Since I respect, but am not a pagan, I normally do not consider a mere change of season as cause for celebration, but this year, I’m making an exception. I could not be happier to be putting Summer behind me, because suffering the effects of global climate change has been the second most intolerable thing in my life.
You may have noticed that the days have been getting shorter, and the nights have been drawing in.
That’s because today is the Autumnal Equinox – which officially marks the end of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.
An equinox occurs when the sun passes directly over the Earth’s equator, resulting in a day and night that equal in length.
There are two equinoxes every year – one around March 22 and one around September 22. In the southern hemisphere the seasons are flipped, and the September equinox marks the start of spring…
Inserted from <The Mirror>
Leave it to my Aussie friends to get it bass ackwards.
Of course, regardless of the season, it’s most important to
13 Responses to “Happy Autumn!”
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Wise words about what the summer has brought us, and I certainly agree, that the global climate change is here to stay, sadly and unfortunately.
What saddens me even more is that the way things are going, we’ll have nothing to give to our future generations. From the decrease in population of the bumble bees to earthquakes, and storms. That….to me….is very, very concerning.
Such a beautiful Autumn picture, and so serene!
Thanks, Tom
Yesterday and for a couple of weeks back, our high temp was 83. Today it’s supposed to be 70. Starting tomorrow, it goes to the high-fifties-low sixties for about a week (that’s as far as I usually look ahead, because, after all, this is Colorado, and things change). It is EXTREMELY rare for Colorado, and Colorado Springs in particular, to be so cooperative with the calendar. I hope the predictions are correct. I am not making book.
If I had remembered the calendar, I would have saved a more fall-looking one for today, but we’ll have to make do with the Last Rose of Summer.
Absolutely gorgeous autumnal photo!
(Google Search cannot pinpoint it – but wherever it is, it’s beautiful)
Fall has ALWAYS been my favorite season!
Check out my profile pic on C2, it is very similar and taken near my home.
Found on Google images. Autumn.
It appears to be titled “Red Leaf Trees Near the Road” – and is widely available as a wallpaper download.
But I can’t find anything else about it – location, who took it, etc.
I found that it was from Heard County in GA.
Exquisite photo, hard to believe those crimsons are not photoshopped! Some of the sugar maples here, New Jersey, have already been turning orange. Nonetheless, we are about to set records for warmth in late September. My bell pepper plants, however, are absolutely thriving in this unseasonable time.
As with Nameless, Autumn is high on my list of favorites!
I think most of us are ready for autumn, but not winter!
Fall and winter, my two favourite seasons because the temperatures are cool. I’d say spring too except the cooler temperatures are eclipsed by the thought of hot summer weather which I detest.
Great picture! It reminds me of the Gatineau Hills in western Québec, across the Ottawa River from our nations capital. Québec is the world’s largest producer of maple syrup and those trees are why.
I used to adhere to the astrological start of autumn and spring as indicated by the equinox too until global warming started to influence the seasons so strongly here in Europe, and in the area of Oz I frequent, that they moved forward by at least two to three weeks and the meteorological timeline of four seasons of three months each, starting with spring from March 1 to May 31, starts to make more and more sense to me.
But no matter what calendar we use, this planet is rapidly warming up and that may influence our seasons in ways we can’t possibly foresee yet, so enjoy those beautiful falls as long as you can.
By the way, I love the “Not to Scale” in a font larger than most other lettering in that image from The Mirror
, they must not trust the level of the education of their readers very much to deem it necessary to put this “warning” in so emphatically.
I’m glad that the Fall season is here. Yesterday, I woke up in a cold room and had to put on my fleece jacket to stay warm while playing with the computer and having my first cup of very strong Nambian Covfefe. I looked up the weather report as I do every morning and found that the temp was 41 F. Brrrrr. A surprise! Sonoma, CA has had some very high, record setting temps all spring & summer long. 111 F. being the highest. So glad that the temps are much cooler! But, considering what we went through this summer almost makes my dread the winter months with the Climate Change is in affect. What will winter bring us this year? sigh…
Very nice photo. Reminds me of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York. I also remember that we used to rake the leaves into a big pile and play in it. I also remember the burning of the leaves and the wonderful aroma from them. Marshmallows, hot dog roasting. Nowadays, the burning of leaves is considered pollution, a no-no and I believe against the law in many communities. sigh…
Thanks all. Hurried Hugs!