Yesterday the heat wave came to an end with another record high temperature: 104° (40°). The next three days are forecast in the high 70°s, but it will take two days, before this building bleeds off enough heat for interior temperatures to reflect the weather outside. My AC is holding it’s own a bit better than yesterday. I’ve had very little sleep in the last two days and am feeling quite tired.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 3:05 (average 4:44). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (MoveOn Channel): We need action
Just as trans people are joining the struggles for freedoms not specific to LGBT rights, straight people must join the struggle for LGBT freedom. If you click through to the MoveOn Channel link, you’ll find videos of Bernie’s healthcare rallies in Pittsburgh and Columbus. Both are over an hour long. RESIST!!
From YouTube (RWW Channel): RWW News: Mike Pence Boasts Of Trump’s Anti-Choice Accomplishments To Focus On The Family
Barf Bag Alert!!
Once again, Pence is just like Trump with two minor exceptions. He is not a puke shade of orange. Whatever pussy grabbing he does, he keeps it secret. RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: Two groups, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, CREW, and the National Security Archive, have filed a lawsuit against the president, arguing that he “appears to be violating the Presidential Records Act and the Constitution’s requirement that the president ‘take care’ that the laws be faithfully executed.”
The groups specifically allege that the president has gone on a campaign to destroy tweets and that administration officials regularly use other means of correspondence, such as special apps that automatically delete read emails. The apps also allow for private communications among top staff that effectively cut the public and the press out from learning of the goings on of the president.
Interestingly, President Trump once accused Hilary Clinton of her own deletion problem.
Kudos to CREW. The doings of the Fuhrer and his Republican Reich are too evil to withstand the light of day. RESIST!!
26 Responses to “Open Thread – 6/26/2016”
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5:00 I can think of something orange I’d rather see in the water -except I’d prefer it to be hot water. (It wouldn’t be edible, but then, neither are the canoes.)
YT/MOC – Once again – or, better, still – it is true that we must all hang together lest we all hang separately. Nothing has really chaanged. We are gradually realizing that “we” is bigger and more diverse than we had thought, is all.
YT/RWW- I can’t possibly watch five minutes of this. I get enough of it here at home (Colorado Springs). I just keep praying, slightly adapted, the prayer from “Fiddler on the Roof”: “May God bless and keep the Czar FAR AWAY FROM US!”
DK – I am so glad they are doing this. May its fruition be lavish and valuable.
Cartoon – Another statement about people who make me just want to scream WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE ??!?!!?!??? Do they WANT wars? Do they WANT genocides? Do they worship death? Well, yes, they probably do. I cannot wrap my head around it.
OK, this is off topic (more on the topic two days ago) but I just couldn’t resist sharing. Be sure to sing along.
Randy Rainbow, who I had never heard of before a few weeks ago, is very funny and creative. He probably wants Drumpf in office so he has a plethora of material from which to choose.
As to your puzzle comment, Drumpf is in so much hot water right now that it is amazing “his thin skinned-ness” does not feel the heat! He has so very little emotional intelligence, rather like his hands.
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove yor “resist” picture. Magnificent puddy tat! It is so great I might just use it.
I’m pretty sure it’s a serval. I was thinking there were some serval kittens some years ago at a nearby rescue (Serenity Springs) but I just checked and those were caracals – similar but no spots. You are certainly welcome to use it.
Randy Rainbow has apparently been doing these since the Republican convention – if not before. I agree they are great, but some are better. I was looking around the channel and also loved “Factchecker” (takeoff on “Matchmaker” which is a little older but still true. But this one – OK, I’m a little old to have been an original Sesame Street fan, but that makes me old enough to appreciate how much real art, work, talent, and love has gone into it, and this song has long been one of my favorites.”
I’m not a fan of musicals myself, but Randy is so funny that I don’t mind him bursting out in song in his videos. And he’s a good singer, that too.
So thanks for posting this Randy Rainbow, Joanne.
Pence does have one major difference from Twitler: He wants to turn our government into a Talibangelical christianist theocracy.
Yeah, and Drumpf just wants an authoritarian state with himself as dictator! . . . his own nation. Would not surprise me if he changed the nation’s name to Trumponia or some other equally lampoonish name.
YT: Good video. Sweet! We all need to stand together, whoever we are.
BBA: Pence, UGH!!
DK: Let’s get this rolling, rolling….rolling…BAM!!!
It rained here last night, which we needed, and some more tonight, and tomorrow. Thank the Lord, as I don’t need any more fires around here. Muggy and hot. Shame it’s so hot in your building though. Try and get some rest, enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
Barf Bag Alert!!!
This just in from Harper’s Bazaar. Make America Scared Of The Beach Again.
