Feb 082017

It’s been a very busy day.  Store to Door came early, and Wendy is coming this evening.  There will be no Monthly Report for January and only a partial report for February.  A screw-up at our HSP, the site that owns the servers where Politics Plus lives, trashed all the usage data that I collect to put in our Monthly Report from 1/12 through yesterday.  It’s fixed now, but rather than risk that happening again, I signed up for Google Analytics and bought a plugin to incorporate it into the Dashboard that I, the Administrators and the Editors use.  Next month I will have a redesigned Monthly Report for the partial month of February.  Unlike with most plugins, I had to hand install the Pro version onto our servers, something I had not done before, so it took me several hours.  I’m running way late.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:25 (average 4:31).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: In a blistering attack on the media, President Trump said on Monday that the press has consistently refused to report the voices he hears in his head every day.

Trump praised the “really terrific information” he gets from the voices, which often speak to him when he is roaming the White House in his bathrobe in the middle of the night.

“They tell me that I won by the most votes ever and had the biggest Inauguration crowd ever,” Trump said. “These are fantastic voices and they’re doing a great job.”

Trump said the refusal to report what the voices tell him makes the media “the most dishonest people on earth.”

“There might be a hundred people protesting outside the White House, and at the exact same time, five hundred voices talking to me inside my head,” he said. “Guess which the press will write about?”

Andy may be on to something there. RESIST!!

From Think Progress: Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are two terms that refer to the same piece of legislation. There are no differences between the two because they are in fact the exact same thing.

They are the same thing on the federal level. They are also the same thing on the state level. It is one thing.

Both Republicans and Democrats use the terms “Obamacare” and “the Affordable Care Act” to talk about the same thing. This is correct.

A recent poll found that approximately one-third of Americans believe that Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act are different laws. They are mistaken; it is the same law.

I wonder how a whole bunch of very stupid Trump voters are going to feel when they scream for ObamaCare to be repealed, until they realize their health insurance is gone.  RESIST!!

From Raw Story: Historian Ron Rosenbaum spoke out this week about how President Donald Trump is using Adolf Hitler’s “playbook” from Mein Kampf for undermining democracy.

In a recent column for Los Angeles Review of Books, the author of Explaining Hitler breaks his silence about the recent U.S. election, and about how the “normalization” of Trump is strikingly similar to the Nazi Party’s march to power.

“What I want to suggest is an actual comparison with Hitler that deserves thought,” he writes. “It’s what you might call the secret technique, a kind of rhetorical control that both Hitler and Trump used on their opponents, especially the media.”

According to Rosenbaum, Trump is using the Mien Kampf “playbook” to throw the media off balance and to normalize actions and statements that would have been unthinkable just months ago.

“It looked like the right-wing parties had been savvy in bringing [Hitler] in and ‘normalizing’ him, making him a figurehead for their own advancement,” Rosenbaum notes. “Instead, it was truly the stupidest move made in world politics within the memory of mankind. It took only a few months for the hopes of normalization to be crushed.”

I’ve been saying the Fuhrer is using Nazi methods since he usurped the White House, but folks, who don’t know me, have no reason to believe me. Rosenbaum, on the other hand, is an expert.  RESIST!!




The Invasion

 Posted by at 10:01 am  Politics
Feb 072017

As closely as I follow the news, whenever one country invades another, I should know about it.  I may not know anything about the backgrounds, claimed causes, or personalities of the combatants, but at least I’m aware that the conflict exists, especially in the Americas or Europe.  Then how is it that I’m not aware that Poland invaded Belarus?  It’s simple.  Poland didn’t.


…Senior officials have been soliciting guidance from national security agencies on how to improve relations with Russia, asking what Washington could offer Moscow and what Trump should seek from Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tillerson requested a briefing on moving the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, one of Trump’s campaign promises.

According to one U.S. official, national security aides have sought information about Polish incursions in Belarus, an eyebrow-raising request because little evidence of such activities appears to exist. Poland is among the Eastern European nations worried about Trump’s friendlier tone on Russia.

At the National Security Council, a policymaking body within the White House, officials were startled when drafts began circulating of an executive order that would have opened the door to resuming torture and CIA "black site" prisons. NSC officials were asked to submit comments on the order, according to two U.S. officials, but the directive was ultimately scrapped, in part because Defense Secretary Jim Mattis opposed the measure… [emphasis added]

From <AP> 

Now why would Flynn’s goose steppers be inquiring into a war that does not exist?  Rachel Maddow reports that the request came from "Senior White House officials,and that the invasion story is Russian fake news propaganda.

