It’s that time of week again, and I’m happy to share four excellent video clips from Bill’s show last night. Enjoy!!
I seriously doubt that Chinese people spit in the laundry, and from what I’ve seen, dawgs are bisexual. Yes Bill, speaking of Trumps tax plan is thinking of getting fucked up the ass.
Bill: "Nothing good is going to happen on this issue or on any other issue, until Democrats take over Congress." Amen!! Check Hawken out!
I fully agree. If we act like Republicans, how can others tell the difference between us and them? Call them out and shame them. Then, if they punch you, clobbering Republican Nazis is self-defense is permissible.
New Rule: The Kremlin Konnection
Dang! Those nicknames are as good as the ones I make up. Pence’s was the most evil nickname. What could be more insulting than ‘Mike Pence’? Otherwise, amen and amen again!
I hope you got some comic relief.
9 Responses to “Bill Maher from 9/29”
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Bill: All good, #4 the Kremlin Konnection is very well done (articulated). And I’m not talking about steak either.
Thanks, Tom
Bill – I think I am in agreement that if people express Nazi/Confederate/white supremacist views in public that, yes it is a form of intimidation or at least an attempt at it, and, yes, something has to happen to them. But getting punched in the face isn’t that something. Not unless they punch someone else in the face first.
Wow, that evidence board was nicely done. And the aliases were nice touch too. (And, no, he really couldn’t have used “Pencildick.”) This is an excellent example of getting real information from comedy when i can’t be had from the news.
I think that depends on which Republican Nazi views they express. If they say whites are superior, it’s their right to be wrong. If they say whites ought to lynch non-whites, that is conspiracy to commit a criminal act, and they should be prosecuted.
Assuming they express views. (Assuming they can speak well enough to express views, and have any clue what views they have,) Mute display of symbols, IMO, can be justifiably regarded as intimidation or attempted intimidation. They should be outed, which may lead to expanded expression of actual views.
Absolutely GREAT comic relief! Love all the clips! I wish Bill would run for president! He wouldn’t do it though. He can’t stand politicians and I don’t blame him!
Thanks, TC!
The Kremlin Konnection had me FOTFPIMPROTFLMAO!!! Bill should be helping Mueller or Keith outline the happenings around Fat Donnie! And I loved all his nicknames for Drumpf and company!
As to Punching Nazis, I agree with JD. I do not believe in violence, but there should be “a line” where free speech ceases to be free speech when it incites intimidation and/or violence. At that point, the law should take over. Just don’t let Arpaio call the shots.
Thank you, TomCat, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every one of Bill’s clips this Sunday Morning. The Kremlin Konnection was outstanding. Both very funny and very believable at the same time. Do you think Bill has borrowed some red wool from Mueller?
Thanks all. Busy hugs.