I’m rushing to get two articles written, before I have to leave for my appointment.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:42 (average 4:38). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Jim Bakker Urges Rich People To Buy A Million Dollars Worth Of Survival Food Buckets
Barf Bag Alert!!
If those $millions are about to become worthless, than why is Jim Bakker scamming so hard to get that money? It’s because the most spiritual activity that Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians perform, with the exception of lynching, is fleecing the sheeple. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: Americans who feared that Barack Obama would come for their guns are happy that Donald Trump is coming for their health care, a new report finds.
In interviews conducted across the country, people expressed satisfaction that, by taking away their ability to see a doctor rather than their ability to shoot people, the federal government “finally has its priorities straight.”
“I couldn’t get a night’s sleep, worrying about Obama taking away my guns,” Carol Foyler, a gun owner from Kentucky, said. “Now that we have a President who’s just taking away my family’s health care, I can breathe easier.”
Harland Dorrinson, a gun fancier from Wyoming, concurred. “In Europe, everyone has health care and no one has guns,” he said. “You couldn’t pay me to live there.” Noting that thousands of people die in hospitals every year, he added, “Health care has killed more people than guns have.”
Wow, Andy. You have captured the mentality of deplorable Republican sheeple. RESIST!!
From NY Times: Tom Price, the secretary of health and human services, is a longtime proponent of slashing entitlements. He might consider starting with his own.
Since May, American taxpayers have spent upward of $300,000 to treat his apparent allergy to commercial air travel. Mr. Price has taken more than 24 flights on private jets to cities including Nashville and San Diego, according to Politico. When we last checked, those towns still had major international airports.
In one instance, Mr. Price chartered a jet to travel about 150 miles from Washington, D.C., to Philadelphia. It cost $25,000. An Amtrak ticket could have been had for less than $100. Or he could have used the two-and-a-half-hour drive to listen to an audiobook — perhaps a thoughtful examination of wealth and political power, like “Dark Money” by Jane Mayer or “Republic, Lost” by Lawrence Lessig.
Mr. Price is hardly the only Trump cabinet member to have racked up a big tab while the administration has supposedly been draining the swamp. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin (estimated personal net worth: $300 million or more) requested a government plane to ferry him and his new wife, Louise Linton, on their European honeymoon this summer. The jet would have cost taxpayers $25,000. An hour.
Republicans promised to drain the swamp. But when alligators slither to the edge to promise swamp draining, only fools believe them. RESIST!!
13 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/23/2017”
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4:06 Well, this is a catch. Tou can’t have the coffee until thepuzzle is done, but you need the coffee to do the puzzle fast enough.
I guess I was mentally numb yesterday – it didn’t occur to me that since your appointment is on Saturday, it must be a fun one instead of medical mayhem. I hope it’s very fun indeed!
Bakker – And when you realize how fleeced you have been, you can use the buckets for barf bags.
NYT – Nice use of snark. Well, snark may be an understatement. How about “blood-dripping sarcasm”?
Cartoon – I can’t believe I’m still having to rant about this.
I figure if they are going to be calling us demons, we can at least be cute ones (though cute demon pictures are hard to find! Anybody else got any?)
Added my name, Joanne. I hope Al doesn’t mind I’m not American: Apple will sell their products with facial recognition software globally, right?
Ditto, Lona, except that I am an American.
Thanks both, also to anyone else who signed and didn’t say so.
I have found some more cuties, but Lona’s is still the best.
BBA: Unfortunately…there are people who believe this. That’s most unfortunate.
NYer: I can laugh at this, but it really a sad mentality for them. lol.
NYT: Blood sucking BasTURDS!! Pay it back !!!
Cartoon: “The courageous efforts of the Little Rock Nine are celebrated as one of the most defining chapters in Little Rock’s history, and as one of the earliest victories of a long overdue civil rights movement. Central High remains one of the leading education centers in Arkansas and stands as a national historic site and an icon for racial equality and social reform.” *arkansas dot com
Hope that you have a pleasant enjoyable evening. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.
