This is my only article today. Wendy has been going through a heart-wrenching time. Her sister had brain cancer and was about to pass. Wendy hoped it would be quick to limit Carrie’s suffering. Yesterday, I had missed my morning nap for grocery delivery. After I finished my blog work and was about to lay down, Wendy called and asked to come early, because she wanted to be home early, as Carrie appeared to be fading. Of course, I agreed, although it meant missing my afternoon nap. Wendy was done, and we finished supper at 4:30. I had trouble sleeping, snacked on too much junk food in the middle of the night, and gave myself a case of Republicosis. I went back to bed this morning and got a little sleep, despite three trips to the throne room. While I was sleeping Wendy left a message that Carrie passed at about 8:30 last night. Please remember Wendy and her family in your thoughts, prayers, or however you address the infinite.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:54 (average 5:43). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes from Full Frontal Channel:
I didn’t know most of that. RESIST!!
Health Care: How To Make A Jacked Up American Quilt
Every penny spent on children’s health is a penny Republicans can’t spend on a billionaire. RESIST!!
Dang! Do you know what old Jewish Republicans are? Republicans! RESIST!!
This mirrors the Republican solution to thousands of guns in the wrong hands.
9 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/5/2017”
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6:03 Yeah, this jasmine is definitely twisted.
Oh, dear Wendy! So much stress! {{{{{{{{{{Wendy}}}}}}}}}} (graphic hugs)
Puerto Rico – Mierda, indeed! I knew when Puerto Rico became a US territory, because I looked it up when I saw a comment that “Lin-Manuel Miranda’s father immigrated from Puerto Rico to the United States as a teenager”, and I thought “I don’t think so.” He would have had to have been in his late nineties when Lin Manuel was born. But the rest of it I didn’t know. Although it’s all of a oiece with the rest of U.S. history, isn’t it?
Health Care – Some states have enough money for a few months. Of course, the ones that don’t are the ones that need CHIP the most. The quilt metaphor – the musical “Quilters” starts with the line, “All my friends’ patterns are in this quilt.” Sam’s drunk pioneer womanliving among possums clearly didn’t have ANY friends either.
Bubby – Sweetie, you forgot the barf bag alert.
Cartoon – I was shocked to read that the NRA is now coming put in favor of control of bump stocks. We’ll see if ANYTHING comes of that. Oh, and a Conservative op ed calls for the repeal of the Second Amendment. Again, we’ll see what if anything comes of that.
Love Sam!! omg….my favorite vid is Bubby vs. Bubby! Nana TC and Barry Silver are great!!! Loved this!! & Hallelujah!!
My deepest condolences and prayers to Wendy at reading about the passing of her sister.
Thanks, Tom for the post, and news!
Dear Wendy –
May all the fond memories you have of your sister be a balm in your time of such sorrow.
Puzzle — 4:26 I wonder if this is the type of jasmine with which tea is made.
Sam I — Drumpf demonstrates in spades his total ignorance, arrogance and lack of compassion when dealing with the Puerto Rican situation. Want to talk about leadership Drumpf? You stink and are not in any way a leader.
Sam II — Love the possum but not what it did to children’s healthcare. Republicans let CHIP expire for what reason? Two reasons: 1) They only care about future children . . . you know, in utero; and 2) Republicans want more money for billionaires because Republicans and billionaires don’t play well with others. Karma will be a bitch to the Republicans!
Sam III — “Yea, I do have hope because all these people will be gone by then.” — Too funny. Grandma should be a comedienne. The indoctrinated and brainwashed, Alan Bergstein included, need to open their eyes and see Drumpf for the asshole he is!
Cartoon — The perfect place for Republicans . . . in a deep and slippery mud pool where they can wrestle all they want.
Resist, Persist and Remove!!!
Silence is Consent!!!
I lit a candle for Wendy and her family and added them to my prayers. I can certainly appreciate where she’s at . . . it has been a really rough year. Like with my mother and my friends that passed this year, there is no more pain and that is a blessing.
Sam ?: Excellent video that makes it very clear that Puerto Ricans may have been given American citizenship, but the island is still treated like a colony in every other respect, including having to be very grateful for the few handouts that are coming in so late.
Sam ??: Again a very good history lesson there. Almost made me forget that Republicans let funding for CHIP expire. WTF? ??? (excuse my acronyms and emojis)
Sam ???: Got to
Nana ThunderCunt!
Cartoon: Yes, more mud, uhm…guns so victims can protect themselves against snipers high up with automatic weapons. What the heck, Republicans might as well give them mud, the result would be the same.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow, TomCat. My thoughts are with Wendy.
Sam 1: The Jones Act needs to be repealed completely and thrown into the ash heap immediately to be long forgotten. Puerto Rico is worst off than Alabama because of this “act”.
Sam 2: What is wrong with these congresscritters!! Letting CHIPS expire!!
Sam 3: Thundercunt strikes again. lol.
Cartoon: Want more mud? Try Coal Ash Mud… Yup, that is exactly what Drumpf wants to do.
My condolences to Wendy over the passing of her sister, Carrie. I know what she is experiencing as my sister passed away this past May.
Thanks and hugs to all. Wendy thanks you for your condolences.
Tell Wendy we ALL feel for her and send our condolences. I’ve been there and she is going through hell right now. Anything that I could do for her is nothing compared to what you can do for her. Just be there as a shoulder to rest on and she will love having you there for her!
Haven’t watched Sam B. yet. Have to set aside some time to watch it. Watching the news as I listen to my husband and the tv at the same time. Man.
Take care, TC! And our thoughts are with Wendy at this difficult time.