It’s a busy day for me. I’m waiting for Store to Door to arrive with my groceries, and I’ll have to put them away. This evening, Wendy is coming to polish and buff the TomCat that manages to get stinky, even when there is no heat wave.
All put away now. Hump Day Hugs!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:15 (average 5:13). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (GQ Channel): Trump is Not Planning to Rebuild Puerto Rico
No President, no American, no human being. Does Keith know the Fuhrer and his Republican Reich, or what? They care only about Banksters’ blood money!! RESIST!!
From YouTube (Liberal Redneck Channel): On Guns
I have no problem with whooping and shooting at beer cans, while the ladies discuss how stupid we are. In my day, I’ve done a bit of that myself. But he’s absolutely right. We can try. Until we succeed, we can RESIST!!
From YouTube (Media Matters Channel): Right-wing media: It’s never the time to talk about gun violence
Barf Bag Alert!!
As long as the Republican Party remains in power, it will never be the time to talk about common-sense measures to save lives. Every Republican in office is one Republican too many. RESIST!!
14 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/4/2017”
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4:13 I think just because I tossed my mouse pad (long overdue) but we’ll see.
“Finding Your Roots” is back, and last night featured Bernie Sanders and Larry David. full show here (I didn’t embed because it’s 53 minutes)
Keith # 130 – Nothing to add to this. It is right on the money in every way.
Trae – Well, this too is right on the money in every way. And sad.
MM – You know, when people start talking about agendas, I tend to say something like, “Everyone has an agenda. (This person’s) agenda appears to be (saving lives). What’s yours?” It tends to shut people up. I know I posted this yesterday, but it deserves a re-run.
Cartoon – No kidding.
If you have a cordless mouse, don’t use a mouse pad . . . it slows it down. See if that helps with the puzzle times. I have been using a cordless mouse by Logitech for several years and love it.
I do, and it’s optical – well, I guess most mice are these days – but it does like a more consistent pattern, and the desk is wood grain, so I really should stick to that. (I really was using the pad more for comfort than speed.) But I didn’t do well today even without the pad. Of course there are always allergies.
Keith: There is, and never has been a “heart” in the Empty Orange, that’s part of why he is “empty.” Money not, I believe, his god, but adulation is!
Trae: He lays it right out there, in black and white!
YT/MMC: As commented the other day, while at the gym, on Monday, Faux News was showing a headline about “Dems and the media politicizing Las Vegas.” All these clowns (Oh, people are really “interested in the economy,” rather than concerned about mass killings?) are trying to cover up the fact that the GOP politicized gun control with ALL their votes to have none!!!!! They and their propagandists never acknowledge their complicity in ANYTHING!
DK: Well said, Keith. dt in PR., throwing paper towels to folks there, like it’s a party. The pain is real in PR. The only thing ‘fake’ is dt.
Trae: Speaks the truth, I agree. Something has got to change! Well said. AND sad!!
MM: Their flippant attitudes about gun shooters killing other people is appalling! BBA indeed !!
Here’s Trevor Noah’s take on this….”Fox News Has a Hard Time Processing the Las Vegas Shooting: The Daily Show”https://www dot youtube dot com/watch?time_continue=25&v=nV5fXPVeZoQ
Cartoon: Yep!!!
Hope that you have a good & relaxing evening, Hi!! Wendy!! Take care, and Thanks, Tom.
Hi, me again
Here’s the link:
Great minds fall in the same ditch!
Loved Keith’s video. He is absolutely right! “When are y’all gonna tell me how fabulous I am” is Drumpf’s constant mantra! He makes me so SICK! I have had it with his lame actions! How in the world are we EVER gonna get rid of this septic tank of a president?
The Liberal Redneck says EVERY THING that I am thinking! And in a voice that I identify with! Hard to believe that he’s REAL! I didn’t know there was ANY rednecks that had a clue about being liberal, except me and my family! Gotta love that kind of a mind!
Thanks, TC! That was a boost to my flagging faith in humanity!
Keith Olbermann: What can be added to this excellent analysis. Drumpf is about one thing only and that is MONEY. And that is why the 1% and the GOP are playing along with him: he is the high priest to their god called Money. And to hell with everyone else who isn’t of their faith and wants some attention from their god too, including disaster struck Puerto Rico.
LR: You can’t imagine how refreshing it is to hear the plain truth coated in a thick southern drawl coming out of Trae Crowder’s mouth. It’s the sharp contrast between progressive words and the Dixie coating that makes the the truth stand out even more strikingly. Keep it up, Trae, you are heard and one day soon Americans will try.
MM: Sickening. Trevor Noah said it all for me two days ago in the first 4 minutes or so of this video:
Catoon: No normal person could sleep with a night light like that, but having no conscience makes Republicans sleep well under any circumstance, I guess.
You don’t necessarily need a heat wave to long for a nice cleansing buff, TomCat
I wish I could view Trevor but I can’t find it on What date did it come out? Maybe that will help.
It was published on October 3.
Puzzle — 4:02 My chain fell off the sprocket because it was old and very loose!
YouTube — Keith is spot on . . . again, or should I say still! Drumpf is a degenerate, old sot who’s poison of choice is money, power and his own aggrandisement. I wonder if Puerto Ricans want to become a state in a country whose government, and particularly its resident in charge, refers to them as lazy and deadbeats.
YouTube — There is a proverb which I learned from my momma when I was knee high to a grasshopper that goes: If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, and try again! And while you are trying, keep resisting. I like this guy (although I do occasionally have trouble understanding his accent) because he makes so much sense. Kudos to the Liberal Redneck!

MM — How many times must people endure the carnage of mass murders using guns before it becomes appropriate to talk about gun control? In standard Republican fashion, McTurtle has already said talking about gun control in the wake of the Nevada murders is inappropriate. If that is so, WHEN would be appropriate? Rabid Republican supporters are worried about their old, racist, bigoted, pasty white asses which would be in no danger if they would drop their xenophobic, discriminatory beliefs. These far right talking heads are the real fake news trying to whip up hysteria, along with far right politicians, within the Republican base.
Cartoon — This Republican night light does not soothe fears of the dark . . . only makes them worse!
Thanks all! Republicosis hugs!