I’m not sure if we’ll get videos Putin’s Piddle Pervert getting a golden shower, or just a bunch of dull spreadsheets detailing Russian payola for quid pro quo, but if all the research it took to produce the Steele Dossier goes public, and that may be very soon, it could bed the end of Trump.
Senate investigators met this week with the co-founder of the political research firm behind the explosive dossier of unsubstantiated and salacious material about President Trump’s alleged ties with Russia.
Glenn Simpson, a former Wall Street Journal reporter who later helped found the private investigation firm Fusion GPS, sat down with Senate Judiciary Committee staff behind closed doors on Tuesday, congressional aides told NPR.
Simpson’s firm hired a respected former British intelligence officer, Christopher Steele, to compile the dossier, which alleges that Trump had a long-running relationship with Russia and that the Kremlin holds compromising material on him.
The file also claims that Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton in last year’s election. Trump denies the allegations… [emphasis added]
From <NPR>
Rachel Maddow did such an extensive job of covering this story that she devoted three segments to it. That’s over 30 minutes (sorry Lona) of video. In the first she covers the background and History of the dossier, the testimony to Senate staffers and how it is likely be released soon.
In the second, she covers the implications for the Fuhrer, of the publication of this testimony.
In the third, she discusses what investigators are likely to learn from over 40,000 pages of related documents.
It’s quite clear that, if this delivers anything near what it promises, the Orange Turd will sink to the bottom of the political toilet. While nobody in their right mind can help celebrating such a joyful event, it will actually make our jobs harder. With Trump gone, Pence will become the new Fuhrer. The only thing that will change is that we will have to discover and expose the evil that Republicans will do, because most Republicans won’t brag about it like Trump does. But all the hate, greed, and lust for power we see now will remain unchanged.
15 Responses to “This Could Be the End”
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Rachel – I can certainly identify with Rick Wilson – what world did I wake up in? Does he really not see he is digging himself deeper the more he fights investigation? And if he really does not see that, where are we headed? Rick certainly gave a good, strong report card to Fusions and even more to Christopher Steele. I had gotten that impression, but not being in on anything, my impression is not even worth 2¢.
Interesting how many people say they can’t listen to Rachel. I can’t stop listening to Rachel when she gets going.
Her famous B-roll is candy!
Rachel: WOW! 10 hours long session. wow! The dossier is like a road map with the Russians’ involvement. The more he lies, he dt digs a bigger hole(s).
Good video(s), I like how Rachel explains and talks ‘things’ through. Like KO, she’s at the top of my list.
It’s Trump’s version of trickle-down economics, the only kind of leaking he approves of. And that Russian hooker was a whiz at her job.
As far as Pence is concerned, two things to remember:
1) By far the biggest danger Trump presents is the possibility of starting a war or using a nuclear weapon in an ignorance-fueled fit of temper. With Pence that danger will, at least, be no greater than with any other normal Republican President. That’s hugely important. The lives of the millions of people in Seoul and Tehran outweigh our domestic political concerns.
2) The resistance will not weaken just because Pence replaces Trump. By far the biggest driver of mass resistance and protests to Congress has been ACA repeal, which has little to do with Trump. People will still want to protect the ACA, Medicare, Social Security, and so on, even with Pence in power.
I mostly agree, my friend. When it comes to nuclear aggression, Pence is certainly preferable, as long as he does see it as hastening Armageddon.
I think the resistance will be less widespread, as many will be apathetic without the outrage Trump inspires.
I believe you are right, the only thing that will change if Pence inherits the throne, is less bragging about the horrible decisions he will make. I still would like to see Agent Orange exposed for what he really is though.
Much as I would like to watch the videos, it is late here, now. I am always impressed with Rachel, however, and will take your intro to her videos as my reading of the story. I still want to see Trump, and Pence, in orange jump suits, with the Leavenworth logo!
The particular problem with Pence, is his inveterate religiosity, wherein he sees his religion as more important than his country!! We will have to be BIGLY vigilant about the separation of church and state!
Fortunately for full effect, that “Golden Shower” comes as a GIF:
LOL! I had never seen the GIF!
So off the cuff: I don’t think publishing this dossier will be the end of Drumpf, not in the sense that his reign of terror comes to a screeching halt, but it may well accelerate his current slow downfall. Much will depend how the GOP will react to it; as we’ve learned by know his base will accept anything from him so there’s no condemnation coming from their corner. If pussy grabbing couldn’t make him doubt it, I don’t thing golden showers will do the trick, and it seems they couldn’t care less about Russian meddling in American elections, nor about Drumpf’s possible financial ties to the Russian oligarchy. They’ve got the man they wanted in the White House and they’ll stick by him. It’s also unlikely that the GOP will drop him over some urine-soaked tapes, so it’ll come down to what is in those dossiers about Drumpf’s financial ties to Russia and how much the can ignore, negate or extenuate.
But perhaps the GOP thinks its chances on ruining the country are better now with Pence at the helm and they drop Drumpf as soon as this dossier comes out in the hope that Mueller will stop looking further and not find a Pence-Putin connection we’re not aware of yet. Sometimes I get the idea that the GOP has been planning to have it go this way all along: First milk Drumpf for what he’s worth and have him turn everything Obama has ever accomplished into rubble, and when he’s served his purpose, ditch him and have Pence, who would have never defeated Hillary in the election, finish the job for them.
It’s my fervent hope that Mueller IS aware of a Pence-Putin connection.
It’s my fervent hope that Mueller is not only aware but has hard evidence.
Very interesting information. If I were Drumpf, I’d be penning my resignation letter now.
I agree with Infidel, but let’s not forget that Pence could also be implicated in Drumpf’s shenanigans and find himself in legal trouble.
This is something not seen before in US politics, not even with Tricky Dicky Nixon and his merry band of criminals.
Thanks all! Very pooped hugs!
Get you some REST, TC!
Love Rachel! I can listen to her explanations of the incomprehensible crap going on in D.C.!
Take care, my friend!