I’m enjoying a lazy day, because yesterday’s outing tired me, and because I have to go out tomorrow for an appointment. Therefore, please expect no more than a Personal Update tomorrow.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:50 (average 4:21). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Fantasy Football Note:
The Ravens and the Jaguars are playing in London on Sunday. The game is at 6:30 AM PDT (9:30 AM EDT). Players, make any lineup changes involving those teams before then.
Short Takes:
From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Theodore Shoebat Hopes More Cops ‘Are Given The Opportunity’ To Kill LGBTQ People
Barf Bag Alert!!
Behold the love of Republican Supply Side Jesus (see Cartoon), the polar opposite of the real Jesus. RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: Graham and Cassidy are pulling out all the stops in their attempt to sway votes ahead of this deadline. They’ve even gone so far as to promise key swing vote Sen. Lisa Murkowski that Alaska can keep Obamacare! You cannot make that up.
So why are Republicans so laser-focused on gutting health care and tackling “tax reform,” which is nothing more than cutting taxes for the wealthy? Because back in June, The Swamp ordered them to do it and Republicans are beholden to their swamp masters above all others. At the June retreat, the Koch brothers and their allies ordered them to gut health care and cut taxes—or else:
At a weekend donor retreat attended by at least 18 elected officials, the Koch brothers warned that time is running out to push their agenda, most notably healthcare and tax reform, through Congress.
One Texas-based donor warned Republican lawmakers that his “Dallas piggy bank” was now closed, until he saw legislative progress.
“Get Obamacare repealed and replaced, get tax reform passed,” said Doug Deason. “Get it done and we’ll open it back up.”
Now we know why. Republicans are greedy Koch suckers and are desperate to satisfy the billionaires that buy them! RESIST!!
From Washington Post: Ed Gillespie, who for years pressed fellow Republicans to make their party more welcoming to minorities, has unveiled a hard-hitting TV ad that blames his Democratic rival for Virginia governor for the resurgence of the MS-13 street gang.
Barf Bag Alert!!
Do I hear Willie Horton? Gillespie is projecting and playing the hate card. RESIST!!
11 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/22/2017”
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4:47 They say brown, but it looks orange to me. Don’t get Republic-anything.
YT/RWW – Well, what would you expect from someone named “Shoebat”? He obviously hates his parents for not changing their name to something remotely acceptable, and is taking his resentment out on anyone or any group that is handy. I do hope Mr. Shoebat receives every bit as much due process as he wants everyone else to have.
DKos – We knew that billionaires are extortionists. That is how they become billionaires (or, if born into billions, how that stay that way.) This new openness is just a mark of the success of the extortion.
WaPo – You defintiely hear Wilie Horton, loud and clear. Of course, having a brain, I can see that there is ZERO connection between “gangs” on the one hand and “refugees” on the other. ZERO. Whether Virginia can see that, in enough numbers to count? Unknown. What has Northam’s response been? Because, unfortunately, this kind of advertising works, and it can’t just be ognored.
Cartoon – Good one. And so true.
I did it again, Joanne. I made a remark very similar to yours on Gillespie’s ad and posted it before reading yours.
My apologies.
Nothing to apologize for. I am always flattered when your great mind and mine fall in the same ditch!
BBA: Good Lord, he needs to go back in the hole he came from!! What a hateful man!
DK: This is such a diabolical bill. $$ talks to the gop, and they’re trying to gobble it up, at the expense of millions of American people’s lives and their healthcare!! RESIST these a– Hats!!
BBA: What an ugly spear campaing ad by Gillespie! Dr. Northam (an Army Veteran), and Lt. Governor, said that he’s” listening carefully to Donald Trump, and I think he’s a narcissistic maniac. Whatever you call him, we’re not letting him bring in his hate into Virginia.” Godspeed, and Good Luck!! Mr. Northam.
Cartoon: So sad.!!
Hope that you have a relaxing evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
TY/RWW: Too caught up in his fairy tale of human oughts, shoulds, and “knowing” how everybody has to be. He is the pervert!