In Rachel’s picture of Michael Flynn and Vladimir Putin sitting at the table together, note that the another purveyor of Putin’s propaganda is rubbing elbows with her comrades.


Jill certainly looks right at home with them!

The more time that passes, the more obvious it becomes that whenever Vladimir (R-RU) calls, the Tangerine Traitor bends over and grabs his ankles.  It seems that, most recently, Putin’s Pervert got a briefing with it.

Feb 072017

These last few days sure have been busy, and I hope that I can finally get the data collection  and graphics for January’s report done later in the day.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:00 (average 4:53).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): The 50 Craziest Things Trump Has Done As President | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


If Keith could go longer without breathing, he could have made it 500. RESIST!!

From Think Progress: \Authoritarianism” is one of the most misunderstood words in America today.

As Cornell government professor Thomas Pepinsky writes, authoritarian nations rarely resemble Nazi Germany. People don’t necessarily live in fear of a secret police, or even fear that there will be consequences for dissent. Rather, the dividing line between democracy and authoritarianism comes down to something much more basic: “you know that you are no longer living in a democracy because the elections in which you are participating no longer can yield political change.”

By this definition, there is a thick cord of authoritarianism winding its way around the Republican Party.

Think of the gerrymanders. The voter suppression laws. The voter purges. The lawsuits asking courts to toss out ballots. None of these cancel elections outright, or even prevent most Democrats from participating in elections. But they make it much less likely that voters who are dissatisfied with Republican governance can bring about political change.

Those of you that have known me for years know that, as long as you have known me I have said that what Republicans do can always be explained by one of their two defining goals. One is the transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to the super-rich. The other is the establishment of a permanent totalitarian Republican Reich, a fascist plutocracy in which elections exist for show only, because Republicans control who votes and how the votes are counted. RESIST!!

From Salon.com: “The Late Show” host Stephen Colbert agrees with President Trump: Just because the Bowling Green massacre never happened, doesn’t mean the media should be ignoring it.


Where were you, when you didn’t hear nothing happened? RESIST!!



Feb 062017

Well, you can tell that the world is dysfunctioning in a Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten way, when even the Ellipsoid Orb takes a dump on us before withdrawing its Holy light for the season.  At my appointment today,  Megan asked how I am, and I reminded her I'm a political blogger.  She said she understood and asked if I need antidepressants. The visit was routine, and she was most pleased about my cancer being in remission.  I'm totally pooped, and I hear my pillow calling.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today's took me 5:54 (average 6:51).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?




Bernie Blasted the Fuhrer

 Posted by at 12:19 pm  Politics
Feb 052017

Bernie Sanders tore Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten a new one, separate from his other two, one in the normal location, and the other, below his nose.  Bernie did not focus on the horrible things trump has been saying.  Instead, he zeroed-in on the things Trump is doing and how they are the opposites of Trump’s populist campaign promises.


Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Sunday accused President Donald Trump of perpetrating a “fraud” on American voters by cozying up to Wall Street bankers instead of keeping his campaign promises.

While meeting with the JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon on Friday, Trump railed against Dodd-Frank financial regulations that were put into place after the economic collapse of 2008.

“It is hard not to laugh to see President Trump alongside these Wall Street guys,” Sanders told CNN host Jake Tapper on Sunday. “I have to say this, Jake, and I don’t mean to be disrespectful. This guy is a fraud.”…

From <The Raw Story>


I disagree with Bernie on only one point here. Bought Bitch Mitch is NOT a decent guy.


Feb 052017

It's a very busy day.  Wendy just left a while ago, and I finished my research.  I still have all my medical documentation to collect for my appointment tomorrow. And today is the highest Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb.  Tomorrow please expect no more that a Personal Update, and that will be be published after I return.  Does anyone know if Edie is OK?

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today's took me 2:46 (average 4:26).  Yo do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From KP Daily Funnies: The Alternative Constitution


An Alt-Constitution for an Alt-Asshole. RESIST!!

From YouTube (SNL Channel): Oval Office Cold Open


It's sad that the Trump Alec Baldwin portrays is much saner then the Fuhrer,  RESIST!!

