I got to bed late again last night. As I plugged my iPhone in to recharge, it notified me that it needed to update to sync. I learned long ago that, if I don’t babysit it to input pins and password on prompt, it tends to upfuckticate instead of update. It took an hour. I overslept this morning, so I’m skipping my nap and will probably publish a little early. My Quicken substitute, CountAbout, is starting to come together, although the documentation is poor and the learning curve is steep. However, their tech support, unlike Quicken, is quick and efficient, and after my free trial expires, it will cost only $40 a year. Tomorrow is a holy day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb. My Broncos will be hosting the Raiders, and it may be televised here. Teams are still TBA. It is also a Wendy day. Fantasy Players, make changes in your lineup before 6:30 AM Pacific, as there is another London game. Monday is my four week cataract follow up, so the Monthly Report for September will be several days late. In international terms, I’m putting 2 kilos of kitty shit in a one kilo bag.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 4:48 (average 5:51). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From CNN: President Donald Trump launched an attack on San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz on Saturday for criticizing the White House’s hurricane relief efforts in Puerto Rico, accusing her of “poor leadership” and suggesting that the island’s residents are not doing enough to help themselves.
“The Mayor of San Juan, who was very complimentary only a few days ago, has now been told by the Democrats that you must be nasty to Trump,” the President tweeted from his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is spending the weekend. “… Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort.” [emphasis added]
Here is what Mayor Cruz had said and why.
You’re doing a heck of a job, Trumpie! NOT!! RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: In an experience that he called “traumatic” and “horrifying,” the departing Health and Human Services Secretary, Tom Price, was seated between two screaming babies Friday night on his first-ever commercial flight.
Price, who was flying from Washington, D.C., to his home in Georgia just hours after resigning from his Cabinet position, reacted with alarm after discovering that the airline had assigned him a middle seat between two passengers holding inconsolably shrieking babies on their laps.
Moments after making his terrible discovery, Price urgently called for a flight attendant and reportedly told her, “There are babies on this aircraft. That can’t possibly be allowed.”
After informing Price that babies were, in fact, permitted on commercial flights, the attendant instructed the former Cabinet secretary to fasten his seatbelt and ignored his request to be served a free glass of Dom Perignon champagne and beluga caviar with toast points.
Dang Andy! I actually have to agree that seating Price between two screaming babies was “traumatic” and “horrifying”. Those poor babies will need psychotherapy to get over being seated next to Price! RESIST!!
From Robert Reich: Trump and Republicans are trying to sell you the idea that American corporations need a tax cut in order to be competitive. That’s rubbish. Here are 6 reasons why:
The Reich on the left is right! As I have long said, Republican supply-side lies are not the solution to the demand-side problems Republicans have created. RESIST!!
12 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/30/2017”
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CNN: Life or death devastation going on in PR, and this is a ‘Good News Story???! It’s a heartbreaking event from the results of the hurricane, and those @the WH have NO idea or concept to WANT to help, love and support the island, and their people. Unreal…..!!!!
NYer: Those poor little ones! If anything, they should have received help to move away from him! I hope that they’re not scarred for life! lol, Andy!
RR: #4. I don’t want to have to pay anymore if corporate taxes are cut, to make up the difference. The corps can afford to pay higher taxes. They won’t but should!!
Cartoon: Yep. Not going to get any better either. Ugh!
My guys play at noon vs. Titans. I’m hoping…and praying. Hey! I’d rather have kitty poop any day, over the sheet I’m hearing from the WH. Hope that you get some rest, enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
CNN: Sad! Sad that all Trump can do is make up stories, fairy tales, and spread them around, that his people are put in the position of speaking lies in order to prop up his emptiness.
Then, there is the story out his newfound support for judge Roy Moore, a beast of bigotry, whose world view overlaps with his,and how Trumpism paved the way for this slime to be in line to become a senator: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/29/opinion/donald-trump-roy-moore.html?smprod=nytcore-ipad&smid=nytcore-ipad-share&_r=0
CNN, again: Can’t you just, feel, her working hard not to scream BULL!
