Apr 072017

I still feel horrid, but the new meds must be starting to help, because I slept three hours last night.  I'm going back to bed, but even half dead I can't resist Keith and Sam.  Hugs!  RESIST!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today's took me 3:05 (average 4:40).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

So, You Wanna Have a New Election? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


If any Republican ever wins any election ever again, that's one election too many.

We Told You So: Russian Hacking | Full Frontal with Samantha Bee


Love Sam!




  8 Responses to “Personal Update – 4/7/2016”

  1. 4:43  All wet.

    Keith #56 – I see where he might be going with this – but a new Presidential election any time soon is about as likely as Pence appointing Hillary Clinton as Vice President and then resigning (as in a marvelous fantasy scenario on Daily Kos).  And for the same reason.  There is not enough honesty or ethics in the entire Republican Party to put into the eye of a gnat and make it blink.

    Sam – "Guilty of thinking with our emotions"?  I have news for everyone.  Antonio Damasio, who has studied how people think with and without head injuries, has determined that we CANNOT think without emotions.  Sure, one can construct syllogisms without emotions, but what good is that if you can't make decisions that are good for you?  As someone married to a head injury survivor for over 30 years now (and counting), his description of what happens to thought processes if the part of the brain which manages emotion is injured or removed rings true.  His book Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain summarizes this (take it out of the library or buy it cheap, because, unless you plan to research it youself, which you need a bunch of degrees to do, everything is in the first chapter).  We do not need to learn to think without emotion.  We need to learn how to read out own emotions to use them effectively in thinking.

    Cartoon – And there have been many since, thankfully.  Although those who WILL not see accomplishment will continue to be blind.

  2. 1. Someone said, prior to the 2016 election, that it would be our last democratic election. Wrong, the 2012 was our last democratic election. There will be no more "We the people" elections from 2016 forward. Russia owns us.

    2. Resisting is the only thing left.

    3. Cartoon. What's funny?

    You're in my prayers.


  3. KO: Good History lesson. I don't see this happening, as the gop doesn't have backbones to stand against this potus.

    Sam B: Good one, Sam. Keep up the good work!

    Cartoon: "Born of slaves, Booker T. Washington worked his way through Hampton Institute and Wayland Seminary. By the age of 25, he was named the president of the Tuskegee Institute. Washington was known for being one of the best orators of his time."

    Glad that you got some rest….just rest easy for the next few days. Weather is gorgeous, I'm going to go do some more weeding. (ugh). In the meantime, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. Puzzle — 3:30  This reminds me of the days when my father would take us fishing around the lake in the Muskokas.  He would pull up the motor on the boat and we would paddle among the think water lilies trolling for fish hiding there.  We did catch some fish but we also snagged some water lilies.  Their stems etc under the water can be deadly for those not aware of their tangled nature.

    YouTube — With the makeup of the current Congress, I think a new sunrise is infinitely more plausible than a new election!  But just on the thought of a new election, I think, that despite the risks that Keith enumerated, it would be warranted.  The 2016 election was so stained by scandal and bullshit (I know no nice words for Drumpf's performance), it may very well be worth the risks to run it again.  But as JD says, "There is not enough honesty or ethics in the entire Republican Party to put into the eye of a gnat and make it blink." so there'll be no do over.

    YouTube — Sam is the Bee's knee!  Good piece and funny!

    Cartoon — Politically a Republican.  He'd probably be thrown out of the party now.

    From Wikipedia:

    "Booker T. Washington mastered the nuances of the political arena in the late 19th century, which enabled him to manipulate the media, raise money, develop strategy, network, push, reward friends, and distribute funds, while punishing those who opposed his plans for uplifting blacks. His long-term goal was to end the disenfranchisement of the vast majority of African Americans, who then still lived in the South."


    Resist and Persist!!!

    It is unfortunate that you only had 3 hours sleep last night, but if that is more than you've had lately, that is good.  I hope you are correct in saying the drugs must be working.  Rest and stay hydrated.  Take care.

  5. Hope your medicine will kick in and you feel better soon, TomCat.

    Keith Olbermann: America's stuck between a rock and a hard place as far as I can see, and that is not only because Drumpf got the archaic Electoral College vote. It is also because Democrats/Progressives didn't go out to vote in the 2014 midterm elections and ignored the call to vote every Republican out of office in 2016, believing that Hilary wouldn't be dead in the water if the GOP had the majority in both the House and the Senate. I distinctly remember the calls to vote Democrat at every possible opportunity and they were ignored. Keith now repeats the same calls to Americans. Is it possible they may have learned something and get it right this time?


    Sam Bee: That scream into the pillow was real and heartfelt; Sam did air her fake news item at the end of October last year, before the election. Of course she couldn't compete with the most fake news story of all that came out simultaneously: Comey's "we found some e-mails (on a completely unrelated laptop) that could be pertinent to the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigation". Which Chaffetz then turned into: "the FBI has reopened the investigation into HC 's e-mails". Will that come up in the new FBI investigation into the "Russian connection", do you think?

  6. Glad to hear you think the meds are helping and were able to get some good sleep.  Rest is certainly helpful for recovery.

  7. TC: REST!

    Descartes' Error was separating mind from body.  The two are so intimately, intricatly interwoven it is phenomenal!  In fact we are all, every one of us, intricately interwoven to one another, and our planet.  Doubt me?  Go read "Mind, A Journey to the Heart of Being Human," by Dan Siegel, M.D. 

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