I don’t know why, but I could not sleep again last night, and between exhaustion and feeling sick of writing about the latest evidence of Republican treason and the latest Republican ploy to kill Granny, I need to make this today’s only article.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:26 (average 4:34). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (GQ Channel): The Amazing New Trump Defense | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann
I think I’m going to puke! RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: A goodly number of progressives rejected Hillary Clinton on the grounds that she wasn’t good enough for them. Their most common claim was that she is just as bad as Mr. Trump. I have a few questions for them:
Would Hillary Clinton have pulled out of the Paris Climate Accords?
Would Hillary Clinton have greatly accelerated deportations of illegal aliens?
Would Hillary Clinton have attempted to ban Muslims from entering this country?
Would Hillary Clinton have appointed Chelsea Clinton to an important position in the White House?
Would Hillary Clinton have encouraged foreign diplomats to pay inflated prices for her products?
How foolish, thoughtless and selfish they behaved! Click through. The list is a long one. RESIST!!
From NY Times: The Senate bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act was edging toward collapse on Monday after the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said it would increase the number of people without health insurance by 22 million by 2026.
Two Republicans, Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Rand Paul of Kentucky, said Monday that they would vote against even debating the health care bill, joining Senator Dean Heller of Nevada, who made the same pledge on Friday. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin hinted that he, too, would probably oppose taking up the bill on a procedural vote expected as early as Tuesday, meaning a collapse could be imminent.
“It’s worse to pass a bad bill than pass no bill,” Mr. Paul told reporters.
Ms. Collins wrote on Twitter on Monday evening that she wanted to work with her colleagues from both parties to fix flaws in the Affordable Care Act, but that the budget office’s report showed that the “Senate bill won’t do it.”
Heller and Collins are only two. We can’t depend on Idiot, Son of Idiot, Named after Idiot. RESIST!!
14 Responses to “Open Thread – 6/27/2017”
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4:28 We (in Colorado) have mountains which look much like that – but not meadows which look manicured like that!
Keith #90 – “It’s not a crime.” Isn’t that the Bill Cosby defense? When thinking about someone whose crimes are so monumental that it is vital to the United States to convict them of SOMETHING – something that requires prison time – I remember Al Capone, who was finally convicted for tax evasion.
♪♫ Some day they’ll find it, the Russian Connection, the grifters, the pond scum, and Trump! ♪♫
DKos – THANK YOU for this! Great minds again. I had already filed a copy.
NYT – Well, the vote is now officially delayed until after July 4. We can maybe take a day to catch our breath, then back to resisting! there’s a march tomorrow! Now please don’t take this as evidence that I am forgiving Cory Booker for voting for Big Pharma, because I haven’t, and probably won’t. But there are other people mentioned here whom I do admire: https://www.dailykos.com/story/2017/6/27/1675717/-Something-Magical-Happened-on-the-Steps-of-the-US-Capital-Last-Night
Cartoon – I assume all the racist Republicans jumped for joy.
♪♫ “Some day they’ll find it, the Russian Connection, the grifters, the pond scum, and Trump!” ♪♫
For those that may not be Muppet fans, it’s Kermit’s “Rainbow Connections”:
[Sidebar Note: AHHHH! Eureka! The EMBED Code, NOT the URL]
I’m using Windows 8, not 10. I’m using internet explorer (11). You must not be seeing what I’m seeing. I’ll send you an email (I owe you something from a year ago February that I just discovered anyway) and include a picture … or three …
The Randy Rainbow parody of the Rainbow Connection is in the Open Thread for yesterday. He doesn’t use “and Trump,” he uses “and you,” because he’s talking directly to Trump. Thanks for the Kermit version, It’s been running through my head all day today. (Randy had allusions to Kermit and – of course – to the swamp.)
I wholeheartedly agree – the DK “Something Magical” post (Diary, to us old-timers) was truly something magical.
