and Sarah Huckabee Sanders Must Resign
I fully agree with Keith, but the list of people who should resign, because they are indefensible, hateful liars, includes the entire Republican Reich! RESIST!!
From YouTube (Jeff Merkley Channel): Climate Disruption Quiz Episode 5
I was five for five. How about you? Jeff has forgotten very little about the environment, but he has forgotten more than Republicans ever learned, by choice. Oregon leads the way! RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Calling himself “unbelievably brave,” Donald Trump said on Monday that he is the only President in U.S. history with the courage to stand up to war widows.
“You look at guys like Obama and Clinton and the Bushes, when it came to war widows, they all blinked,” he said. “For years, we weren’t winning at widows.”
In contrast, Trump said, he has made defeating war widows one of his top priorities as President. “Forget about Iran and China and Little Rocket Man,” he said. “This country has been pushed around by war widows for far too long.”
Trump said that Senator John McCain, who has mocked the President’s draft-dodging during Vietnam, has “never shown an ounce of courage when it comes to fighting war widows.”
Andy, that just may be exactly how the Orange Outrage and his Republican Reich see it. RESIST!!
14 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/24/2017”
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5:40 An ancient rodeo?
Keith # 138 – Lies and the lying liars who tell them. Agatha Christie once, through one of her characters, quoted an old saying, “I always said I’d rather marry a liar than a fool.” I’m not sure lying per se is exactly the problem, although these lies certainly are, because they are SO shameful. But let’s not miss the fact that this “President,” and everyone in his regime, is not just a liar, but a liar AND a fool.
Jeff – I was five for five also. I admit I had a nagging doubt as to whether there ARE 31 communities in Alaska, but I knew Alaska was in trouble bigly, so I persevered.
TNY – Straight news AGAIN. But I sympathize with Andy. All the humorists say it’s next to impossible to create satire when reality is so surreal.
Cartoon – Yes, that’s good, but I still like the alligator. It has teeth. Ad knows how to use them.
Thanks, TC! I’m late on getting my animals fed, so I’m off! Cats are cryin and dogs are barking! Oh, MY! Gotta get my babies some food!
KO: I totally agree with Keith, all liars from Humpty Dumpty all the way down the line. I believe that every time that dt says “Believe Me!’….. DON’T! and every time he twitches, (which is most of the time…) he’s lying. imho.
JM: Kudos to Mr. Merkley!! Got 5 for 5. We need more forests/trees!!
NYer: On the subject of this, I would think that dt’s book of daily blunders, bloops/tweets, etc., is getting thicker and thicker, with his lack of knowledge, respect, or showing compassion towards the citizens of this great land. He does the Limbo every.single.day!! imho. or golfs.
Cartoon: Yep, excellent picture of them all.
I got kicked in the pants with the incoming fall allergies a couple weeks ago. It’s not a good feeling, feeling icky all the time. A family member who lives in SD, CA., took a pic and sent it to me yesterday, showing the car thermo at 107 degrees!!!! That’s Texas summer highs, not October, or at least I thought. WoW! Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
I hope you feel better!
YT/GQ: The list of people who would resign if they had a grain of decency is longer than I-75.
TNY: Trump is even less brave than he is honest. Who the bleep “stands up to” a war widow? That takes more chutzpah than kicking Darth Vader in the family jewels!
Cartoon: Tomcat, you are being much too kind to the Rethuglicans!
I was AWOL yesterday enjoying a delightful day of leaf-peeping w/ my 88 y/o pseudo-uncle and 79 y/o pseudo-aunt. (They’re the KCMO brother & sister of my real aunt – but she’s my aunt by marriage.)
We started the day w/ taking my “uncle’s” son (who is also a Lutheran minister like his dad) out to breakfast before driving him up to the airport for a flight back to NYC. He’s an ELCA minister of a church in an outer borough, and had been in town for a week to help his Dad settle in to his new apartment in a retirement community.
After dropping him off, we took the backroads up to Weston, MO – a bucolic town on the rolling hills along the Missouri river w/ lots of New England charm known for its whiskey distillery and tobacco farms. (That they grow tobacco up here surprised me when I moved in back in 1979.)
Then headed up to Atchison, KS to tour the Amelia Earhart Museum, which is the home she grew up in on the bluffs overlooking the Missouri river …
And then the Atchison County Historical Museum featuring the Atchison-Topeka-Santa-Fe Railways.
