The drip, drip, drip of accumulating evidence just became a flood. Jared Kushner. who is not only married to Ivanka, but also, the virtual acting President. Was just exposed for asking Russian Ambassador/Spymaster Sergey Kislyak to set up a secret network in the Russian Embassy for communications with the Kremlin, hidden from the US government, before Trump became Resident.
Jared Kushner and Russia’s ambassador to Washington discussed the possibility of setting up a secret and secure communications channel between Trump’s transition team and the Kremlin, using Russian diplomatic facilities in an apparent move to shield their pre-inauguration discussions from monitoring, according to U.S. officials briefed on intelligence reports.
Ambassador Sergey Kislyak reported to his superiors in Moscow that Kushner, son-in-law and confidant to then-President-elect Trump, made the proposal during a meeting on Dec. 1 or 2 at Trump Tower, according to intercepts of Russian communications that were reviewed by U.S. officials. Kislyak said Kushner suggested using Russian diplomatic facilities in the United States for the communications.
The meeting also was attended by Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser.
The White House disclosed the meeting only in March, playing down its significance. But people familiar with the matter say the FBI now considers the encounter, as well as another meeting Kushner had with a Russian banker, to be of investigative interest…
From <Washington Post>
Lawrence O’Donnell covered the story in three segments. If you let the video keep running as the first segment ends, iy should play the second and third.
Everyone seems unable (or unwilling) to understand why Kushner would do such a thing, and I have hear people ask if Trump knew. On the latter, I see no possibility that Trump did not know. On the former, there is one obvious solution. If Trump id as Siberian Candidate, as I have suggested all along, a secret network would provide a way to discuss dividing the spoils.
11 Responses to “Republican Secret Communications”
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Ummmm – why would he do such a thing? How about because he's a traitor too? Following the money will no doubt show it up fast. McLaughlin was bending over backwards to be fair, but his point that if an American intelligence did the same, it would be considered espionage was blunt. I also noted the crack at Bannon when McLaughlin quoted "deconstructing the administrative state." Gee – Mieke is certainly a smart cookie, isn't she?
I was reminded this weekend of the old saying, "Old age and treachery will always win out over youth and skill." Translation – as much evidence as there is against Flynn, don't underestimate his ability to bring Jared down.
The problem with conspiring to commit treason is that the people you have to trust to get it committed are also traitors. How can you expect them not to rat you out if things go sour?
Nobody but a traitor would be secretly dividing the spoils with Russia.
Sheesh!! Good discussion. List gets longer and longer. Kushner needs to have his security clearance nixed, immediately. He lacks experience, and the leaks are getting hot. Clean house from the top on down!
Yup! Top down starting at Drumpf who basically alienated himself from the rest of the G7 leaders this past week.
Let me get this staight:
So private citizens (Jared Kushner, Flynn, Sessions, etc.) secretly meet with the Russian ambassador all the time …
And at least one (looking at YOU Jared) proposes that they sneak over to the Russian embassy …
So they can use Russia’s OWN intelligence communication equipment …
To covertly communicate with the Kremlin …
For the express purpose of hiding from US national security.
(And then lie about it on falsely-sworn statements.)
No biggie … I'm sure it happens all the time.
When will they be prosecuted for treason?
Sorry, Edie – but America needs to focus on the important issues </snark>

So like them!
Hang them all by their thumbs from the yardarm.
To me, this is T-R-E-A-S-O-N and should be handled as such . . . no immunity for rating others out, no special conditions. Let them all experience the darkest, dankest solitary confinement cells for maximum sentences. No club fed. No conjugal visits.
Resist and Persist!!!
It seem that the Drumpf family/team has used all its fingers to plug the dike with to stop it from leaking and that Drumpf's promise and effort to get to the bottom of these leaks comes too late to stop the dike from breaking. Drumpf hasn't drained the swamp but instead has proven himself, his family and everyone he appointed to be the main dregs in this cesspool, so lets hope that it gets flushed clean from all of its filth when the waters break through. Please let this be sooner rather than later.
Thanks all. Hugs!