Feb 042017

Two weeks ago Dutch late night show presenter Arjen Lubach looked back on the week and made note of Donald Trump’s the inauguration speech. Especially Trump’s often  repeated “From this day forward it’s going to be only America first” made a big impression on comedian Arjen. He understood that the Dutch would be better off if they stayed on friendly terms with president Trump and to that end had made a video to introduce the Netherlands in a way the American president could relate to,  and perhaps be persuaded by to make The Netherlands second in his deliberations.

This video went viral within days, especially in Europe, but it has also crossed the Atlantic and has been also shared on C2NN. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can do so in the following subtitled clip from Arjen Lubach’s show.

The video made such an impact that Jan Böhmermann, who has a very similar late night show on German television made a video in which Germany introduces itself to Trump and askes to be considered second. But Böhmermann has taken things one step further. As he explains”, al great late night TV shows across the world are linked by a network of red telephones, which never have been used before, but now are used to ask the shows in every European country to make an introduction of their own country to Trump and air it in the coming weeks. So far 9 more countries, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland, Lithuania, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Estonia and Iceland, have said they will join in and the video’s that have been aired so far have been gathered at a site called everysecondcounts.eu which has “Come to EU. It’s huge. It’s the greatest EU in the world!” as it’s subtitle. It’s a the site is easy to use and clickable even with small hands.

The following is a clip of Böhmermann’s show in which he introduces the concept of introductory video’s for Trump. Germany’s video contribution starts at the 1:47 mark and lasts up to 4:52.

I can’t embed all of the You Tube videos here, so I’ll just give you the shortest ones made by Belgium and Switserland, but if you have time this weekend I can certainly recommend Lithuania’s and Portugal’s contributions.

For me a very strong asset of all these videos is that none of the makers have shied away from pointing out some (very) unpleasant aspects of their own society, either in history or presently, and mocking them by turning them into “selling points” to Trump.

Böhmermann stresses at the end of his show that Trump should be proud: “When the whole world stands up to make fun of you, president Trump, you have achieved something that is truly great”. He certainly has a point there; until now it has been virtually impossible to unite European countries on any issue, but the first two weeks of Trump’s presidency has done the impossible, at least where comedy is concerned. However there are also encouraging signs within the EU, which needs to find a new footing and some new form of unity as quickly as possible and stand on its own two feet. So thank you for that, America.


Cross-posted at http://www.care2.com/news/member/211280220/4034796


Everyday Erinyes #61

 Posted by at 8:06 am  Politics
Feb 042017

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage.  These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that.  Even though there are many more which I can't include.  As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."

I have some stories about local happenings which, though vile, are two weeks out of date: the restaurateur who threw a customer out for being black, a quadriplegic who was denied admission at a private school for being disabled, a climate activist killed for walking barefoot to draw attention to climate change, even a city councilman who boldly proclaimed (/s) that women have a right – "to be slapped."

But I would rather discuss the new "administration" directly, particulary since things are moving so fast that actual atrocities are sneaking under the radar, or so it seems.  For instance, everyone here had heard of Rex Tillerson and Neil Gorsuch.  Most of us have heard of Scott Pruit and Andrew Pudzer.  But Ajit Pai?  Did anyone know his confirmation had gone through?

The FCC’s new Chairman Ajit Pai has told 9 companies, who had just recently been given the green light, that they will not be allowed to participate in the Lifeline program that helps subsidize internet services to low-income homes. 

The move, announced Friday by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, reverses a decision by his Democratic predecessor, Tom Wheeler, and undercuts the companies' ability to provide low-cost Internet access to poorer Americans. In a statement, Pai called the initial decisions a form of “midnight regulation.” 

Last spring, the FCC moved to expand the Lifeline program in the hopes of bridging what’s called the “digital divide.” This is the expanse of information and technology unavailable to people who do not have a lot of money. Pulling back on nine companies is a huge step back to the program—which is what kleptocrats like chairman Pai seem to relish. 

Click through for more details, and also for a petition to sign.  Alecto, it's not just this person you need to – um – educate, it's the entire "administration,"  really.  Good luck with that.

While we are speaking of individuals in government, let us not forget Congressman Lamar Smith (R-TX), who is still the Chairman of the House Science Committee.  I'm sure we've all heard of him, just not for a while.  He is now trying to get his Secret Science Reform Act of 2015 passed, and his chances are much better than when the Senate previously quashed it.

  This bill would prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from proposing, finalizing or disseminating any rule, regulation or other "covered action" unless all scientific and technical information relied upon to support that decision is made available to the public in a manner where the research can be independently analyzed and substantially reproduced. While this appears to be a reform that provides greater public transparency in agency rulemaking, these new requirements would force the EPA to ignore any scientific information related to personal health and other confidential data legally protected from disclosure – jeopardizing the agency’s ability to use best-available scientific data and weakening its scientific integrity….

