May 112017
Today, I have a rare treat for you: four video clip from Samantha Bee. Enjoy!
Our Weekly Constitutional Crisis: Comey Edition
Funny. but all too true.
No wonder Republicans are the Party of Death
Please support Miami Rights.
Ivanka needs to park under a Trump dump.
When you finish laughing…
8 Responses to “A Sam Grand Slam”
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Sam I and II – Nothing to add. How does dhe get and stay so perfecr?
Sam III – Oh, yeah. This is a hot button. And, of course, every state is different. In Colorado, one can reapply as soon as one is completely out from under the DOC, which means sentence and parole completed, with papers. Of course, if the sentence is open-ended ("X to life"), there is 20 years mandatory parole attached, IF one can manage to get out of prison in the first place. Now. Guess what TV channel is the most watched in prisons in Colorado. Three guesses and the last two don't count.
Sam IV – Plagiarism seems to run in the family, doesn't it? Personally, instead of the "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," I would recommend "The Seven Failings of Totally Useless Leaders."
Here in Oregon, former felons can vote as soon as they can get registered after release. Oregon believes that giving someone a stake in the community is an incentive to live pro-socially.
So spot on, and to the point!!
Love this gal!!
Thanks, Tom for this treat!
Wow, loved all of them. Highly relevant!
However, #1 missed the Russians visit to the W.H.the day after Comey was fired and the exclusive public relation privileges given to a Russian photographer sans any U.S. media
#2 missed the wonderful financial windfalls benefiting those who need it least.
I cannot add to 3 and 4. They seemed to perfectly articulate the limited mindset of the Trump clan.
Thank you so much…peace.
Oh, man! I gotta watch the whole show! She is a definite PLUS to women everywhere!!
Sam I & II — Spot on! Sam is really buzzing! . . . and she is Canadian by birth and upbringing!

Miami Rights — Amen!!! By investing in the right to vote for all people, including felons, communities are strengthened. Perhaps Republicans should be denied the right to vote in Florida since they are a bunch of domestic terrorists.
Ladies Who Book — "Finally she can claim to have a jacket [the dust jacket of her book] that is made in America!" LMAO!!! Ivanka and word salad?!? More like Ivanka and toxic soup! What does she know about being a working woman? Ivanka is irrelevant.
Resist and Persist!!!
Thanks, TomCat, you made my day with excellent Sam Bee! Nobody says it like that lady.
Thanks all. Hugs.
Sam makes up in satire what she lacks in depth.