It’s that time of week again, and I’m happy to share five excellent video clips from Bill’s show last night. Enjoy!!
The way Trump changes gears, he may well have schizoaffective disorder.
Before Arpaio defied the order, he had signed an agreement to abide by it.
Jesse Jackson: We Deserve Much Better
By all means the Republican Nazis, who participated in racist activities in Charlottesville should be outed. Their employers should be boycotted, until they are fired. Fighting for a multiracial, multicultural society is the right thing to do.
Frank Bruni: Liberal Censorship
The fringes of the left can go too far. When I was a young civil rights activist, Black people often told me that I could not understand, because I had not experienced it. I agreed with them, told them there was pain in my background that they could not understand either, and said we should support each other. I disagree with the statement made by the Evergreen professor. However I do support his right to make that suggestion. A discussion of it, instead of the reaction to it, might have led to a place, where whites were encouraged to join Remembrance Day activities in support of Black Students.
A lot of the rules have been written down, and Trump ignores them anyway. If Washington, Adams, Madison, and Jefferson has foreseen Trump’s Republican Rectum Reich, they would have apologized to King George and called off the American Revolution.
7 Responses to “Bill Maher from 8/25”
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Bill Maher #1: Great monologue,
the way he kept schizophrenia thread going: LeBoeff being so erratic he was almost presidential…Drumpf’s ratings getting four straitjackets…
Bill Maher #2: All three panel members were right: (i) by pardoning Arpaio Drumpf told law enforcement that civil liberties no longer matter, (ii) as a president he has told people of color that even law enforcement no longer have to hold themselves to a rule of law and they now have nowhere to turn to, and (iii) Drumpf has sent a signal to those under investigation by Mueller that if they stick by him he’ll pardon them. And the most scary thing of all: all three are true which makes this “little act” of pardoning a man who’s 85 and no longer sheriff a shockingly big act.
Bill Maher #3: Always great to hear Jesse Jackson and it’s wonderful how he embraces the larger problem and makes it into a multiracial and multicultural issue and not just one of African-Americans.
On finding and outing the white supremacists in Charlottesville through social media: that quickly stopped when they identified a man incorrectly and made an innocent man’s life into a hell. It isn’t all that easy to identify people from a single badly lit shot as it may appear, especially not with the beard trend at the moment.
Bill Maher #4: I’ve read Frank Bruni’s article “I’m a white man. Hear me out” and thought it excellent, but I was unpleasantly surprised by the amount of flack he received in the comments. I really think Bruni has a point when he says that the categories they can be put into do not identify people, but their character does. I think many of us here at PP, and Care2, do not fall in the categories or minorities we strongly empathize with, but that shouldn’t mean that our empathy isn’t real or heartfelt and therefore should be dismissed as irrelevant and exclude us from the debate. Doing so only widens the divisions instead of uniting people to bring about change.
Bill Maher #5: Brilliant, nothing to add to that, just laughter

Amen to #4!
It’s very like Black Lives Matter versus All Lives Matter, isn’t it. Of course all lives do matter, But failing to specify that BLACK lives matter carries the implication that they don’t. I have no problem listening to anyone on the topic of “race relations,” but I end up better educated if I (and the other white person) listens to the people of color FIRST. If Bruni can demonstrate to me that he has listened – a LOT – then he should be worth listening to.
I see my comment didn’t post – I’ve re-posted it below.
#1 — Wrap Drumpf up! Wrap Drumpf up!
#2 — Why would Drumpf pardon an 85 year old racist hasbeen, if not to demonstrate to others loyalty swinging both ways? Arpaio is not in Drumpf’s league, although they are both the scum of the earth. Without outright saying it and getting caught in another potential obstruction of justice charge, Drumpf has said to his “allies” what will happen.
#3 — “… Republican Nazis, who participated in racist activities in Charlottesville should be outed. Their employers should be boycotted, until they are fired. Fighting for a multiracial, multicultural society is the right thing to do.” — AMEN!!!
#4 — “I think right now we have a world of eggshells.” We have lost, it seems, the ability to discuss with each other various issues like race because we fear losing the greater argument. To me, there is no winning or losing of the greater argument. That “argument” is understanding and empathy, appreciating another’s journey and standing in solidarity.
#5 — Too funny!!!
#4 spot-on!
Thank you both!
Sorry this didn’t post yesterday …
Bill – Teleprompter – Several people have noted that all the other disasters he caused himself – but Bill does say it better. I did hear his fans started to leave early, and thought it was cool, but one swallow doesn’t make a summer. We can but hope.
Crazy Joe – i couldn’t help thinking while listening to this how many people think “white Christians” are the most discriminated-against group in the USA. SMH with facepalm.
Jesse – And he was right. People are starting to say it more, now – both black and white.
“The problem is that white people see racism as conscious hate, when racism is bigger than that. Racism is a complex system of social and political levers and pulleys set up generations ago to continue working on behalf of white at other people’s expense, whether whites know/like it or not.” – Scott Woods
“People know about the Klan and the overt racism, but the killing of one’s soul little by little, day after day is a lot worse than someone coming in your house and lynching you.” – Samuel L. Jackson
“I have privilege. I am safe if I do nothing. That gives me the responsibility to do everything I can to help change a system that gives me an unfair advantage.”
— Daily Kos User “Twistie”
Also, we cannot push equal rights under the law too much. That is indeed the right thing to do. But we should never call it identity politics and we should push back against anyone on our side, and probably anyone opposing us too. Look at all the fights we have lost, or have kept losing, by letting the other side create the terminology, or realizing too late that that was happening and jumping in with our own without convincing anyone. Women’s health is a big area, but not the only one.
Bruni – Yes. We have to be able to talk with each other. Honestly but politely. I must also point out that it’s no shame to be white. It’s not even shameful to have white privilege, since no one has any control over having it, it’s others who bestow it. However, it is a shame not to do one’s best to grasp it – and those who feel ashamed when people point out they are white, or point out that white privilege exists, probably have something on their conscience they are unwilling to admit. And it’s not whiteness
New Rules – That is just the best description: the babysitter who puts the baby in the microwave! And all those other examples.