Further, by requiring EPA to maintain detailed descriptions of all materials, data, codes and models used to create rules, as well as instructions on how to access and use them, the agency would be forced to waste limited funds working through burdensome reporting requirements instead of important public health protections. 

Haven't I said that, although they worship money, Republicans have no objection to spending it as long as they can punish someone by so doing?  Preferably a whole lot of someones.  Megaera, good luck to you too.

I am convinced that the reason we are being bombarded with "off" things by the new "administration" is exactly so that, while we are all looking at the shiny stuff, we will not see some of the darker stuff – like torture.  I can't tell this story any better than by re-quoting this quote:

IN MAY, 2013, the Washington Post’s Greg Miller reported that the head of the CIA’s clandestine service was being shifted out of that position as a result of “a management shake-up” by then-Director John Brennan. As Miller documented, this official – whom the paper did not name because she was a covert agent at the time – was centrally involved in the worst abuses of the CIA’s Bush-era torture regime.

As Miller put it, she was “directly involved in its controversial interrogation program” and had an “extensive role” in torturing detainees. Even more troubling, she “had run a secret prison in Thailand” – part of the CIA’s network of “black sites” – “where two detainees were subjected to waterboarding and other harsh techniques.” The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on torture also detailed the central role she played in the particularly gruesome torture of detainee Abu Zubaydah.

Beyond all that, she played a vital role in the destruction of interrogation videotapes that showed the torture of detainees both at the black site she ran and other secret agency locations. The concealment of those interrogation tapes, which violated both multiple court orders as well the demands of the 9/11 Commission and the advice of White House lawyers, was condemned as “obstruction” by Commission Chairs Lee Hamilton and Thomas Keane. A special prosecutor and Grand Jury investigated those actions but ultimately chose not to prosecute.

That CIA official’s name whose torture activities the Post described is Gina Haspel. Today, as BuzzFeed’s Jason Leopold noted, CIA Director Mike Pompeo announced that Haspel was selected by Trump to be Deputy Director of the CIA.

Ms. Haspel's profile is so low I could not find a confirmed photo of her.  There wasn't one with the linked article, but I looked anyway.  Tisiphone, this seems to me serious enough to call for you to investigate.  The very best of luck to you.

One other article at Daily Kos (or diary, as they call them) asks whether anyone is keeping score of the atrocities.  If someone is, I would be delighted to hear of it.  In the meantime, all I can do is try to scout out the stuff from which the distractions are trying to distract us.

The Furies and I will be back.

Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4034763


An April Treat

 Posted by at 12:08 pm  Politics
Feb 032017

In these evil days, how often do I get to say I have good news for you?  The White House Correspondents Dinner is on April 29.  Expect a dreary affair,  which only rabid sycophants will be allowed (or want) to attend.  The hooded minions from Breitfart, World Nut Daily, the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda, Faux Noise, will have a grand time.  But there will be nothing there for decent people.  Thank goodness Samantha Bee has a cure for that.


…Samantha Bee, host of TBS’ Full Frontal, announced on Monday that she will host an alternative event to the official one in Washington D.C. this spring. "Not the White House Correspondents’ Dinner,” as it is being called, will be held on April 29th, the same night the White House Correspondents’ Association has told members to “save the date” for its event.

"The evening is sure to bring plenty of surprises, music, food, and laughter—and if you’re not careful you just might learn something. Specifically, you’ll learn how screwed we’d be without a free press,” Bee said in a statement about the event, which will serve as a benefit for the Committee to Protect Journalists. "We’re really doing this. This is not a joke,” she added.

In a conference call with reporters Monday morning, Bee confirmed that she has never been invited to host an official White House Correspondents’ Dinner and did not anticipate that she would be getting an invite this year given the nature of her comedy about President Trump

From <The Daily Beast>

I’ll be watching, and here are a couple video clips from Sam.

Loyal to a T


Refugees Refused


I’ll close with some worthwhile Sam SPAM.

Nasty Women: Meet Bad Dudes



Feb 032017

It’s another busy day.  In addition to today’s articles, I need to start preparing the graphics and collecting the data for January’s Monthly Report and perform several other tasks.  Monday I have an appointment with Megan, my primary care physician, and I need to prepare several pages of notes recording the medical mayhem that will occupy much of my time over the next few months.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:20 (average 4:48).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The Rachel Maddow Show: Trump’s ill-fated Yemen raid raises risk/reward questions

David Sanger, national security correspondent for the New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about the planning and unanticipated obstacles that befell Donald Trump’s first ordered counter-terrorism raid in Yemen.


