Oct 202017

For those of us of a certain age, the “Please Stand Up” catchphrase brings back memories of that old TV show “To Tell the Truth”.  But it appears applicable to the latest meme coursing through the intertubes: Melania Trump uses a body double.

Apparently it all started a week ago when an Andrea Wagner posted on her Facebook page:

Will the real Melania please stand up? Is it me or during his speech today a decoy “stood in” for Melania??…

Posted by Andrea Wagner Barton on Friday, October 13, 2017

The video clip she included zooms in on the Melania stand-in, who’s wearing a trench coat and huge sunglasses, nodding along to Twitler’s gibberish defending his latest antics.  (There’s no CC – so I have no idea what he’s yammering about.)

According to the photos Wagner included, the “tell” was the nose.  Apparently it reminded folks of the one found on those fake Groucho Marx glasses (well, minus his trademark bushy eyebrows and mustache).


That combined with the weird comment by Trump when he said: “I’m joined here by my wife Melania … who also happens to be here today.”  (But then again, what comment by Trump ISN’T weird?)

Wagner’s post garnered over 130,000 “Shares” – which, I guess, by Facebook standards, gives it the credibility imprimatur of the Bible – with some folks agreeing and others not.

But I don’t see why people would be surprised Twitler kept a fake Melania around.  After all, he’s got a fake Renoir painting hanging in his private jet.  He’s got fake Time magazine covers of him hanging in his golf club resorts.  He even put up a plaque at his golf club on Lowes Island, VA commemorating a fake Civil War battle (“The River of Blood”) that never happened.


And sure enough, a few days later the Melania Doppelganger Meme segued over to Twitter, where it had a field day, led off by a Joe Vargas.

Some of the subsequent Tweets are plausible, with a number of them cracking me up with their versions of the Melania stand-in …

Others not so plausible …

But some were cute …


Some were just plain unnerving



Don’t know why, but I got a kick out of this goofy one …

Some took a bit of effort for me to figure out …

That one is NOT Melania!  It’s Donald with the orange skin and weird yellow hair!

But for a closing observation, I think we have to go with this one

Have to agree – in 2017 things have gotten so weird we simply cannot rule anything out these days



  6 Responses to “Friday Fun: Will the Real Melania Trump Please Stand Up”

    • Interesting that many people think the “tell” is the nose.  I can see it when it’s pointed out, but I think the mouth is also a yooge “tell.”  When one’s face is as rested as it can be, it looks a certain way, and it pretty muchlooks that way all the time,  And particularly the corners of the mouth.  Those two faces both look reste, but the corners of the mouth don’t point the same directions. 

      Of course, if I were Melania, I’d desperately want to get out of certain appearances too.  This life is not what she signed on for.

  1. I had not seen this, but boy, this is GOOD!

    Quite frankly though, I can’t stomach watching/listening to anything Humpty Dumpty says, as it’s repetive, and all lies.

    I do LOVE all the comments, and the pictures. Hilarious. (I liked the Patrick Monahan pic!) lol

    Thank you, Nameless for post, and Joanne for cross posting.

  2. Good one Nameless! 04

    There is actually a perfectly rational explanation for this.  The double gives him one to grope with each tiny hand.

  3. A fake “president”, fake news, fake Inauguration, fake White House, fake WH correspondence and now a fake “Melania”… Oooh, where and when will all of this end… sigh…


  4. With that nose it’s either not Melania or she’s recovering from a bad nose job. In that case she needs to be reminded what all those nose jobs did to Michael Jackson.

    The weirdness is indeed getting to a point where nothing can be ruled out. Personally I could understand that Melania wants out of this madness in the White House and away from her husband’s madness. He may be suffering with dementia, she must be suffering from his dementia. Of course Drumpf would never admit to that, but perhaps the double is Melania’s idea: someone to appear and nod with Drumpf on his bad days.

    Thanks for some great Friday entertainment, Nameless!

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