They did. He was replaced on the bench with Clarence Thomas. Talk about opposite extremes!![05](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkemoticonssk/img/05.gif)
KO: Enjoy Keith. Blame someone else, blame, blame game. I’m thinking, re: dt: he’s so guilty, he’s guilty!! He boggles my mind. (dt).
DK: Excellent post. I’m saving this one. Word.
NYT: This health care bill is a total cluster. Yes, RESIST!!!
Get some much needed rest and relax. Have a good evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
Puzzle — 4:07 Scenes like this are easily seen from around my place. I shared some pictures a year ago or so.
YouTube — I do not think that Drumpf knows the difference between legal and illegal and legal but unethical or immoral. Drumpf thinks he is special, and I can agree with him . . . he is special . . . a special kind of asshole in a league of his own. The country does not need his kind of special.
Daily Kos — . . . and I am sure there are more. When I think of the Benghazi BS from Republicans that Clinton endured, she did not go all ape shit. But Drumpf has gone all ape shit and more over the Russian investigation and he has yet to be called before a Congressional hearing or anything else. He would be completely unhinged if he had to deal with what Clinton did. His time may come yet.
NY Times — Republicans, with few exceptions perhaps, don’t give a rat’s ass about their constituents or the nation as a whole. I hope those that have indicated they won’t vote for Trumpcare stand their ground and remember who pays them.
Resist and Persist!!!!!
At least it has cooled down some. I hear you about the SSDD. It’s always that way it seems. I have had a crappy day with my laptop freezing several times. Arrggghhhh!!!!!
Keith Olbermann: Mueller and his associates must be getting uncomfortably close for the Drumpf team and associates (Faux News) to come up with the Doomsday Scenario as early as this. No, collusion may not be a crime, but even Drumpf must have thought so otherwise he wouldn’t have obstructed justice several times. And if not a crime then the collusion and subsequent obstruction of justice is ample reason to impeach him.
…And then go after him and his corrupt family to get him behind bars for all the criminal things they did do. Which shouldn’t be all that hard for Mueller to do: just follow the money. Its always been about money! ?
DK: In one word: NEVER. The question now is: Will progressives make the same mistake in 2018 and most of all in 2020?![04](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkkbabe/img/04.gif)
NYT: As was said before: those Republicans that oppose the bill do so for entirely different reasons, most of them self-centered, and could easily be swayed to move the other way as did their party members in the House. It’ll all depend on how much risk Mitch McConnell is willing to take by bringing it to the vote and perhaps having to send his Republican boys and girls home, and at the mercy of their constituents, after voting “yes” on a bill that is going to gut healthcare for all but the very rich, but then didn’t make it because some Republicans thought it wasn’t good/bad enough.
Understandable you’ve reached your limit today, TomCat. Everyone has his limits although yours are so high up they can hardly be seen from where we stand. Take a break and recuperate from Republican poisoning.
Update: apparently McConnell didn’t dare to take the risk and had to the delay the vote. It seems he needs more time to get those rogue Republicans back in the flock again: McConnell’s Reputation as a Master Tactician Takes a Hit
That Putty Tat has “Resisted & Persisted” a tad too much – and clearly is in need of the R&R he’s now getting!
Lona, with exceptions, many of the lefties that pushed Hillary = Trump were regressives, not true progressives. The true progressives who followed them, were the people they fooled.![34](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkemoticons/img/34.gif)
Keith: Turning on a dime may be “…one of Trump’s truly genuine skills,” but it derives from, lives in, his illness! There are some personality disorder types within whom the past, when he/she/ was in a different mood, does not impinge upon the present, when he/she is in this, other, mood; it simply does not “compute!” Handy is nought but a putz apologist, trying to put the “Crooked Hillary” trope back in play so that the Trump supporters can get all sexually excited, again!
DK: Even if these most righteous progressives did not like her, for their own reasons, once she got the nomination (Damn you, DWS!) they were dumb if they did not vote for her!
NY T: Down the sewer with McConnell, and his spoor! Paul, of course, and some others, think the bill is not draconian enough!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks all! Hugs!!![18](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkkbabe/img/18.gif)