Today’s forecast high is a refreshing 72° and my room is comfortable, even though the hallways and bathrooms in the building are still super-heated. Having just taken two doses of Immodium for Republicosis, and an Oxycodone shortly after breaking the tooth, I gutted out the rest of the day yesterday with no additional pain meds to minimize Republicitis. For once, today has been a disaster-free day, so far. Speaking of disasters, everyone is covering Irma constantly, so I’ll say only one thing. Any sane person’s responses to Florida and to the Republican Party must be identical. Get the hell out of there!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:03 (average 4:24). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (GQ Channel): Trump Will Soon Be the Ex-POTUS | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann
From Keith’s mouth to God’s ear! However, I still cannot see goose-stepping Republican legislators impeaching their Fuhrer, until and unless they are convinced that failure to do so will cost them their jobs. RESIST!!
From YouTube (Funny or Die Channel): They Came From The Alt-Left!
Of course, there is no such things as the Alt-Left. If there was, they would be the both non-violent and well-intentioned folks that were way too fast to believe and parrot Russian propaganda about Clinton, and foolish enough to consider their own intellectual purity more important than saving America from Trump and the Republican Reich. RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: This resident in the congressional district which Mike Pence used to represent in Indiana isn’t saying anything here that we don’t already know, but he does say what everybody needs to hear about Mike Pence. He is no savior waiting in the wings, he’s just a different flavor of GOP disaster. New York Times:
To the Editor:
For months I’ve been hearing comments, often from President Trump’s most ardent opponents, that in spite of the turmoil our country is in, fear not because Vice President Mike Pence is merely an impeachment vote or resignation away from the presidency. These folks should visit Indiana, where Mr. Pence served as governor for four years, and in my congressional district we were subjected to 12 years of Mr. Pence as our representative.
During his time as governor, Mr. Pence was the most divisive leader this state had ever seen. If he had not accepted Mr. Trump’s offer to be his running mate, he most likely would have lost a bid for a second term.
Make no mistake: Mike Pence is little different from his boss. He wears a smile on his face and his religion on his sleeve, but a President Pence would be no relief from what this nation is going through right now.
Thank you Dan Dierks for confirming from your personal experience what I’ve been saying all along. All the violence, greed and hate are Republican problems, not just Trump problems. Republicans were just better at hiding them, before Trump. RESIST!!
11 Responses to “Open Thread – 9/8/2017”
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3:47 A little light on the subject.
I missed this Randy Rainbow a couple of weeks ago, but it’s too good not to share (if a little bit NSFW)
Yes! We Have No Steve Bannon! 8/21/17
Keith # 118 – “Two years or two hours” – Good estimates I think. Am I the only one who has difficulty understanding why so many people seem to have trouble understanding thiat this behavior is CRIMINAL? Why so many of his supporters say things like “He’s being a strong leader.” No, he isn’t. Being Tony Soprano is NOT being a strong leader, it’s being a thug gangster crook. Consider the possibility that Mueller has enough to convince a court that he is guilty, but is trying to find enough to convice even some of his supporters (I’m sure he is smart enough to realize it will never be all) that the deeds he is guilty of are, in fact, CRIMINAL.
YT/FoD – I supppose that should have been funny – but it wasn’t, to me. Your definition of Alt-Left is better.
DKos – Pencildick does have some differences from Trump. For one thing, he is far more focused than Trump (what he is focused on is, of course, Dominionism.) This is NOT a good thing. And, as I said yesterday, I think it is something that Mueller is considering even as he investigates and processes information. Definitely, this information from real life is appreciated.
Cartoon – I did, of course, sign a few internet “cards.” I commented on one that I wanted to keep seeing his smile for a long, long time.
Thanks for Randy, one again! I also checked out his well done “mooch” piece. Only a clown like Trump could possibly have a Bannon and a Mooch on staff.
So true. I only didn’t use the Mooch one because he was in for such a short time and I kind of wanted to forget him.
Thanks for Randy Rainbow vid. I do so like him and he brought a smile to my face which is sorely needed today.
KO: YAY!!! Seems every day, we hear of something else that he did, or his cohorts! Encouraging news!
YT: LOL !!
