Trump Lied about Keystone XL

 Posted by at 10:43 am  Politics
Mar 052017

When Fuhrer Drumphenfarten, liar extraordinaire, promised to green-light Keystone XL, his primary justification was the jobs he falsely claimed it would bring.  He emphasized steel manufacturing jobs and obtained the votes of thousands steel workers with the promise that only US Steel would be used.  However, Trump is now colluding with Transamerica to guarantee that the steel money goes to who he really represents.

0305KeystoneXLAfter green lighting the continuation of the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline in an executive order January 24th, President Trump declared as recently as last week that the pipeline had to use American made steel “or we’re not building one.”

But on Friday, Trump spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced that the directive would apply only to new pipelines or those currently undergoing repair.

That sharp reversal now paves the way for the use of a stockpile of steel manufactured in Canada by a subsidiary of Evraz, a company in which Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich owns nearly a one/third stake… [emphasis added]

From <Huffington Post>

There it is, steel workers.  Your jobs are going into the pockets of a Russian billionaire, who is a close ally of Putin and a Trump family friend.



  11 Responses to “Trump Lied about Keystone XL”

  1. Once again, the devil is in the details.  A little fact that steelworkers desperately need to know in order to make the most basic decisions about their careers and their families.  Will any of them hear it?  Not from the MSM.  If they ever hear it at all, it would be through United Steelworkers.  Well, it may happen.  They appear to communicate mostly through Facebook and Twitter (probably a good policy.)  I didn't attempt to look at either, not being on either, but google quoted two tweets which might be hopeful –

    The advice of CEOs to @POTUS does not trickle down to benefit workers on the line. #USWWorks

    Want to take a stand against RTW & other anti-worker laws? Sign our pledge: #RTWisWrong

    United Steelworkes, get on this!

  2. What a liar. Papa putin must be so proud of his gopher.

    *Signed petition, thanks, Joanne.

  3. Well, of course he lied. He does not even consider whether a statement is true or false. He says whatever is necessary to get the message that he wants out to the people he is targeting, to the people who believe anything he says. However, he aims his actions at people who really matter to him, the people who supply him money and support his power.  

    He talks to the people who kiss his ass.  His actions are for people whose asses he kisses.

  4. Lied?  HE lied? Awwww, how could you say such a thing about the pwetty, wittle, orangesuckface? 

  5. That Drumpfenfarten lied is nothing new!  Now if he did not lie, that would be truly exceptional.  For Drumpfenfarten, the ends justifies the means.

    If Abramovich is Putin's BFF, and Drumpfenfarten reversed course on the decision to use only US steel in the Keystone XL, that could certainly be cause to suspect that Putin may indeed have "dirt" on Drumpf and attempting to influence some of his decisions.  As is said, around, around the mulberry bush . . .

    I had a brief look at Evraz and they have steel mills in the US and Canada.  Whether they are making the same steel products is another matter.  Either way, Abramovich will still get his cut based on his ownership.


    Resist and Persist!!!

    • I know that the steel has been stockpiled in Canada, so I'm certain it wasn't made here.

      • It may have been in your source, or it may have been elsewhere, that there is no US company that has the capability to turn the steel into pipes which meet the standard required for the pipeline (low as that apparently is), so the promise was empty from the get go.  Whether the Apricot A$$hole knew that before making the promise is undetermined.

        • Often standards are written in such a way as to exclude all but one company, even though many company's product wiuld be just as good.

  6. Drumpf may not have lied when he promised to use American steel in the Keystone XL tar sand pipeline (oil is misleading) but he lied in his speech to Congress, because at that time he and his cronies had already altered their minds and were in the process of brokering a new deal.

    Given the current political climate it is also understandable that reporters delve into the possibility of American money ending up in Russian pockets and the Huffington Post did an excellent job of getting this deplorable possibility out in the open. But I would have liked to see the media look at all sides of the story and see if there isn't more to it. Drumpf signed the Presidential memoranda to advance the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines on January 24th. Shortly after, around 13- 14 February, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau visited Drumpf in Washington to talk about business relationships between the two countries among other things. Trudeau has always been in favor of the KXL and has welcomed Drumpf's approval. It wouldn't be surprising at all that the stockpile of steel pipes which were already made to  be used was discussed then, and Drumpf, always eager for a 'great deal', decided to continue with Evraz steel which was in the interest of both countries. And as it turns out in the best interest of Abramovich too.

    But no matter who profits, apparently it's not America and it is still another broken promise and a lie.


  7. Thanks all!  Hugs!  The main point I'm trying to make here is that Trump/Republican voters are getting scewed because of their votes.  It's a point I intend to keep hammering home as long as it's needed,

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