DK: Yes, it’s ALL about greed…the greed of the Koch types, and the greed of the elected sheep.
WP: Ed Gillespie, POS, for Governor!
‘Toon: Sure, look at you, no Gucci shoes, no power ties, obviously you are not part of the 1%…starve!
Changing the subject a bit, POTUShit now saying that the Facebook/Russia connection is a hoax, too. Will his sheep ever get the sense that whatever does not fit his view of how the world ought to be…is a hoax? This is the GOPig meme of the 20teens! it’s their projection machine working overtime. They are the hoax! As in Fake americans, Fake Christians, like the Shoebat, above.
Puzzle — 3:11 Sorry little chicken. I could not save you from that ravenous Puddy Tat!
RWW — Barf Bag Alert indeed! Needed a double extra large! Judging by the paraphernalia hanging about this guy’s walls and his screed, he professes to be a very conservative Catholic. I wonder what Pope Francis would say about his hateful rant. Make no mistake, this Shoebat is no Christian. Perhaps Pope Francis should excommunicate him for inciting murder and blaspheming Jesus.
Daily Kos — It seems with Republicans, everything comes down to money in one way or another. John McCain has apparently confirmed that he will not support the bill even though his BFF Graham is the co-author. As I said a day or so ago, Graham, and no doubt other Republicans, see Medicare/Medicaid as socialism and they can’t have that. I am waiting for someone to invoke the name of Joe McCarthy since so many see socialism and communism as the same thing which it definitely is not. Republicans take from the poor and give to the rich — reverse Robin Hood. I would like to know how Graham can promise Murkowski that Alaska can keep Obamacare if she votes for this piece of crap. I hope she does not buy that pile of horseshit!
Washington Post — If Republicans didn’t have the hate card, they’d have nothing at all. I googled Willie Horton but I don’t quite understand the connection. The ad itself is garbage. Unfortunately, there are too many people that heed garbage.
Cartoon — Or die as a result of Republicare. Sick, sick, sick!
Resist, Persist and Remove!!!
I had a lazy day today, getting up later than usual. The weather was beautiful which I hope holds for tomorrow. I volunteered to direct parking at a funeral tomorrow, so no rain thank you.
RWW: I didn’t get any further than “…this sodomite should have been shot anyway…” I don’t care if this video was made by a Christian thumping the Bible to underscore his opinion, or a Muslim thumping the Koran or a Jew thumping the Torah or anyone else thumping whatever personal truth; the First Amendment should never allow anyone to call for people to be killed because of their interpretation of whatever they are thumping. If Da’esh videos are taken from the internet because of the violence and murder they ‘preach against ‘unbelievers”, then any other incitement to violence should be taken off too and the makers prosecuted.
And please don’t come telling me that Theodore Shoebat is not a real Christian; that is not the point of my remark.
DK: Although it is curious this news comes through the British The Guardian, it only underscores what most regular commentators on Politics Plus have been saying: The GOP is in the pockets of the Koch brothers and their ilk, and under Drumpf more than ever. And just as we expected these Koch sock puppets have sold their soul, i.e. their seat in Congress, to the devil:
WP: Wow, nice string of fabricated/unproven links there, Ed Gillespie. Taking your cues from Drumpf here, are you? How about the link between the MS-13 street gang and illegal immigrants, how about the link between sanctuary cities and (dangerous illegal immigrant) street gangs and how about the link between Northam voting in favor of sanctuary cities (in favor to do what?) and MS-13. Yes, Gillespie knows it’s so much easier to link a few unrelated things together that to ever untangle them again. And to hell to those minorities, they weren’t going to vote for him anyway. They sure won’t now.
Good luck with your appointment tomorrow, TomCat.
I see your point about taking them off the net. The reason I want them to stay is that it makes it possible to document Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christian hate.
Thanks all. Hurried Hugs!
“If Christ were here there is one thing he would not be – a Christian.” – Mark Twain
“In truth there was only one Christian, and he died on the cross.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
“No sooner had Jesus knocked over the dragon of superstition than Paul boldly set it on its legs again in the name of Jesus.” – George Bernard Shaw