Welcome to October. Wendy may be here before I finish writing. It’s a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb. My Broncos will be televised. May the blessed Orb shine its holy light on your team, unless they wear an eye-patch in California. Tomorrow, please expect no more than a Personal Update, as I have an appointment with Christine for my cataract surgery four week follow up.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:28 (average 5:23). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (SNL Channel): The Chaos President Cold Open
Dang! They act almost as Republican as the Republicans. RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: The widespread anger and outrage this week incited by Donald Trump’s comments on the NFL protests has once again shown how hypocritical and racist so many Americans are. Americans, Republicans in particular, are all for free speech but when black people exercise it, it sends some of them into a violent frenzy. It doesn’t matter who is doing the protesting, whether it’s black athletes or ordinary black citizens—they find any excuse to paint black protest as a danger to safety and democracy.
This is especially true if violence occurs at a protest. Recently, a police officer in Baton Rouge tried to sue Black Lives Matter for injuries he sustained during a protest against police brutality in July 2016. Along with suing DeRay Mckesson, an activist who attended the rally, the officer claimed that Black Lives Matter and Mckesson were responsible for inciting the violence that caused him harm. On Thursday, a federal judge ruled that the officer cannot sue Black Lives Matter and threw the case out.
If a crime was committed against the officer, and he was not injured in the process if committing police brutality, then he needs to sue the individual, who injured him. RESIST!!
From NY Times: Representative Nancy Pelosi might have retired from Congress had Hillary Clinton been elected, content that she was leaving the government in capable female hands.
“One of the reasons I stayed here is because I thought Hillary Clinton would win, we’d have a woman president and so there would be a woman not at a seat at the table, but at the head of the table for the world,” said Ms. Pelosi, the liberal Californian and longtime leader of House Democrats.
“We wanted to have a woman president,” she said in an interview for the New York Times podcast “The New Washington.” “But when we didn’t, then I couldn’t walk away and say, O.K., just let all the men have the seats at the table that are making decisions for our country.”
When Nancy Pelosi was Speaker, I called for her resignation on several occasions, because she is more centrist than progressive and more corporatist than democratic socialist. However, she is an effective Minority Leader. RESIST!!
And look how much worse Lyin’ Ryan is than Agent Orange was!
8 Responses to “Open Thread – 10/1/2017”
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5:25 This one was almost more difficult than that carpet.
SNL – He’s right about one thing – almost half of all Americans do NOT know that Puerto Rico is part of the United States. And one other thing – the chaos.
DKos – The police officer deserves and needs to be anonymous. But I’d like to celebrate the Judge by name – U. S. District Judge Brian Anthony Jackson, Chief United States District Judge of the United States Court for the Middle District of Louisiana. Be grateful to him, and be grateful to Barack Obama, who appointed him to this position. And treasure him. By the time the Trump administration winds up, there will be few honorable judges left.
NY Times – Another proof that the worst Democrat is better than the best Republican.
Cartoon – You can look it up. I said repeatedly at the time it occurred that Boehner’s resignation was no cause for celebration, that it could be worse and was likely to be worse. Sometimes s person just needs to say “I told you so.”
You said it about Frau Clinton, Joanne! I hope more and more people are waking up to the fact that our (so-called) Prez is equal parts train wreck, rolling dumpster fire and clusterf—.
I was at a presentation in Atlanta the other day to learn how Georgia’s voting machines are suspect. Not only are they stored in unsecured locations, they are quite vulnerable to hackers. No paper trail makes audits and recounts impossible. On top of that, there was a massive purge of the voter rolls three years ago, just before the midterm elections. Granted, you need to go through lists of registered voters and strip out those who have died or moved away; however, the large numbers make me smell a rat. Also, I’d like to know how the numbers and percentages compared for largely white, Republican districts as opposed to left-leaning ones and those with lots of non-whites.
SNL: Spot on!!! dt- “Keep the chaos comin’.”
DK: What JD said. ty!
NYT: Stay strong, we need you, Ms. Pelosi !!
Well, gotta run, houseful enjoying the game. We have a comfortable lead, so far. Enjoy your game too. Best to you tomorrow also. Take care, enjoy your evening, and Thanks, Tom.
SNL: While we all had hoped SNL would have to do without Alec Baldwin after the holidays because Republicans finally had kicked Drumpf out, it is so good to see this all-star cast back doing a wonderful job once again.
DK: “a police officer [] tried to sue Black Lives Matter for injuries he sustained during a protest against police brutality” ???

Have you all lost the plot? Thank goodness for the few judges still left on the job who will not take this crap, not even from police officers who want to get themselves some fame while trying to give Black Lives Matter a bad rap. Makes you wonder who paid for his legal assistance.
NYT: Sad that Democrats didn’t get more women in the right places during those 8 Obama years. Now the not-so-progressives need to stay on to make sure that women are heard in Congress.
Cartoon: Oh, those good old days.
Have a good trip to Christine the optometrist tomorrow, TomCat. Take a cat nap as soon as you get back.
YT/SNL: That was a good parody of some bad bums!
DK: One very sad thing we have been learning since the Empty Orange ran for country destroyer, is jus how bigoted so many of fellow country men/women are! The litmus test for membership in the GOP must be something like an inability to see anything beyond one’s white nose tip.
NYT: I have hd some major issues with Pelosi, over the years, and she may have been part of why Bernie dd not get the Dem nod, but we do need her there now.
‘Toon: Boehner was, and probably still is, a putz, but Ryan is simply dangerous!
Puzzle — 3:39 This leaves me rather nostalgic for the Gatineau Hills on the Québec side of the Ottawa River near the city of Ottawa.
SNL — I really wish SNL were available here. A number of Canadians had their start on SNL.
Daily Kos — As to Drumpf laying into the NFL players, I imagine he will be doubly pissed off because in London, UK today, at least 3 players went to knee for the American anthem, but all stood for God Save the Queen, the UK anthem. It was reported that there is substantial support from fans for the players’ protest. So much for Drumpf’s rant about the fans turning away from football. It is his die hard fans that are giving up on the NFL but not all of them.
As far as the officer is concerned, he should sue the guy that injured him. He should not throw shit at the wall to see what sticks. Good on the judge for his decision.
NY Times — I have said for years (starting back in the late 60s-early 70s about the time of Golds Meir) that with more women in government, things would get done more efficiently and there would less war.
Cartoon — Agent Orange! I wonder how he would fare with the Orange Ogre.
I am sure that everything will go well with your ophthalmologist tomorrow. I am sure you are ecstatic with your improved vision. If I recall correctly, next up is trading in the match sticks that hold up your eyelids for a little “lid tuck”. Maybe I should get a foot tuck so I wouldn’t be tripping over my big feet all the time! Listen to Lona, take a catnap when you get home.
Thanks all. Lona nap time.