Heading south we stopped to view the Leavenworth Petitionary (with any luck & justice, the future home of Trump et al). They offer NO visitor tours. So we headed to Fort Leavenworth literally just down the street a few blocks. The most striking part of our tour there was its beautiful National Cemetery.
It was one of the earliest of our 14 National Cemeteries, and was created by Pres. Lincoln in 1862. It holds the remains of over 23,000 military personnel.
We were a bit disappointed – and surprised – that the autumnal foliage wasn’t as bright as we had hoped – especially this late in October. But we had a wonderful time!
It looks like you had a great time!
What a wonderful road trip! All the National Cemeteries I have seen – I won’t say “look alike”, but they do have a family resemblance. No point in tampering with a formula that works. So glad you had this opportunity and took it.
I love the cartoon, it is soooo Trump!
Puzzle — 4:35 And that’a no bull!
Fantasy Football — Woo Hoo!!! I finally got 2 wins . . . and in a row! Unfortunately, each of the other teams was essentially absent, so it is not about my skill, but pure luck.
YouTube — There is an article in Alternet in which students at Harvard, where Spicer now holds a fellowship (what jackass set that in place?), recalled for HuffPost:
So Huckabee Sanders, John Kelly, Spicer, and all the other minions are knowingly parroting all the lies of the Liar-in-Chief. If lies were Big Macs, Drumpf and his entire administration would be a bunch of blimps! Keith is absolutely correct, with your addition of course — the entire Reich should resign in disgrace. Unfortunately, that won’t happen until pigs fly!
Jeff Merkley — Are we a bunch of “know it alls” or what — I got 5 of 5 also. Like JD, I hummed and hawed a bit over Alaska and New Hampshire but went with Alaska having lived in the north for 3.5 years and developed an understanding many of the climatic pressures.
The New Yorker — Well I suppose his war on widows keeps him from Kim Jong Un and the nuclear codes, because after all, his pea brain can’t multi-task. The Liar-in-Chief is a certified asshole, so much so that his general physician is actually a proctologist!
Cartoon — Is it that ditch again? Yesterday I said: Looks like the Association of Elephants is about to tell Republicans what they think of their misappropriation of an elephant likeness. Now that is going to stink . . . but less than Republicans!
Keith Olbermann #137: Of course spot on Keith suggests that the liars, whose only job it is to lie for the liar-in- chief and defend Drumpf with lies when he gets himself into trouble again with stupid, clumsy, insensitive, demeaning lies because he can’t do any presidential task right, should resign. But even more spot on was that Keith pointed out how the whole charade seemed to be another diversion from what really happened in Niger, why it happened and what the four men ambushed there were really doing there. What were American soldiers doing there in an “unmarked”, i.e. unarmored vehicle?
Jeff Merkley: Jeff is doing terrific things for this planet and his quiz is just one of those. I wish he could borrow some of the abundance of Drumpf’s showmanship and be a tad more inspiring. His approach will of course appeal to all the know-it-alls here and in the rest of the country. But that is exactly the problem: they know it all already. But how to convince those teetering on the fence? How to get the attention of those that see Climate Change affecting their own surroundings and putting them and their families at risk? I have to admit I have no answers – I’m the lecturing kind myself – so don’t read this as an attack on Jeff Merkely. Far from it, but if the GOP knows how to put the fear of just about everything in peoples heart, why can’t Democrats do the same for Global Warming and mobilize everyone to do the right thing for this planet and themselves, including voting?
TNY: Yes, winning from war widows is about as far as even Drumpf sees himself “winning” anything, but I very much doubt he has the courage to take them on. Too many witnesses about.
Cartoon: Great!

And when combined:
So glad you’re feeling less lethargic today, TomCat.
Keith Olbermann: # 138. Spot-on. A new liar has now come forth in the guise of a retired “4-star” marine general to take his place among other, well-known liars in current administration of Not-My-President Drumpf including mouth-piece Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Note: I would include the names of many other GOP liars but the list is much too long to name them all. sigh…
Cartoon: Yup, the GOP are a bunch of nasty turds that should be buried underneath the trash heap of useless … [insert your own personal descriptive adjective]. lol.
Thanks all. Very Tired Hugs!