Apr 102017

My eye cancer was so expensive that I owed no taxes to either the Feds or the State.  But I did have to pay my $35 Portland Arts Tax.  Even people on Social Security alone have to pay this regressive boondoggle.  We get a handful of outdoor concerts, while the rich get luxury venues that the rest of us cannot afford.  I did get some sleep but not enough and am still quite ill.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:25 (average 5:30).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Take:

From Me: At first glance the Fuhrer’s cruise missile attack on Syria seemed surprisingly measured and appropriate, but I saw through it quickly.  Trump must have warned the Russians, because they pulled their assets and personnel from the airfield the day before.  The Russians must have told the Syrians, because they removed most of their assets too.  They were using the base to launch airstrikes the next day.  So what did the raid accomplish?  First, any time the press is focused on Syria, it is ignoring Trump’s collusion with Russian intelligence to steal the White House.  Second, by creating the appearance of a fight with Russia over Syria, they are covering up quid pro quo.  In short, it’s distraction.  RESIST!!




  17 Responses to “Personal Update – 4/10/2017”

  1. 4:50  Sure, they look sweet with those heart-shaped faces, but they are actually tough predators, so watch your puddy tat step!

    Glad the taxes are resolved.  Sorry about the Arts Tax.  A city tax, you say?  Who's on the City Council?

    "From Me:" – Actually I believe it's established that Russia was warned, specifically by Dolt.45.  I have not seen anything on who warned Syria, but agree on the fact for the reasons you give.  And the media fell like little dominoes, didn't they?  Aaaaarrrgggh!

    Cartoon – Yay for pooties, woozles, and all fur and feather babies.

  2. The Onion had Trump's motive pegged better than our high-paid pundits, who claimed it was "very presidential" and a "possible pivot".  Here's the Onion's headline from 3 days ago:

    Trump Confident U.S. Military Strike On Syria Wiped Out Russian Scandal


    ETA: If Twitler really, truly wanted to destroy the Syrian airfield – he should have bought it and run it as a business.

  3. Yes, I agree, it's a distraction from the investigations going on Capitol Hill. I'm sure that Papa Putin gave his blessing. Journalists who were saying that dt acted 'presidential' afterwards…..huh? Nothing presidential about what he did. wth??? Each of those Tomahawk missiles cost about $1 mil apiece too.

    If dt cared one iota about the Syrians, he would lift the ban on immigration, and embrace all peoples from Sudan, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, and Libya.

    As my father said, many years ago, "the rich get richer, while us folks get poorer."

    Go back to bed, and rest. Take good care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. And to our Jewish friends:

    Chag Pesach Sameach

  5. Puzzle — 4:08  I have a small collection of owl figurines etc — one is even a candle which I will not light — stored away in a box in the basement.  I love owls but not as much as furry felines.

    From you — I agree with you.  And let's not forget the Carl Vinson Battle Group that is chugging its way to the Sea of Japan!  Drumpf is sounding off about the US  "solving" the North Korean unilaterally if China does not rein in North Korea. 

    Cartoon — Meow!  Woof! Tweet! and more!


    Good on you for getting the taxes done!  Which is worse — doing the taxes or doing the laundry?  I'd say doing the laundry because it has to be done every week (or two if you're lucky).  Keep resting, hydrating and taking your meds.

  6. See, that's one difference between you and Rumplethinskin: you have to get deadly ill in order to not pay taxes; you have to get deadly ill, and loose a leg, to meet cute nurses in the hospital; Rumpthing just uses fancy ass maneuvers to avoid taxes, and then just goes and grabs him some pussy! Too bad he did not try Lorena Bobbit!!!

    See my posting, on C2, about Putin playing all of us–http://www.care2.com/news/member/565542931/4046681
    "Red herring" anyone?

  7. Your taxes are very similar to last year's, TomCat: nothing to State or to the Feds because of your high hospital bills then and a contribution to the Arts, which you disliked just as much as you do now.

    Better get back to bed before you get too annoyed and decide to write the Portland city council a letter about it.

    "From Me": Agreed, just posturing and diversion, costing 7 lives and millions of dollars.

    Cartoon: Even the ASPCA is under threat from Drumpf's budget cuts

  8. Trump owns stock in Raytheon which is a defense contractor, the stock certainly did jump after the strike. 

    Each Tomahawk missile cost 1.41 million dollars.

    Drumpf fired 59 Tomahawk missiles at a cost of 83.2 million dollars.

    “It is hard to imagine that Congress, during the current contentious debate over deficits and budget cutting, would agree to plunge America into still another war,” said Rep. Dennis Kucinich, an Ohio Democrat, in a statement. “Our nation simply cannot afford another war, economically, diplomatically or spiritually.”


    U.S. Naval Institute News
    VIDEO: U.S. Destroyers Fire 59 Tomahawks on Syrian Airfield in Retaliation for Chemical Attack


    TC is right. This missile attack by Drumpf is a distraction from the real issue of Drumpf's collusion with Russia. 

    This missile attack in Syria is also used to help bolster Drumpf's sagging popularity in the polls. And to increase profits for those who own stock in the war machine corporations.

  9. Thanks all.  Not quite so sick hugs.

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