With 85° forecast, I expect a high near 90°, but after tomorrow, several cool days will follow. Store to Door delivered my groceries, and I just finished lunch, after putting them away. Fantasy football players, set your lineup by tomorrow evening. Wendy is now returning from Seattle, where she took her son to the airport. He is spending a year in Spain, as an ESL teacher. I am very sticky and ready for my shower. I figure she’ll need a hug, because, as proud as she is that her chick is leaving the nest, she’s still a mother hen.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:37 (average 5:14). To do it, click here. How did you do.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (GQ Channel): Trump is Destroying Puerto Rico
Monday’s national outcry against the Fuhrer’s criminal inaction prompted his handlers to send a hospital ship and other tokens of relief, but way short of the need. We need to deploy thousands of US troops to establish communications, rescue and evacuate those who need it, allocate and direct resources to where they are most needed, and keep order. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MoveOn Channel): Voting Rights Restrictions and White Supremacy
The racist Republican War on Voting Rights must be opposed. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Saddened and more than a little wistful, Senate Republicans acknowledged on Tuesday that their long-standing dream of keeping poor people from living longer was at its end.
Choking back tears, Senator Lindsey Graham admitted that his crusade to halt the longevity of the poor had turned out to be a quixotic one at best.
“We made a solemn promise to the American people that we would do everything in our power to keep the poor from living so darn long,” he said, his voice quavering. “We didn’t get it done.”
Andy is reporting straight news again. That bill was a death panel on steroids. RESIST!!
It’s the only way his tiny hands are useful!
19 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/27/2017”
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5:01 The leaves look tough. I think I’d be trying to sneak in and see what’s in the pantry.
Wendy has every right to be proud. Hugs from us too.
Keith # 126 – “The View” is collectively wondering whether he even knows that Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States. He might know it’s a territory. But I’m sure he doesn’t know that being a “territory” means that the people who live there are U. S. citizens. I expect he thinks a “territory” is like an “undocumented state.” The land might belong to us. The people (he thinks) do not.
YT/MO – Good points. Well, I would add mail voting – it works in Colorado, and in Oregon, and isn’t it in Washington too? Yes, there need to be some safeguards. But the sutpmatic paper trail is a plus and is a safeguard in itself. I’ve been signing petitions for automatic voter registration and I expect most people here also have.
TNY – A view behind the mask. Cassidy too.
Cartoon – BAAAAAAARF !!!
Your “Y’all” T-shirt inspired me.
(Always amazed at how Kossacks frequently tend to focus on the immediate comment – and not realize (like my “Damn confusing …”) the comment was addressed to the previous comment above
I think they may have developed a habit of reading too fast. There’s so much to read that it’s difficult not to go too fast. I’ve been guilty.
I often don’t read the comment above the comment I’m commenting on.
But I make sure my comment is addressing the comment that I’m commenting on – and not someone else’s comment above the comment I’m addressing.
Dear Nameless, not everyone is as smart as you, or as conscientious as you. Not even on Daily Kos (if that many people were as smart as you and as conscientious as you we’d have a different president today.) I’m not telling you that you need to suffer fools gladly (you don’t), just pointing out that they are out there. Sigh indeed.
No comment!
A wise & safe play!
With regards to Olbermann’s # 126 “Trump is Destroying Puerto Rico”, here is much more information on this subject. Who really stands to make a pile of money from the disaster in Puerto Rico… The answer may astound you like it did me. Here is a segment with Amy Goodman’s from Democracy Now! with expert guests.
“Profits vs. Puerto Rican Lives: Trump Admin Blocks Aid from Reaching Devastated Island” Video, Text, (CC)
KO: ” Nothing!!” Nothing about the dire straits in PR. Love the island, and it’s people, as I was stationed there years ago. The USNS Comfort is still in Norfolk, stocking up, and gets underway Friday to PR. 7 days!!! AFTER Maria hit the island. This beloved island is in ruins. *More info at MilitaryTimes dot com.
MO: Very well stated. I support the ACLU to make voting rights ‘Fair, Equal & Open’.
NYer: A pity party for the repugs? Nope, not ever.!!! LOL, Andy.
Cartoon: Through and through!! Gawd, he’s a mean manchild.
Best to both, Wendy and her son, I am sure he’ll do well, look at his mom. You’ve had a busy day, hope that your evening goes well too. Take care, and Thanks, Tom.
Can anybody name another POTUS who would sit on his arse and let Puerto Rico suffer like this? I have contacted my Senators about sending aid to Puerto Rico. I stand ready to sign petitions, raise hell, and help at fundraisers. If Hell exists, may all those who stand between Puerto Rico and hurricane relief rot there.
Yes. GW did the same to New Orleans. It’s something Republicans routinely do when the victims are predominantly minority.
Keith: Talk about sad; talk about dereliction of duty; talk about genocide by indifference to suffering!
YT/Moveon: Support the ACLU!
Andy: It is straight news.
My newsletter tonight from “The Intercept” says they have an interview in which Graham openly admits he had no idea what he was doing.
Keith Olbermann #126: Right on the nose again, Keith. Drumpf sees no difference between Hispanics from Mexico, Middle- and South-America, Cuba or Puerto Rico. He judges them by their brown skin color and he wants them out of America, even though Puerto Ricans are Americans on American soil. So Drumpf goes for the next best thing: “letting Puerto Rico figuratively and literally die.”

MO: This ACLU ad brings one of the best arguments against voter suppression to the table: If you don’t have fair and democratic system then you can not protect all the other rights you care about.
TNY: The GOP will certainly have discussed this with sadness behind closed doors, but they would never admit to that in public, Andy. Instead they will say they won’t give up and try again (when people are too busy with Drumpf’s impeachment or the war he’s started)
Tell Wendy I wish her a lot of success with dealing with an empty-nest syndrome now her son has left for a year. It will be tough reconciling feelings of pride and of anxiety. Perhaps you could make her shift some of those empty-nest feelings towards you, TomCat, although I don’t think she could be a better caretaker or friend than she already is, so just give her lots of support.
Puzzle — 3:24 Salad?
YouTube — I agree with Keith yet again. I spent some time with Lawrence O’Donnell this morning as he talked about Puerto Rico, and I saw a CBC news article as well. There was concern that the governor of Puerto Rico was playing up to Drumpf saying Drumpf was doing all he could. My reaction — bull shit! That governor is playing the game, IMO, to keep Drumpf coöperating for the well being of Puerto Ricans. Why has it taken Drumpf 10 days to act? Harvey and Irma victims got more immediate attention. I have this to say about Drumpf and his “Johnnie come lately” response
MoveOn — A few days ago in The People’s Platform, I commented about the meaning of democracy and the actions needed to make democracy work. This is part of the job of “We the People”:
Make democracy an activity, not an arm chair event.
The New Yorker — Straight reporting indeed!!! “That bill was a death panel on steroids. ” — Oh yeah!
Cartoon — Drumpf is such an ugly individual. He wears his black soul on the outside!
Thanks and hugs from both Wendy and I.