Here are the results of our “Why to Impeach Trump” poll. Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories. Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population. Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking of the majority of those who actually do think.
Since our polling site no longer enables us to copy and paste your poll comments, you may read them here.
I chose all of the top eight. The only question was whether to include ‘Treason’ as no declared state of war exists. In my opinion, Trump abetted the commission of an act of war by Russia against the United States, and that meets the Constitutional definition of ‘levying War against them’.
The new poll is up. Please vote.
12 Responses to “Poll Results – 10/3/2017”
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Trump and the Republicans determine whether something is terrorism based on the skin color of the perp. That is not the legal definition, and it should not be ours.
The legal definition of terrorism, at least at the Federal level, includes the proviso that the act must be done for a political purpose. Since there is as yet no evidence that I have heard that there was any political purpose behind this shooting, I have to agree that it is too early, and may never be correct to call the shooter a terrorist. But you can bet that if the shooter were other than a white male, they would be screaming “Terrorist!” regardless of evidence.
It is perfectly possible for a while male to be a terrorist, and I offer Dylan Roof and Robert Dear off the top of my head as evidence. And in a recent article, the FBI said the ration of foreign to domestic terror crimes they were investigating this year was one to one – about t thousand of each – and when they say that, they mean political motives. Not skin color.
And today, after posting this yesterday, I read this article by Masha Gessen, which says much the same, only better (she is the woman who pretty much wrote the book on resistance to autocracy))
Impeach ASAP!!!!
Most definitely want Mueller to dot every “i” and cross every “t”!
But yesterday … last week … January21st would be fine w/ me.
Good comments, all.
Thanks, Tom.
What we need is that he damned well be impeached, and then take Pence, Ryan and McTurtle to leavenworth with him! Sadly, as per your recent cartoon of Agent Orange, it was the Tea Party people, who Boehner initially encouraged, that forced him out, putting Lyin’ Ryan in his place! The GOP gets increasingly like a terrorist organization, little by little!
How about lots by lots?
“I voted for all but treason because a certain Puddy Tat taught me that treason applies only where there is a state of declared war. Sedition covers it when there is no declared war. I also ticked ‘other’ for stupidity, racism and bigotry — those should be easy to prove each day!”
A certain Puddy Tat then replied to my comment:
“I believe it also applies to assisting in an act of war against the US.”
I would amend my comment to also include money laundering under other.
My overall position: get the bastard out of the WH!
When I made my original statement, the notion that such a scenario as this could occur had never even crossed my mind.
Drumpf’s residency is so disastrous that I’m beyond caring what they impeach him for, as long as they do it. Soon!
This is what I wrote on the poll:
New Poll: I”ll tick off on ALL high crimes plus Other (comment): money laundering, “unconstitutional / illegal pardons”, Diddling the Electoral College, racketeering.
It doesn’t matter to me under whatever charge Drumpf gets arrested for whether it is federally or from the State of NY. As long as Drumpf gets arrested, convicted and sent to prison is fine with me. I so want Drumpf in an orange jumpsuit is all that matters to me! Drumpf has made a mockery of the office of POTUS.
Thanks all. Busy Hugs!