May 162017

Here are the results of our “When Should Democrats Compromise?” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking of the majority of those who actually think.


Since our polling site no longer enables us to copy and paste your poll comments, you may read them here.

I voted with the majority.  The problem I have had with making deals with Republicans is that, over the long term, they have refused to negotiate in good faith, holding out for all for them and none for us.  Trying to get them to deal, Democrats have caved-in far too often and far too deeply.  But I have no objection to compromise as long as it’s fair to us, and as long as we don’t budge on core values.  The only other popular choice was ‘Never’.  That may offer feel-good purity, but it leaves the politically uneducated no way to tell the difference between us and the Republicans.  It puts ideological purity ahead of the well being of the American people, just like those, who were willing to inflict Trump on us so they could avoid voting for Hillary to protect us.

The new poll is posted.  Please vote and think about why it should inspire you to



  7 Responses to “Poll Results – 6/16/2017”

  1. I voted the same, for the same reasons.

  2. I too, voted the same.

    Thanks, Tom for this.

  3. I'm sorry, call me petty, "Call me irresponsible," if you like, but, one can not expct the GOPigs to allow anything near a fair deal, period!

  4. I voted with the majority, and for the same reasons. However,  I also think that no fair-deal which didn't corrode Democrat core values has been offered by Republicans for years, and I see none forthcoming for as long as they have the majority, so in the end it comes down to "never" anyway.

  5. I voted for "When we get an even trade or better without giving up core values"  for pretty much the same reasons as others.

    Republicans are uncategorical jack asses.  They have proven in the past, especially McTurtle, that they have no interest in compromise and will go backon agreements.  I was tempted to go with "Never" but that would just be like becoming a Republican.


    Resist and Persist!!!

  6. Thanks all.  Hugs!!

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