It’s a few degrees cooler than yesterday, yet the building is so super heated that I can’t tell the difference. I took a thermometer to the rest room this morning. At 6:00 AM, in Nameless’ favorite position, it was 101° there. Tomorrow’s forecast high is the coolest of the nest ten days: 93°. AAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 5:44 (average 7:34). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Robert Mueller Takes Next Step In Donald Trump Russia Probe
Joy did an excellent job of filling us in on the history and status of the investigation into the crimes of Donald "Putin’s Pervert" Trump (R-RU) and his Republican cronies. RESIST!!
Also from YouTube (MSNBC Channel): Lawrence: Donald Trump Begged Mexico For Help On The Wall
What a lying fool! Here is a full transcript of both this phone call and the idiot’s call to Australia’s PM. Enjoy, Ozzies! RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: The special counsel, Robert Mueller, just called Donald Trump to tell the President that he was “the most innocent person ever,” Trump told reporters on Thursday.
“It was the middle of the afternoon, and he just picked up the phone to say how innocent I was,” Trump said. “He said I was the most innocent person he’d ever come across, and maybe in history.”
“He said he had been over all of the evidence and that he and his staff would spend hours just looking at each other in amazement at about how unbelievably innocent I was,” he said.
Andy, the really sad thing is that it’s something Trump would actually say. RESIST!!
And today’s Republicans would cheer!
13 Responses to “Open Thread – 8/4/2017”
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MSNBC: Good video, excellent news!!
YT: I would think that President Nieto is still laughing over this. I think dt lies, then forgets he lied, and then lies to ‘cover up’ his lie(s). Then to be sure….he lies again. lol.
NYer: Gawd, this is so funny!
Cartoon: I read her book when I was about 13 or 14, the events that happened still linger with me, in what millions had to endure. “Everyone in the Secret Annex is arrested. Someone may have betrayed them. They are deported first to the Westerbork transit camp, and then on to Auschwitz. Otto Frank is the only person from the Secret Annex to survive the camps. The others all die.
Sounds like you’re living in an oven! Hope tomorrow brings cooler temps for you. Enjoy your evening, and Thanks, Tom.
5:26 Highly monochromatic. Don’t ask me how I did that, because I have no idea.
Rachel/Joy – She does indeed do a great job of the timeline. One of the things it makes clear (to me – I suppose some people just believe wghat they want) is that Rosenstein’s appontment of Mueller was based on solid evidence, not on any whim, and, what’s more, on evidence which only became public after Comey was fired. The empanelment of this grand jury, besides all the other reasons, gives Mueller a sort of anti-firing insurance. If Trump were to fire him now, the grand jury could subpoena the shit out of him. (That shit would be the shit that would hit the fan.)
Lawrence – This is the kind of bluntness that every news source nees to (but won’t) use. And even if they all did, it’s moot whether Trump voters could grasp it. Heads exploding might be the best thing we could expect.
TNY – SMH! Yes, Andy has the Bullshit Brezhnev pegged.
Cartoon – Probably Republicans then DID cheer – Republicans of both parties, I guess I should say.
P. S. in case anyone has not seen Nick Hanauer’s petition.
I had not, but I have now. Thanks
YVW. So glad he is on our side.
Been there. Signed that!
Wouldn’t it be nice if weather could be averaged and spread out evenly, TomCat? In Oz they had the hottest (winter month) July on record, but out of the blue the Alpine region in the south is in the grip of a winter blizzard, breaking other records. The temperatures here are splendid for winter: 2-7°C during the night, reaching 20°C by noon.