From Robert Reich: …Hmmm. Connect these dots:

(1) Yinnopoulos writes for Breitbart News, which Steve Bannon – Trump’s strategy director – ran before joining Trump.

(2) Before Yiannopoulos speaks at Berkeley, Breitbart publishes an article saying that Yiannopoulos will call for the withdrawal of federal grants and the prosecution of university officials who endanger their students with their policies.

(3) Berkeley opens its doors to Yiannopoulos, but campus police have to cancel the event because of masked agitators.

(4) Hours later, Trump issues a misleading tweet, accusing the university of not allowing free speech and promoting violence against innocent people with different views, and threatening to withhold federal funds.

(5) The next night, Yiannopoulos on Fox News says the incident proves that universities like Berkeley don’t deserve federal grants by cracking down on free speech.

(6) That same night, on CNN, I raise the possibility that Yiannopoulos and Breitbart could have been collaborating with the agitators – saying “I wouldn’t bet against it.” This generates a belligerent column in Breitbart with a misleading headline calling me a liar for claiming that Breitbart News organized the riots.

I don’t want to add to the conspiratorial musings of so many about this very conspiratorial administration, but it strikes me there may be something worrying going on here.

I wouldn’t bet against it.

Left wing anarchists are usually not masked. It sure looks like a false flag to me. Regardless of who was behind it, I condemn such violent behavior, as do Democrats everywhere. Progressives and Liberals deplore civil violence, unlike Republicans who encourage and endorse it.  Also, Berkeley officials had nothing to do with preventing the Nazi from speaking. They condemned the criminals too. RESIST!!




Bill Maher Right Again

 Posted by at 1:41 pm  Politics
Feb 042017


Bill was in rare form last night and displayed an ability to mix fact and satire in a way equaled by very few.  Here are three video clips from his show.

Trump Did WHAT?


I don't know about penis enlargement for Trump. Do we even have a micro-surgeon that wouldn’t castrate him as a service to humanity? Frederick Douglass is Trump's favorite kind of black person: dead.

Sam Harris: Winning the War of Ideas


Sadly, a war of ideas is a guaranteed loss with the Fuhrer injecting his hatred into the mix.

New Rule: Cheer No Evil


Go Falcons!!


Feb 042017

It’s another busy day, and tomorrow will be more so.  It will be a Wendy day with not only the dreaded task, but also, assembling a floor lamp and replacing a broken table.  And it’s the highest Holy Day in the Church if the Ellipsoid Orb.  I shall be meditating.  Normally I would not care who wins, but given the New England Traitors’ affinity for Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten, I want a bird shit bonanza!  Go Falcons!!!  Then I need to rest, because Monday I need to be in the lobby by 7:30 AM to be sure to make my 9:20 appointment with Megan.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 4:03 (average 5:54).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The Rachel Maddow Show: Trump tries rewriting history on disastrous raid’s planning

Colin Kahl, former national security adviser to Vice President Biden, talks with Rachel Maddow about how the Trump regime is distorting history in an attempt to shift the blame for a disastrous military raid onto the Obama administration.


Yesterday I told you Trump lied about how he murdered a Navy Seal and innocent women and children. Now you know what he did and how he lied about it. Where are all those Republican Benghazi bullshitters? RESIST!!

From The Last Word: What’s next for Trump’s travel ban?

President Trump’s executive order has been halted temporarily — but what does it mean long-term for visa holders? Lawrence discusses with constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe and ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero.


Now I wonder if the Fuhrer will even obey the court order. RESIST!!

From NY Times: President Trump on Friday moved to chisel away at the Obama administration’s legacy on financial regulation, announcing steps to revisit the rules enacted after the 2008 financial crisis and to back away from a measure intended to protect consumers from bad investment advice.

After a White House meeting with executives from Wall Street, Mr. Trump signed a directive aimed at the Dodd-Frank Act, crafted by the Obama administration and passed by Congress in response to the 2008 meltdown. He also signed a memorandum that paves the way for reversing a policy, known as the fiduciary rule, that requires brokers to act in a client’s best interest, rather than seek the highest profits for themselves, when providing retirement advice.

In short, when you hire a bank or equivalent in trust to represent YOUR interest, Republicans want to allow the bank to screw you to maximize their own profit.  We knew this was coming. RESIST!!


