I’m feeling very tired, because I could not sleep last night. I’m not sure why, but I suspect it was the excessive humidity. I’m waiting for Store to Door to deliver groceries, and Wendy will be here this evening, because the TomCat is stinky beyond belief. Tomorrow I have my preliminary eye examination, before my cataract surgery. I will be fully dilated. I will post a brief Personal Update before leaving. I doubt that I will be able to reply on my return, as I will be almost blind for the evening. Have a happy hump day, but never hump Trump.
Jig Zone Puzzle:
Today’s took me 2:49 (average 4:25). To do it, click here. How did you do?
Short Takes:
From YouTube (GQ Channel): So, Does Trump Have Tapes of Comey? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann
FBI/Comey tapes? Interesting! I believe Trump did make tapes, because his ego is as big as his hands (etc.) are small. RESIST!!
From Daily Kos: As Vice President Mike Pence inches closer to the presidency due to, you know, all that stuff his boss keeps doing, here is your periodic reminder, stolen from his Father’s Day rant way back in the Bush era, that Mike Pence is also a complete nut.
“Despite her delicate features and voice, Disney expects us to believe that Mulan’s ingenuity and courage were enough to carry her to military success on an equal basis with her cloddish cohorts. Obviously, this is Walt Disney’s attempt to add childhood expectation to the cultural debate over the role of women in the military. I suspect that some mischievous liberal at Disney assumes that Mulan’s story will cause a quiet change in the next generation’s attitude about women in combat and they just might be right. […]
From the original "Tailhook" scandal involving scores of high ranking navy fighter pilots who molested subordinate women to the latest travesty at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, the hard truth of our experiment with gender integration is that it has been an almost complete disaster for the military and for many of the individual women involved.”
This is in addition to his refusal to meet privately with professional women in the workplace lest he be overcome by their female wiles and, of course, a governance record in his own state that nobody in his party dares bring up these days.
This is a reminder that any attempt to remove Trump from office must include Pence. I have said from the beginning that pseudo-Pence is as bad as, or even worse than the Peach Pussy-grabber. RESIST!!
From Me:
I’m sad to announce that the evil Karen Handel defeated Jon Ossoff 52% to 48% in GA 6. Handel, a betrayer of women, ran mostly on hatred and patriarchy. Ossoff ran mostly on health care and jobs. I expect some in the regressive extreme of the left to claim the loss is evidence of the need to abandon the Democratic Party. It means no such thing. We almost took a district that has been in Republican hands since 1979, and was carefully gerrymandered to keep Newtered Newt in power for twenty years. In the end, a small majority who voted cared more for fostering hatred and keeping women barefoot and pregnant than they did jobs and health care. RESIST!!
I originally published this cartoon six years ago today. Isn’t it sad that it’s as valid now as it was then?
8 Responses to “Open Thread – 6/21/2017”
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4:08 The cone looks realistic; the ice cream, not so much.
Keith #88 – “Kick the can down the road.” A typical Republican strategy. I for one hope there are tapes, because, if so, they will prove Trump a liar beyond a shadow of a doubt. But I also help that any tapes there are get made public only in ways that allow them to be used to incriminate Trump in a court of law, not just in the public eye. Because the public eye is durned near blind.
DKos – Yes, and this is one reason for me leaning a little away from impeachment and towards orange jumpsuits and perp walks. The latter is easier to achieve simultaneity for. And Ryan needs to be included also.
TC – Yes. I am repeating myself, but as someone was saying on Daily Kos, comparing parties to sports teams, “First you lose big, then you lose small, then you win small, then you win big.” At least we are at stage 2. I can hardly wait for stage 3.
Cartoon – Well, actually, NO.
KO: Hope there are tapes @the FBI, wouldn’t that be great? Speaking of kicking the can, which I used to play as a kid, another part of the human anatomy comes to mind when thinking of dt, the swift kick of the gluteus maximus!!![21](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkemoticonssk/img/21.gif)
DK: imho, the top three need to be DISSmissed, and quickly.
TC: Yea, what a downer/bummer. Good comment, btw.
Cartoon: wow!
Get some much needed rest, and good vibes to you for your exam tomorrow. Hope your trip to and from goes well too. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.
