It’s been a very hectic day. It began at 4:30 AM, when a resident on my floor fell asleep while cooking and started a minor cooking fire. It wasn’t bad enough to evacuate me, but when I heard the alarm, I got up, opened my door, and smelled smoke. I had to get dressed, pop on George, and prepare for evacuation, just in case. Jason, my tech, can’t come until Saturday. His car has a blown transmission, and the shop is looking for parts. It’s a ’98 Volvo. I’m waiting for a grocery delivery from Store to Door. They told me they had reduced my driver’s route, and that I can expect delivery between 10:00 AM and 12:00 Noon, instead of between 1:00 and 3:00 PM. It’s 11:45, and they haven’t come yet. Needless to say, I’m pooped. They arrived just before Noon, and groceries are put away!
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:50 (average 5:20). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (GQ channel): The Republicans Are Bailing on Trump | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann
This a rare occasion in which I disagree with Keith. While some Republicans are whining and bitching to cover their butts, but that’s a long way from bailing on the Fuhrer. That won’t happen until it’s so bas that they see themselves about to be tarred, feathered and driven from office. Republicans in Nixon’s day were a far better breed of criminal. RESIST!!
From YouTube (MSNBC Channel): President Donald Trump Blocks Transgender People From Serving in Military
I don’t see why transgender people can’t join the service, when transspecies monsters have joined Trump’s administration. RESIST!!
From The New Yorker: In an extraordinary rebuke of the President of the United States, the Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. have obtained a restraining order against Donald J. Trump.
The order, which the Girls Scouts were granted on Monday night, prevents Trump from coming within three hundred feet of any gathering of the Scouts’ organization.
Carol Foyler, a Girl Scouts spokesperson, said that while the G.S.U.S.A. sought the restraining order “out of an abundance of caution,” the girls themselves were “in no way, shape or form” afraid of President Trump.
“They’re prepared to deal with bobcats and bears,” she said. “They can handle a malignant narcissist.”
It’s a good thing they did, Andy. Otherwise, Putin’s Pervert would probably grope them. RESIST!!
8 Responses to “Open Thread – 7/26/2017”
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5:04 I was slowed down by sneezing. But probably not that much.
Last night, a win in New Hampshire – “Democrat Kevin Cavanaugh just WON his special election for New Hampshire Senate in an astonishing, double-digit blowout.” Earlier this month, two Dem women won special elections for the NH State House. That’s three for three.
Now here’s another headline you don’t see every day: “Man Accused of Stabbing Puppy for Taking Girlfriend’s Side in Argument”
Keith # 100 – I certainly hope Keith has something here. I just fear that these are candles in a blizzard. TC, you’ve been continually been saying that it doesn’t matter what they say, it’s what they do that counts, and what they will do is back him.
MSNBC – They have bought the slander that transgenders would only want to be in the service to have their conversion covered. Because, of course, that’s what THEY would do. ‘Tain’t so.
TNY – You mean he’d TRY to grope them. Girl Scouts are not merely helpless objects. I’ve been a Girl Scout and I’ve been a Girl Scout leader, and, although it’s been years, I’m confident they are still capable.
Cartoon – It’s not totally destroyed yet. But it needs to be fought for. If you haven’t already (and I know most here have), check out A Grand Alliance.
KO: I agree with your disagreement on this, repugs will grovel, and fawn over dt, need to grow a spine and then some. All of them! (which…of course, they won’t do..)
YT: Talk about discrimination!! Going after these wonderful and brave folks, is sickening. No one should have to explain themselves regarding their preferences, nor transgender affiliations. Oh, but of course, this is coming from a man?? who deferred military service five times. What an A- – !!
NYT: As a former GS leader, with my daughter and 14 other girls in my troop, let me say, most assuredly, they could handle anything negative that came their way. It still applies today.
Cartoon: I always support my carriers and the Post office. An awesome group of folks too!
You’ve had a very busy day! Glad you didn’t have to evacuate either. A nap seems in order, which always sounds good to me. LOL.
Unrelated info here: If one has an opportunity to watch ‘Dunkirk’ the movie, which I went to go see, I strongly recommend it. For those history buffs or interested folks, like me, it’s about the evacuation and rescue of Allied/British forces at Dunkerque, France in 1940. It’s very good, imho.
Have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
How about a description?
Keith: Rumpy is incapable of learning! That concept is similar to what the German leadership thought, before agreeing to make Hitler their Chancellor: that he would get so bogged down in the red tape of signings, and so on, that they could control him…and then he said he did not give a crap about those issues, and went off on his pet agendas.
MSNBC: I see this crap as just the newest iteration in this scummy administration’s attempt to attack any kind of gender equality issue; perhaps set up by the bigot-in-charge Pence!
N’Yorker: Andy nails it, once again!
Puzzle — 4:16 I hope you’re not so hungry as to eat this! If you eat this, you won’t have an iron deficiency.
YouTube — I like what Keith had to say, if only it were reasonable considering the idiots involved. Republicans didn’t like Drumpf much prior to 08 November, but suddenly they had to deal with him. I am sure because of his volatile nature and unsuitability for the position of president (lacking in skills and knowledge), congressional Republicans would like to dump Drumpf but he seems to hold the keys to the kingdom and its power for now.
MSNBC — Drumpf has no concept of serving his country. During the Vietnam war, he received deferments so no military service. As pResident, he is only serving himself and his businesses. He does not understand that some people actually serve their country, not serve up their country. He is so offensive, he makes me ill!
The New Yorker — “They can handle a malignant narcissist.” — A perfect description of the pussy grabber.
Cartoon — And destroy it they did, especially with the pay forward healthcare benefits I think for a period of 75 years.
Resist, Persist and Remove!!!
Well so much for being cooler today! There was almost no breeze and the humidity was up resulting in it feeling warmer than yesterday. For the foreseeable future it will be hot, humid and not a rain cloud to be seen! Arrggghhhh!!!!! One good thing about physio, the office has air conditioning
Ain’t it awful?!!?
Keith Olbermann #100: The content of this video doesn’t quite cover its title; Keith speaks of signs that Republicans are looking for a way out and gives a long list of examples of open discontent about a Führer who doesn’t know how to führ. And given the fact that this is The Resistance’s 100th video, one would expect to see a glimmer of hope in it. But it is no more than hope yet, for the Republicans to bail out, or preferably turn on Drumpf, the GOP leadership needs to make an impossibly hard turn on their heels. It would be political suicide for McConnell and Ryan, and quite a few other GOPers too, to go against Drumpf, they’re in the cesspool up to their noses, hanging on Drumpf’s coattails for dear life. If he goes under, so will they.
MSNBC: Drumpf blocking Transgenders from serving in the military? Undoing Obama’s announcement of gradual transformation of the military, at this particular point in time?
Just love Drumpf’s lashing out at the Girl Scouts on Twitter. True to form!
Cartoon: I’m afraid that Republicans all over the world have destroyed their local Postal Systems, mainly by having them compete on the market and fail. Most Postal Systems are now in the hands of a few global companies. And our own use of e-mail and internet didn’t help much either.
Thanks all! Dripping Hugs!