Sep 282017
It’s that time of week again, so here are four excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night. Enjoy!!
Bush said "Heck of a job, Brownie". Trump substituted himself.
"Trump is taking us backwards." AMEN!!
The Federalist Society: Trump’s Shit Judge Pipeline
We shall be well and truly fucked by the extreme right Republican judiciary for decades.
We need more young nerds like Gabe. We need more adults like Gabe too. And we need far more kids like the little girl that flipped off that Info Wars Nazi.
Done laughing?
8 Responses to “Samantha Bee from 9/27”
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Sam Bee: So heartbreaking about PR….dt is a vile dolt.Really enjoyed listening to #4, yes, I agree we need to get our young generation(s) involved in politics, Gabe is a wonderful example of this. (loved the video!).
Keep up the good work, Sam!!
Gabe seems really cool and smart, but since he isn’t in DC and directly doing the investigations would have loved a question about “how do you discern what to discuss as truth???” although I do like NYT and Washington Post…..
Sam – “Reviews” – OMG – It’s like he doesn’t speak English at all, he just knows a few phrases which he repeats incessantly.
Raw Story revived a story from the national historical something which had some interesting factoids – like, (1) the only reason Congress authorized a flag was because Navy ships needed identification and (2) Ben Franklin and John Adams never grasped what it actually looked like. As for doing it on your own time …
Cognitive dissonance: “Libertarianism” forming a “Federalist” society. “Originalism” – let’s try that on the flag, shall we? See my previous paragraph.
The burning question for Gabe is, of course … HOW DO I GET ONTO HIS EMAIL LIST ????
JD, I think it’s in the video.
Sam #1: The man is demented, sad.
Sam #2: Gingrich has the nerve to make a comment? He of the “Contract on (my edit) America?” It’s about police brutality, but in the days of Faux News and the delusional president facts are only, in the words of St. Ronald, “…an annoyance.”
Sam #3: These bozos are going to haunt us for years.
Sam #4: Gabe rocks! So does Joanne’s “Protest at work” piece!
Drumpf: “We’re doing a terrific job in Puerto Rico!” — A great job of doing nothing to help the people of Puerto Rico!
Loved the girl that said “You’re a f**king idiot!” to the Info Wars “reporter” and then gave him the finger.
Thanks for another great ????, TomCat.
Great that Sam draws the attention to dire plight of the millions of American citizens “on an island in the middle of the ocean” that happens to be American soil. Where the frack does Drumpf get his “we’re dong such a great job in Puerto Rico, a really great job” from? Is that what they’re telling him on Faux News?
Her piece on the Federalist society, its views and the fact that Drumpf just blindly appointed dozens of judges, including one for SCOTUS, who were on their list and their list only, wast funny at all, but scary as hell. Sam has made me realize that getting rid of the Drumpf clan and possibly his VP too, doesn’t really solve the problem, when the justice system and the Constitution is being remolded to fit the Republican ideal. It would be just cleaning the wound with a bit of water, leaving it to fester beneath the bandages until the gangrene has taken over the whole body.

Thanks, tired hugs, and amen to all.