Better known as the $hitty GOP AHCA (just masquerading as a “healthcare plan”)
To provide some perspective to yesterday’s disappointing (but NOT demoralizing) Georgia 6th:
Keith: Tapes? I’m having inner videos of the Orange Jackass being wrapped in old celluloid tapes, like a mummy! Sekulow, as commented yesterday, is the puppet’s puppet!
DK: Pence is a bigoted Pseudo-Christian with his very own set of religious delusions, in search of a Theocracy! Earlier today, I posted Al Franken’s take on Pence, at C2. We are facing a huge Gordian Knot of bad possibilities, with Pence, and hen Lyin’ Ryan in line for the presidency. Even if the election can be thrown out (do NOT hold your breath, or mine), we are possibly stuck with Ryan.
From TC: Yes, Handel won, but, we are talking about Georgia, are we not? The state that once banned Ray Charles? A state with a love for bigotry? After the twin hurricanes of Katrina and Rita ripped through the southland, friends of mine, in Florida decided to investigate moving to Georgia for presumed protection from natures spectacular winds, spent a month in Georgia, and hastened back with stories of rampant racism in the daily life of Georgia.
Puzzle — 3:22 I think that I will indulge in a fresh lime sorbet when I am out tomorrow! Yum!!!
YouTube — To quote James Comey “Lordy, I hope there are tapes.” For Drumpf, the tape is a double edge sword — if there is one, it will prove or disprove his allegations about his conversation with Comey; if there is one but he fails to disclose it, is he not then in contempt of the Senate Judiciary Committee. If there is no tape, then he is guilty of threatening or attempting to intimidate Comey. Personally, I think there is a tape and it demonstrates that Drumpf is lying and Comey is telling the truth. Any way you cut it, Drumpf should be finished, the optimum word being “should be”.
Daily Kos — “… his refusal to meet privately with professional women in the workplace lest he be overcome by their female wiles…” — Obviously, Pence does not trust himself. I have long said that too often, men cannot control themselves (their urges) and so play the victim, placing blame on women. I agree, Pence would be a disaster and would take the country back in time based on his social views.
You — John Ossoff, don’t go anywhere because 2018 is coming and Karen Handel will need to be taken out behind the woodshed and left there. Word has it that there were flood warnings in areas that were heavy supporters of Jon, but there were no such warnings in Handel’s areas. Perhaps that accounts for some of the results.
Cartoon — Indeed! I can’t even comprehend a ship that large for private ownership.
Have fun tomorrow! I had a busy day today, and tomorrow will be busy, although hopefully not as busy as today. I will try to do an OT tomorrow.
Keith Olbermann: His lawyers will undoubtedly have told Drumpf that he has nothing to worry about as in this day and age there never are tapes of anything, everything is recorded in hard disk. And he used appropriate quotes in his tweet to put himself in the clear. Stop going after “tapes”, it’s a waste of time and too easy to get out of. Now recordings on the other hand…![05](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkkbabe/img/05.gif)
DK: I’m sure you’re right, TomCat, Pence is just as bad, if not worse than Drumpf. Worse, because although he may be a little nuts himself, a true man of the faith as that’s called in his circles, a Talibangelist in ours, he has the capacity to appear sane enough and is able to blow with the winds without getting his hair ruffled. While aiming for the presidency, he’s capable of crawling up Drumpf’s place where the sun doesn’t shine high enough to keep him on his friendly side and still has his own followers believe he’s god’s gift to them. That man is so slippery even Drumpf’s wastes do not stick to him, so he’ll be the hardest one to impeach. Apparently he is already lawyering up with the best there are for that.
From You: Sad but not inconsolable about Ossoff’s loss in a State/district that is/was Republican to the core. What I find most significant however, that in the end it was all about money and not enough about content. It was the most expensive House campaign in history ($55 million total), with a lot of outside individual sponsoring going to Ossoff. But sadly Handel’s Republican sponsoring (outside support from party committees and “super PACs”) won the day.
And some others too: “An Atlanta television station added a 7 p.m. newscast to profit from the deluge of ads in the race.”
Thanks all. Hugs! In a rush!![27](https://www.7thstep.org/blog/wp-content/plugins/ark-wysiwyg-comment-editor/plugins/arkkbabe/img/27.gif)