Beloved Shirts, …” has created a new swimsuit featuring a close up of Donald Trump’s face. The one-piece features a zoomed-in version of Trump’s “shocked” expression and is currently on sale for $49.95 …
Unlike Donald and Ivanka Trump’s fashion lines, however, this swimsuit is actually made in the U.S. …
I am sorry but I just had to share this. No self respecting woman would wear this. It should be declared a toxic item.
I have already used this suit in a comment on a Raw Story article about a woman who was told her one piece swimsuit was “inappropriate” for a pool where there were teen boys around. And got responses much like these. Maybe a little more explicit.
Just getting ready to put my PJs on & head to bed when you post THIS?!?
If I had your phone number, I’d be sure to give you a call to “chat” when the guaranteed Hellish nightmares begin for me ~ 2-3 AM.
Oh, WAIT! I Do!! (604) …
This could be a prescription for having the beach all to yourself in California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii; or it could be a prescription for a mugging in those same states.
It would not surprise me to see Bulls Eye Barbie in one of these, albeit she will be cold since she lives in Wasilla, Alaska.
There is a summer in Wasilla, albeit a short one. When I worked in an art gallery, we dealt with an art gallery there, and I had no idea the town/state were so insane. Well, maybe they weren’t, then – that was about 20 years ago.
I used to live in Dawson Creek, BC about 600 km (400 mi) south of the Yukon border. We always said that there were only 2 seasons each year — a short summer starting about June 1 and a long winter starting Sept 1. In 1984, the last snowfall was the 24 May long weekend, and the first winter snow was the last weekend of August. We were continuously under snow starting 15 Sept that year.
The repeated “neck” printed at the crotch of this swimsuit is the most repulsive thing I’ve seen in years, Lynn.
What do expect of a pussy grabber, eh?
YT/Move-On: All together, on every needed action!
YT/RWW: I will not watch this jackass support the orange one! It is very possible that Pence has encouraged Idiot’s efforts in this regard, given his own incapacity to accept that the world is not built around his apparent insecurity and fears!
DK: Good, and “Well, of course he did!” That’s what the GOPigies do.
Puzzle — 3:51 Roquebrun (that’s the correct spelling) is in the south of France. Perhaps the canoes are orange because St Andre is said to have walked there from Italy carrying orange tree saplings sometime around 600AD. That is a lot more acceptable than Drumpf.
YouTube — “PRIDE started and really has always been about resistance — about resistance to the forces of discrimination, the forces of hate.” — AMEN!!! As long as one person is discriminated against, all are discriminated against! The Declaration of Independence, a foundational document of the US Constitution, says in its second line:
Unfortunately, some of the Founding Fathers did not live up to this ideal as they held slaves. But that is no reason not to fight for equality for all today.
YouTube — I have but one response,
Daily Kos — Could these apps and the deletions, which are in contravention of the law as it applies to presidents, be further evidence against Drumpf for impeachment purposes? I hope so. Just like a Republican — a US grade A hypocrite. Drumpf kept getting his knickers in a twist about 33,000 missing e-mails of Hillary’s, even imploring the Russians to find them, and then he does the same thing. This is what I think of Drump:
Kudos to CREW and NSA (National Security Archive) for bringing the suit!
Cartoon — An institution with honourable intentions.
Resist and Persist!!!
It was a bit cooler today, but this evening it is sticky. I hope you get a decent reprieve from the heat. Even the furbabes don’t like it.
Move On Channel: Good video, but at the same time strange to have to diffuse two different issues to get a message across. Being progressive is a state of mind, an outlook on life, sadly today with a very strong political connotation. Progressives stand up for the rights of minorities because they believe all people are entitled to the same rights. So they stand up for the LGBT community irrespective of their own sexual identity, because that’s what progressives do. However it doesn’t work the other way around; being transgender doesn’t make you a progressive per se. So a clip like this makes sense as it is necessary to engage transgenders in the fight for equality and rights for all on many other levels more than those of the LGBT community alone.
RWW Channel: There’s another difference between Pence and Drumpf, TomCat: Drumpf never knew that he’d accomplished all these anti-life issues, in fact never even gave a thought to them, but Pence did and prepared them meticulously for his boss to “accomplish”(can’t have him make mistakes there). Such a nice foundation to build on when he’s president himself.
There’s many more where these came from, Lynn![06](
DK: Kudos to CREW and the National Security Archive for trying!
Cartoon: UN Charter signed but then largely ignored by far too many.
CREW’s lawyers, researchers, and communicators don’t just highlight the negative influence of money in politics; we take action to ensure accountability and change our system for the better.
Drumpf currently dominates CREW like I have never seen before on this site. Well worth the time to look around and see what is transpiring in politics in USA. Yep, Drumpf certainly deserves the title as the “Most Corrupt President” in USA history.
CREW sends out information every once in awhile and yes, it does ask for donations (rare) every once in awhile too. Recommended. .
Thanks all! Pooped Hugs!![19](
Just caught the Randy Rainbow piece: he is fantastic!