MSNBC-RM: It seems Mueller is going full steam ahead and casting a wide net in his investigations, giving the impression that things are really getting serious for Team Drumpf. The Senate is also not going into recess, making it impossible for Drumpf to make any recess appointments like replacing Sessions with someone who can and will fire Mueller, and apparently Congress has made some other provisions to prevent Mueller from being ousted by the White House. Sounds promising, doesn’t it. It can’t be a coincidence that the same Sessions, so deplored by Drumpf in recent weeks, suddenly came out with a full scale investigation of leaks in the WH, with four people already indicted and with legislation looming in the background with which reporters could be subpoenaed to reveal their sources. Sessions announced that a lot of money and resources were going to be poured into these investigations all in the name of national security. The WH is really feeling the heat and so is the taxpayer.
MSNBC-LO: As you can imagine, Aussies didn’t spend much time on the Mexican transcript; all eyes and ears were on the Australian one, because not only did it make it very clear that Drumpf had no idea what the agreement, to take on 1,250 immigrants now held on an island in New Guinea, entailed and that his biased mind couldn’t grasp the concept as it was explained to him so patiently by PM Turnbull, the transcript also made it very clear that Turnbull had lied to his voters too. The Aussies were told that America would take these 1,250 people, detained only on Naru because they arrived by boat to seek asylum in Australia. From the transcript it transpired that Turnbull tries to assure Drumpf that America only needed to go through the vetting process and not have them immigrate at all. The full transcript was read out on the national news yesterday evening (having me pick up on the issue immediately). Of course, by this morning the media and the opposition had gone into battle mode on it.

Brilliant, so funny and so sad because Drumpf is really sitting in the Oval Office waiting on that call.
Cartoon: The Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, where Anne and her family hid for so long before they were arrested, is still one of Amsterdam’s most popular tourist attractions. Her story resonates to this day. Make sure you’ll never have your own modern-day Anne, named Maria or Ayesha…
See today’s Open Thread for Ozified video.
U-Tube, Mueller: I am hoping for some serious schadenfreude!!!!!!!
U-Tube Lawrence: The amazing thing is that the people of Wisconsin, or anywhere, still do not get that Rumpy is an inveterate liar! He can put out that huge generalization, again, and again, about “that” unfairness, or “them, you know who I mean,” and these fools will just fill in the blank for him.
NYR: Yes, Andy is reading Rumpy’s dreams!
Cartoon: And if Anne Frank were a U.S. resident, with a name like Anatole Franhk, she would be in danger here…now!
Puzzle — 5:21 Checkmate!
MSNBC — Great information and good to know that Muëller is still moving forward. Although the desired outcome of the Russia/Drumpf investigation is far from over and certainly not predetermined, my recommendation to Drumpf is to start packing, NOW! IMO, his days are definitely numbered.
MSNBC — Drumpf could tell me that the sky is blue and I would not believe him! I find it interesting in the transcripts that Drumpf used Nieto’s first name as if they were long lost buddies while Nieto maintained Mr President. Does Drumpf think he is going to charm Nieto into playing his game? And just like Drumpf to be concerned about how he looks at home as if to say “Hey buddy, bail me out!” Drumpf is such a sleaze bag!
The New Yorker — You’re correct TC. That is something that Drumpf would say! Drumpf is delusional and unhinged, among other things.
Cartoon — Man’s inhumanity to man. A sorry chapter in the history of humankind.
Resist, Persist and Remove!!!
Crap! It is so hot today! And the forest fire smoke is fairly pungent here abouts and thicker, more so than yesterday. I did not go out today because the smoke is burning my eyes and throat, and making me sneeze a lot. The furbabes however don’t seem too bothered by it which is good. Unfortunately, the heat is higher than yesterday and there has been next to no breeze. Arrggghhhh!!!!!
Trust me, that is NOT my favorite position. (Although it does afford a fair amount of relief)
YIKES! 101?? Aren’t there any city codes mandating some range of temperatures in commercial housing locations? I know when I was in medical school in Chicago, they had to keep it moderately (at least not life-threatening) comfortable in the winter and summer.
That rest room is the hottest spot in the building. No windows. Portland never has made AC a code requirement, as it was never needed until recent effects of climate change.
Thanks all. Hot Hugs!!