Well, I’m going to accost you with my lamentations – because this has NOT been a particularly fun week.
It started out fine with taking my pseudo-aunt (my aunt’s sister) to the Kansas City Zoo. She uses a walker, but we went last year in April and had a great time. We only got about half the Zoo visited last year, so we did the other half this Monday.
On leaving my VSA (Vehicle Stability Assist) warning light came on and stayed on. It does that when you spin tires on ice – but goes out once everything is back to normal – and it was a gorgeous spring day So I pulled off the road and read Owner’s Manual. It said turn off the engine and then restart the car – if it lights up again, take it in for a service.
But then not 30 seconds later, the Engine Malfunctioning Indicator light came on – and stayed on. (At least it wasn’t blinking, which means it needs immediate attention.) So I called to get a service appointment – but since it wasn’t an emergency, they gave me Wednesday.
And by Wednesday, the light had gone out – but since I’m going to Illinois next week for Mom’s cardiology appointment, I decided to take it in.
It was $79 for the diagnostic test to learn it was some “computer glitch” – probably the best I could hope for.
BUT they also said from the diagnostics that my left rear wheel bearings were shot and needed immediate replacing! That was $809 of ouch!
I will say my pseudo-aunt had heard something odd from the right rear last year on a trip that led to my replacing the right rear wheel bearings. And on the trip to the Zoo on Monday said she hear something similar but fainter from the left rear.
Then yesterday when I went to mow the lawn, my Toro would not start. So I had to rent one (hate asking the neighbors), and will take it into the shop today. There goes another boatload of money, I’m sure.
So this will be very brief – and there’ll be none next week when I’m in Illinois. (I’ll be taking my pseudo-aunt up, too, so she can visit her sister – my real aunt.)
Thought we could all learn a lesson in the difference between class (Thanks, Obama!) and crass (ahhhh … that’d be YOU, Twitler!).
As you probably know, Twitler invited Sarah Palin to dinner at the White House this week, and Palin brought along Ted Nugent & Kid Rock. They decided to post a couple of photos with the Hillary portrait. To contrast their demeanor, compare it to the respect Pres. Obama shows the Reagans.
Pres. Obama's official White House photographer, Pete Souza was ever so subtle, but effective, with his Instagram response:
Now compare that to this …

This official White House photograph is being made available for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way or used in materials, advertisements, products, or promotions that in any way suggest approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.
And to at least include a little fun, how about some feline critters demanding food service
6 Responses to “Friday … It’s NOT Been Fun”
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Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4048595
You have my sympathy. I am still paying for car repairs from October. At least I've been able to keep up enough to incur no interest, and I am making progress. That awful picture – I was going to say "So Junior High!" but their behavior and attitude isn't even up to that level. And the things they said …
But the cats are adorable. Pavlov's cats with a vengeance! I don't think I'd want to be their waitress, though; I'm not sure I could keep up.
Car bills are nothing to scoff at, I know. Getting new tires for car is expensive these days. Sorry about your lawnmower too. I set aside $$ just for bills such as this. (Mishaps like these go in 'three's for me).
That picture of Failin' and company is so disrespectful and disgusting! Shame they had to let them in. It's bad enough with dt going bonkers every day, …..now this.
The kitty cats learned quickly to get a kibble. How cute!
Best to you, and your to pseudo auntie, and safe travels.
Thanks, Nameless, for post, and Joanne for cross posting.
Sorry to hear your motorized assistance in life has decided to bail out on you, Nameless. These things tend to cluster, don't they, especially if repairs are very expensive. "The devil does it in a big heap" is the nearest I get with a translation of a Dutch saying that seems apt at times like that. I do hope it is the last of your costly mechanical mishaps for a while.
Palin, Nugent and Rock looked like three teenagers who were bombed out of their skulls on cheap wine and now were looking for some entertainment to alleviate their boredom. Who let the dogs in? Twitler, of course. It's a sign that Drumpf, always in for a selfie with his fans, couldn't be bothered to join them. Or was this classless act the one taking the pictures? Then he's probably charged them for the service.
Lovely cats, but very hungry, it seems. I'd expected them to start stealing each other's treats.
Safe journey next week, Nameless. Don't make that heap any bigger, please. And thanks for posting.
Sorry about your mechanical mayhem.
I need a bell that works like that,
Mechanical issues can be such a pain!
Nugent, Rock and Palin are trying out for the role f the new "Three Stooges?" They pass the audition with flying colors!
Nice cats? Which one is TC?