Trump now claims that Obama ordered the raid and he was just carrying it out. That is a lie. Be advised that Democrats cannot convene House or Senate hearings. Only the majority party can do that. But Democrats need to raise a big stink demanding hearings into how the Fuhrer became the Mango Murderer by killing a Navy Seal and several innocent women and children. RESIST!!

From YouTube: Democrats Must Fight


The Reich on the left is right. RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: In a spate of annoying telephone pranks that has lasted nearly two weeks, heads of state from around the world have been receiving crank calls from someone claiming to be the President of the United States, the United Nations reported on Thursday.

According to the U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, who has fielded complaints about the crank calls, the caller has tormented leaders from Mexico, Australia, and many other countries.

“The pattern is always the same,” Gutteres said. “The caller is identified as the President of the United States, so naturally he is put right through. Once he is connected with the head of state, he begins to speak in a threatening and harassing manner.”

“Then, as his threats reach a crescendo, he hangs up,” Gutteres said. “Clearly, it’s someone’s idea of a sick joke.”

The Australian Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, became a victim of the crank caller over the weekend, an experience that he called “highly irritating.”

That’s OK, Andy! We don’t think he’s the President either. RESIST!!



Feb 032017

Not satisfied with just her stellar rollout of the Orwellian concept of “Alternative Facts” on "Meet the Press", Kellyanne Conway decided to take it up a notch with her vivid – and totally mendacious – detailed history of the “Bowling Green Massacre” by two Iraqis to justify Twitler’s Muslim Ban on Chris Matthews’ "Hardball"

Well, Kellyanne – your biggest problem is IT NEVER HAPPENED!

But that doesn't stop them from trying to claim their Muslim Ban is exactly the same thing that Pres. Obama did.  But WaPo shot that “Alternative Fact” falsehood down with a THREE Pinocchio rating!

But there is one good fallout from Conway’s fantasy: It has led to some entertaining memes.  So let’s enjoy a few …

We Honor Them by Never Forgetting

NBC’s Brian "My-Helicopter-Was-Shot-Down" Williams Proudly Served

And if you missed it, Twitler celebrated Black History Month by talking about the abolitionist slave Frederick Douglass in the present tense:

“Frederick Douglass is an example of somebody who’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more, I notice.”

And when his Press Secretary was asked to explain why Trump talked about Douglass in  the present tense, Sean “Alternative Facts” Spicer also failed American History 101 by explaining: “I think the contributions of Frederick Douglass will become more and more.”

Which explains this Tweet:

A Nice Memorial

Well, there WAS one Bowling Green massacre … but it involved football – and NO ONE was killed!

So Mark Your Calendars

Anything for a Buck (Must Be a Trumpkin)

Trudat: There Was One casualty – Another Nail in the Conway Credibility Coffin



For those who would like to help the countless number who suffered from the "Bowling Green Massacre" – I'm sure Kellyanne Conway would Want You To Donate

So – for a good laugh, just click the "Donate Now" button

(chortle – chortle)

Oh, and regarding Twitler’s Muslim Ban?  Let me just add:

Feb 022017

I’m running quite late, having just returned from Physical Terrorism with Courtney and exceeding previous benchmarks for speed and endurance. Due to the extra time spent in and waiting for Lift busses, it may be next week, before I have the Monthly Report done.  I’m already tuckered out, and I’m just starting to write.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 5:11).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): Donald Trump is Aiding the Enemy | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


The Republican Reich is a terrorist organization and has been since the days of GW ChickenHawk and Al Dubya.  RESIST!!

From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): The Not-A-Muslim-Ban Muslim Ban


This is a down payment. I’ll bring some more Sam tomorrow.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: President Trump, seeming to relish a fight with Democrats over his nominee to the Supreme Court, encouraged the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell, on Wednesday to invoke the so-called nuclear option and abandon the 60-vote threshold for confirmation.

“If we end up with that gridlock, I would say, ‘If you can, Mitch, go nuclear,’” the president said.

I hate to say it, but I predicted Republicans would invoke the nuclear option for the Supreme Court if they ever managed to steal the White House again.  RESIST!!



Feb 012017

Here are the results of our “New Year Resolution” poll.  Politics Plus Polls are not scientific, because those who respond are not balanced according to demographic categories.   Therefore, we do not accurately reflect the makeup of the US population.  Nevertheless, our polls are usually factually accurate, and more often than not, they reflect thinking or will of the national majority.


Since our polling site no longer enables us to copy and paste your poll comments, you may read them here.

As my first and only resolution in 20 years, I resolved to RESIST!!

The new poll is on Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten’s stolen Supreme Court pick.  Please vote.  Then…