DK: As much as lyin’ Ryan was vilified by (most of) the folks in WI, this guy was just as nasty in IN. They all show their true colors, don’t they?
Cartoon: Happy Birthday, Bernie!!
Sorry about your dilemmas both topside, and astern, hopefully, with rest, you’ll start feeling better. Have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
Irma: I’m hoping that friends there in Florida, GA, and the Carolinas, are evacuating and safe. Evacuations have started in GA. Prayers to all affected by these storms. Jose is right behind, in the Caribbean.
*Joanne, I just want to hug Randy! He’s adorable and so talented!!!
YT/Funny or Die: I loved it.
DK: I have also been warning about Pence’s poisoned mind. It is good to see this fellow’s take on him, in the public domain!
‘Toon: Bernie rocks!
Puzzle — 3:30 The greenery might make an acceptable salad for your dinner tonight. I saw acceptable because I don’t know if it is toxic to Puddy Tats.
YouTube — This is when one needs a red phone with a speed dial to G-O-D. It cannot come too soon!
I was out earlier looking for a book entitled “Ratf**cked: Why your vote doesn’t count” by David Daley. I knew the store had it but damned if I could see it. So I did what any woman would do, I asked a clerk for assistance. Other than it was right where I had already looked but did not see, when he read the title he was intrigued and we got into a discussion. The young man was probably about 20 years old and as it turned out a Drumpf supporter. (Go figure, a Drumpfian in Canada and a young one at that — young, white male.) We briefly discussed Drumpf’s healthcare debacle and then I mentioned Drumpf’s lies, his continuous and egregious lies. I didn’t even get to the Russian issues when he stated that nothing was proven a lie. I looked at him in total disbelief. I then informed him of the special prosecutor etc and some of the lies — some of the things Drumpf said one day and contradicted the next. He was surprised when I said this was all in the news. This is a university student who I would have thought would be more aware but he had no clue. I advised him to watch the US news more carefully and not Faux Noise. I also said don’t be deterred by Drumpf calling everything fake news. OMG!!! Hard to believe.
Funny or Die — I remember thinking when I first heard Drumpf say “alt-left” . . . whaaaat??? I suppose Drumpf will claim that “alt-left” is a word he invented. It is for sure an idea he invented to distract from everything else he said about Charlottesville, but it does not exist! In this piece, loved Steve Martin and Martin Short doing their little dance from the movie “Three Amigos” . . . a real booty call.
Daily Kos — Let’s hope that Keith is correct when he said that Pence could be caught up in the Drumpf legal woes and be gone too. For that matter, Ryan and McTurtle too!
Cartoon — Happy Birthday Bernie!!!
Irma is coming through with Jose on her coattails. I don’t know if Jose will hit Florida but it is hitting Sint Maartens and St Barts which have both been flattened by Irma. For that matter, great swaths of all of the Caribbean islands have been flattened. Prayers for the people and the emergency crews. And now an 8.1 earthquake in Mexico near the Gualemala border.
Glad to hear that your temps have cooled. We have cooled down a lot and we have rain yesterday and today. I lost my comment yesterday to “ not responding” hence while I am doing it now but I have a funeral to go to. One of our church members lost her baby in utero at 27 weeks. The baby was named Elijah and is being laid to rest today. I also lost a long time church friend yesterday morning at the age of 84 years. I was a regular visitor from our Pastoral Care team and was getting ready to go visit her when I got the call. What a day. If everyone could add prayers or thoughts for these two families it would be appreciated.
It’s a shame that student has not yet learned haw to learn.
How tragic. Thoughts and prayers for the families.
Thanks all. Hugs!
Keith Olbermann: Spot on, per usual, but too many heads will roll if Drumpf is impeached over Russia/firing Comey. Yes, Drumpf will be impeached, but it looks like Republicans are avoiding Mueller’s investigation altogether and heading for impeachment on the basis of mental illness. That way they get rid of their foe and take on his VP as president to continue the GOP agenda, and they can all stay where they are.

DK: The only good thing about Drumpf: he exposed what Republicans really are, and Pence is obviously one of the worst of them.
Sorry to hear about your tooth trouble on top of everything else. Fortunately the temperatures are going down, so you can heal from this better and quicker.