Jul 272017
It’s that time of week again, so here are three excellent video clips from Sam’s show last night. Enjoy!!
In the middle, Sam found the two most appropriate words to say to the Tangerine Traitor.
There’s only one way to protect yourself from the Taint. Never stop opposing the criminals in the White House.
If Laffer tried to BS me, I’d refer him, to Trump’s Russian hooker for some actual trickle down experience.
OK! The break’s over!
11 Responses to “Samantha Bee – from 7/26”
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Thank the Lord we have Sam, for being able to giggle for a few minutes amid the depressive antics of dt.
Sam I – I think I can guess those words without watching. Yup, I was right. I didn’t realize Mooch was short – but it’s appropriate for a “little skirmisher” which is what his name means (from the commedia dell’arte). (P. S. rated R, highlight to read – Women might still have pubes if Dolt.45 would JUST QUIT GRABBING them!)
Sam II – Well, I survived Google Images (and recommend it – it’s kind of cute). I just hope I (and everyone here) survive the regime!)
Sam III – Oh, so LAFFER is the one who is giving Stanford a bad name! So – can we expect to see the federal government reduced to selling confiscated sex toys to survive, like Kansas? Ya think?
Love the picture in your “Resist” sign! Drumpf would destroy that location too if he has not already set the destruction in place.
He’s working on it. Trying to allow uranium mining. It’s an unusual view of the Grand Canyon.
Sam l: But, Donny boy already show us just who he is, whenever he tweets-145 little let’s is about his limit.
Sam ll: This guy is sooo straight that he’s going to give himself a terminal brain fart trying to think while awake!
Sam lll: “The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.” As per J.K. Galbraith, via Carrie B. Years after JKG said that, some dick whispered into St. Reagan’s ears that “Trickle Down” is the kind of economy that will fuck (oops!), fix the country. This became GOPig dogma! Or, was it their wet dream?
P.S.: The American Psychoanalytic Society has just bigly loosened “The Goldwater Rule,” thus giving free analysts free reign to publicly discuss their take on the mental status/condition of the Taint that sits within the Empty Orange’s cranium! This may just blow his Orangeness’s constrained public presentation out of the water!
It’ll be a lot of fun to hear what these Freudian/Jungian Psychoanalysts have to say about Drumpf, especially about his id having completely taken over his ego and super ego, Mitch, but it would have much more clout if the American Psychological Association, or American Psychiatric Association or would let their free psychologists and psychiatrists speak their educated minds as hundreds of them already have done.
Obviously a case of Saguaro potty training.
Who thought one could lighten the spirits and make people laugh by giving them the cold, hard truth. Sam can!
Sam 1 — Yeah, I found those two words — “F U” . . . and that is a direct quote that is the only appropriate response to the Orange Ogre! . . . other than “You’re Fired!!!” (So appropriate that his own words can be used against him!)
Sam 2 — Oh “The Taint”! Taint is correct! . . . a toxic cesspool TAINT!
Sam 3 — It seems that Arthur Laffer has put Kansas into an economic apocalypse! Not good for the country. And if he specialises in telling rich people what they want to hear, Drumpf is right there to do the bidding!
I so agree with Lona’s comment: “Who thought one could lighten the spirits and make people laugh by giving them the cold, hard truth. Sam can!”
Resist, Persist and Remove!!!
Colouring in honour of the Orange Ogre!
Thanks all. Hot worn out huga!