RR: On the money. No pun intended…but I like it.
New Yorker: Karma, baby, karma!
8:50 If I only had a second for every time it took three seconds to join pieces that fit … oh well.
CNN – “Progress that’s been made” – “number of deaths” – the acting secretary must be pleased with the number of deaths of browm people. Do you suppose that any Trump voter will put together the “nasty woman” crack with the “nasty woman crack against Hillary and realize that both are equally valid, i.e. not at all? Not a chance!
TNY – Yeah, TC, you’re right. (That’s probably why they were shrieking, actually.) Couldn’t they have put him between two headbangers with amplifiers but no headphones?
Reich – At one of the protests, someone had a sign “I can’t believe I’m still having to protest this shit.” My semtiments exactly. (Sob! Shriek!)
Cartoon – No kidding.
Once again, the Orange Ogre has proven to be a dandiprat who is all wall cloud and no tornado.
Oooh! “Dandiprat!” Good one! That’s really putting in your two cents worth!
CNN: Carmen Yulín Cruz stupefaction after hearing ‘the good news’ lie the White House tried sell to Americans and her distress and frustration about not getting enough help to prevent people from dying or getting very sick is genuine and heartbreaking. This is a woman who really cares about her people. Unlike Drumpf, who was late in reacting to Puerto Rico’s total devastation to start with, and who only promised Puerto Ricans the moon when the camera;s pointed his way. It was then already all too obvious that he, nor Congress, were going to keep their promises and now they’re blaming the stricken islanders for not doing enough themselves while they never had much to work with even before Maria struck. It’s so &*% GOP to blame people for their own misery I could puke.

TNY: Too bad one of those babies didn’t get airsick and threw up in Price’s lap. Now that would have been horrifying to Price, but probably too traumatic for the baby. Andy might have been charged with virtual child abuse.
Robert Reich: Spot on, as always. Corporate tax cuts will only help them to expand their Fake Economy.
Absolutely LOVE your resist banner. Outstanding!

Puzzle — 3:47 This would be an improvement to Drump’s infrastructure plan. What plan you ask? Exactly!
CNN — Drumpf’s disdain for Hispanics is showing mightily!
““… Such poor leadership ability by the Mayor of San Juan, and others in Puerto Rico, who are not able to get their workers to help. They want everything to be done for them when it should be a community effort.””
What a pile of bullshit!!! Drumpf wants to talk leadership? How about his lack of leadership in just about everything, but particularly with Puerto Rico?! At this point after Harvey and Irma, Drumpf had been to Texas and Florida. But with Maria, all he has done is suspend the Jones Act for 10 days which is hardly enough. He has failed to grasp that Puerto Rico is an island, and as such has unique problems that cannot be solved from his golf course. Bush was bad with Katrina in 2005; Drumpf is worse with Maria, IMO. This from Politicususa.com:
“When asked about Trump’s early morning tweets on Saturday and what he would advise the president to do, the general said:
As the problem in Puerto Rico worsens and more people continue to suffer, Trump has proven himself to be not only an incompetent and unfit leader but a dangerous one. When all is said and done, his childish need to throw tantrums on social media instead of doing his job will likely cost lives.”
As to Keith’s presentation #128 we saw yesterday, perhaps negligent homicide should be added to the list of Drumpf’s crimes since his lack of timely action and leadership may have contributed to some of the deaths. If stupidity were a crime, I’d add that too! Drumpf is such a f**king asshole!
Prayers for the people of Puerto Rico.
The New Yorker — That would be the perfect ending of Mr Price Leaves Washington!
Robert Reich — Tax cuts getting rolled back into the economy through reinvestment in businesses say Republicans. Bull shit! Tax cuts get rolled into 1% wallets! Reich is so spot on!
Cartoon — It is said that everything that goes up must come down. Try telling that to someone trying to feed a family on the same dollars as 5 years ago!
Thanks all! Very busy hugs!