Apr 232017

Wendy eill be here in less than an hour to scrub and deodorize the TomCat, and we have a lot of other tasks, so this is today’s only article.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:28 (average 5:50).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Bill Maher:

The Slow and the Furious


New Rule: Make Earth Great Again


Make the Earth great again.  Send the Republican Party to Mars.




  11 Responses to “Personal Update – 4/23/2017”

  1. 4:33  That was a rocky ride.

    Bill I – I know I've said this before, but Trump and an "Armada" – does he not realize the last one was crushed by a determined and powerful woman?

    Bill II – Well, with the obesity epidemic (which I am sure has something to do with the way corporations have been messing with our food), the lower gravity on Mars has got to be an attraction, since it means we would all immediately weigh less.  So at least "Fat Cats" could die happy.  LOL!  So, yes, a good destination for Republicans.

    Cartoon – Doesn't it seem longer?  Or is it just me?

    • Must be you, because I think twelve years for YouTube sounds about right.

      Now the impending 100 Day for Twitler seems like an eternity … in HELL!

      It feels so long that I'm sure they must be measuring them in dog-year days!

  2. Bill: 'The Axis of Rednecks', lol!

    Bill2: Good one, Bill. Go, Earth Day! Love your comment, btw.

    Cartoon: And..now I know. 😉

    Hope you get all your chores done, and enjoy the rest of your day. Take care, Tom.

  3. I hope you got to do most of your tasks that exert you before you get scrubbed clean, TomCat, and feeling fresh and clean got you through all the other tasks you wanted to have done today.

    Thanks, for the Bill Maher videos; they made perfect closure for my Sunday evening.


    'Let's put Earth first' and 'Make Earth great again':  best statements of the month. Don't spend 450 billion dollars to get some people on Mars by 2033, spend it on this planet and save it. Frack Mars. Thanks Bill.

  4. Send the Republican Party to Mars.

    Send them to Pluto.  They're plutocrats, so it's their proper home planet.

    Great video.

  5. Puzzle — 3:58  I think I was more stoned than Bill Maher says he gets at times.

    Bill I — JD, if Drumpf knows anything, which I highly doubt, he probably thinks that Queen Elizabeth II was involved with the last armada and therefore armadas are a current term.  The last armadas were in the 16th century, with a small armada in the late 18th century.

    Bill II — Bill is so funny in this one, yet also so on point!  I vote for sending all Republicans on a one way journey to Mars.  Make the Earth great again!

    Cartoon — I first had internet in 2005 and remember hearing about YouTube and thinking it was rather stupid.  To say the least, I have changed my tune.


    Resist and Persist!!!

    Ah!  The sweet smell of roses is wafting across the border!

  6. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

  7. Thanks, TomCat,

    Please continue to get better.

    Bill Maher was funny in both videos, however, I'm finding it harder and harder to laugh at Thump's actions. Mars is much too close a destination to send Republicans to. They'll come back…peace.


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