This is Joanne’s sixth Big Mouth award. She earned her first in September 2013, her second in March 2015, her third in May 2015, her fourth in July, 2016, and her fifth in October, 2016. I still predict there are more coming. I think JD comments more than I do.
A denizen of Care2, she came to us from there, and is now part of management. She’s super-smart, witty a political junky and an activist for all kinds of human rights. I have had occasion to correspond with her, and she faces some major issues in her life with exceptional dignity and grace.
In early 2016, I appointed her to a staff position, Politics Plus Author, and last October, I promoted her to Editor. Please join in swamping her with the praise and kudos she deserves. Her daily comments and her articles make this a far better site.
12 Responses to “Joanne Dixon Has a BIG Mouth!! ;-)”
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Hurried thanks. I’ll return, I promise.
Well, Glory Be!!! Congratulations, Joanne!!
I can’t think of a more ‘All-Hands on Deck’ kind of person for receiving this award !!, and I so enjoy reading your comments on the posts, and the contributions you make here, Joanne. Keep ’em comin’.
I’ve learned a lot from this group, with knowledgeable comments and continue every day to be amazed at this circle of respectful, insightful people here.
Congratulations again, and Salute to you!! Well Done, ShipMate!
Getting ready to go up North again, but just enough time to say how much I appreciate Joanne’s big mouth in all its forms: commenting on Politics Plus every day and on every article posted there, a weekly Erinyes without fail, cross-posting on Care2 for Nameles and sometimes a very personal hedgehog link just for me. Politics Plus wouldn’t be the same without you, Joanne.
So congratulations, wonderful Big Mouth and may many more awards follow!

Thanks to everyone. Pat – “Shipmate” – I am honored. Mitch – THANKS! Lona – thanks for the reminder – I have a new hedgehog picture. All – Just, thanks.
Yup! JD certainly does have a very “BIG MOUTH” as attested by her frequent rumblings punctuated with colorful displays of graphics. Simply wonderful. Hugzzz…
Kudos JD!!!
Very cogent comments and articles from which I learn a lot. I may not always comment on your articles, but I always read them and they often leave me thinking “WTF?”.
Well done my friend! Another “Nasty Woman” held in high regard!
Like Jim and Mitch, I cannot access TCs Care2 posts but it may be a bigger problem — I can’t access any news stories. I keep getting “Care2 is not responding”.
Well Reply on Open Thread.
Thanks Jim and Lynn! I try to share tidbits I was not aware of; I consider myself somewhat well-informed, so I assume that what’s new to me will probably be new to others here.
As of this moment, I can get into the “news submitted” page easily. The individual article page was clocking, but clicking the “stop” red X brought it up. Granted it’s being a little touchy. Internet Explorer 11.
Woooo Hoooo JD!!

Been trying and trying to congratulate you, Joanne, but Care2 seems to hate me these days. So, I’ll just say that I admire your wit and wisdom and think you are one of the best things to happen to the world!