BBA: You know the saying about fools and their money. Well, what is Bit Brain Bakker going to do with all the moolah he has cheated out of schmucks? Eat it? (C-note salad – yummy especially with ranch dressing!) Or buy his own prep kit? The problem with such kits is they are good for only so long. Let’s see how those halfwits do when the pantry sets run out. The poor they despise will be doing just fine in the ruins, growing vegetable gardens and chowing down on barbecued feral hog. When the fat cats emerge from their bunkers, the last thing they will see are the crossbows about to turn them into human pin cushions.
Cute demons? Challenge accepted.
Jim Bakker: Snake oil salesman with a well trained audience! “It’ll take a while to get all that food together,” after you go buy a million $ worth…and sit, and sit, and wait for the buckets to arrive, as Bakker goes off to who the hell knows where with your money. A million $ worth of food, in buckets, gee, that’s going to call for one heck of a lot of refrigeration, no? Until when? Well, May 21st, 2011 has long gone by. Any predictions from Mr. Jimmy, who knows all?
New Yorker: Has andy already been using face recognition technology to listen in on the insistently ignorant!
NYT: The insistently ignorant will say, “Oh, but these are my kind of swamp monsters!”
YouTube: Bakker has been fleecing his followers for so long he knows no other way to live.
The New Yorker: Andy is always on point, and the “reactions” in the piece make as much sense as those reall people are having. I still don’t understand why so many are attached to their guns. Please, don’t bring your gun to the grocery store!
NY Times: Trump keeps adding to the swamp, I think everyone he has hired or appointed is making money off the government besides their salary, but “cuts must be made tohealthcare costs”.
Cartoon: This was a terrible time for any black child attending school. If those currently in power have their way it will be that way again. Instead of “make America great again, they really mean make America all white.
Good to see you back Edie. I’ve missed you. How are you doing? How is Phillip?
Puzzle — 3:53 Unlike JD, coffee would not help me solve the puzzle faster. No coffee in my house as I am allergic. My mother would get annoyed because she liked coffee but I never had any.
YouTube — Bakker and his buddy said that God would punish those well off who do not buy buckets, and more buckets of this food. They also said people can’t take their money with them and it does no good in the bank. So tell me, why is Bakker trying to fatten his bank account? And what is God’s punishment for fleecing the sheeple so egregiously? Hypocrites!!! Con artists!!!
The New Yorker — “… “If I get a disease, I’ll shoot at it,” he said.” — Typical it seems. An ammosexual persona is so much more important.
NY Times — “As one Republican House member from Georgia put it in 2009, while Congress was debating the authorization of funds for private jets: “This is just another example of fiscal irresponsibility run amok.” That lawmaker? Tom Price.” — So much for conservative fiscal responsibility! Hypocrites!!! And talk about entitlements . . . Price seems to see private jets as an entitlement! Cut entitlements to Republicans not SS, Medicaid/Medicare etc. I’ll say it again . . . HYPOCRITES!!!!!
Cartoon — Let’s not!!!
Resist, Persist and Remove!!!
Another beautiful day in Lotus land! . . . which was good as I was directing parking at a memorial service today at my church. There have been far too many of these services so far this year.
RWW: Jim Bakker is still at it, I see. Now with a Tasty Pantry Delux Bucket for only $3700, worth a tenth if that. His sheeple must have been lobotomized when fleeced after the previous hurricane struck to fall for that. But Bakker and his ilk are sure of one thing: those hurricanes and floods were god sent.

Sadly, absolutely spot on, Andy.
NYT: Hypocrite Price having the taxpayer fork out $25000 for a 150 mile flight in a private jet, among others and Mnuchin wanting to use a government plane for his honeymoon are probably only the top of the iceberg that is now investigated by the HHS. Of course Price thinks that’s very unfair, and
Please hand me one of your buckets, Mr. Bakker.
Cartoon: That was 1957, eh? Add 60 years to it and soon you’ll be able to use it again, TomCat.
Now THAT’s cute! Love the sneakers.
Thanks all. Hugs!!