Feb 112017

I got more sleep last night, and that's good, because I have a couple busy day's coming up.  Tomorrow is a Wendy day, and on Monday, I have an appointment with Greg Cost, my Urologist.  No Worries.  It's just to pee in the cup, shred the toilet paper, and discuss the high Cost of urination.  I hope you're having a great weekend, or as good a weekend as is possible if you live in a Republican Reich.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today's took me 3:46 (average 5:20)_.  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): Is This How Trump Will Deport Millions? | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


Protect them! RESIST!!

From The Rachel Maddow Show: Magnitude of Trump adviser Flynn's Russia scandal gains clarity

Rachel Maddow reports on the still-developing scandal that Donald Trump national security adviser, Mike Flynn, reportedly discussed U.S. sanctions with Russia before Trump was in office, and that communication existed during the campaign.


Trump worked with the Russian government to coordinate Russian interference in our election, and the Republican Party conspired with them to cover it up. I don't know what the remedy is.  RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: Hinting darkly that “there’s something going on,” Donald J. Trump complained on Friday that he has been treated “very unfairly” by the people who wrote the United States Constitution.

“If the Constitution prevented me from doing one or two things, I’d chalk that up to bad luck,” he said. “But when literally everything I want to do is magically a violation of the Constitution, that’s very unfair and bad treatment.”

Lashing out at the document’s authors, Trump said that “America is a great country, but we have maybe the worst constitution writers in the world.”

“Russia has much better constitution writers than we do,” he said. “I talked to Putin, and he said their constitution never gives him problems.”

“The situation is very unfair!” he added.

I trust Andy accurately reflects the Fuhrer's thinking, but only in part. The rest is to get his top, Vladimir (R-RU) to help implement Russia's constitution here.  RESIST!!




Everyday Erinyes #62

 Posted by at 7:11 am  Politics
Feb 112017

Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage.  These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that.  Even though there are many more which I can't include.  As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."

The Marshall Project has a series called "Case in Point," in which Andrew Cohen examines a single case or character which sheds light on the criminal justice system.  Jules Letemps is such an individual with such a case, and, while it certainly sheds light on how people may be sentenced and spend years in prison for stuff they didn't do – and there are way too many of those cases – this one also sheds light on immigration in the United States.

The article gives a good deal of backstory, which is, if depressing, worth reading.  But the gist of the case is this:

Letemps came to Florida in 1981 on “humanitarian parole,” a temporary status granted to those fleeing their country for urgent humanitarian reasons. He had fled Haiti on a boat with his father and sister, among thousands of Haitians who emigrated due to political unrest and economic turmoil….

When he arrived in Florida, Letemps moved in with his mother (shown right) in Miami’s Little Haiti neighborhood, where she had arrived the year before. He got jobs picking tomatoes and selling food at an airport kiosk. He soon left Miami to work at an orange grove near Orlando. There he started dating a woman and in 1986, she got pregnant. Letemps claims this was what led to his drug charge. “I couldn’t help her because I didn’t have a good job,” he said. “I bought 20 dollars worth of dope so I could sell it and make some money, but then the police arrested me.”

Letemps pled guilty to delivery of cocaine, and was sentenced to the five months he had already spent in jail. Immigration officials took no action against him. It was [a] later sexual assault conviction that brought him to ICE’s attention.

When he came to Florida, he was 17.  When he was 26, he left his home, his (pregnant) partner, and his two daughters to go to work at a dealership where his job was washing the cars.  He never got there.  Nor did he ever come home.  He was stopped by a police officer, fingered by a crying woman as her rapist, arrested, and charged.

He was assigned a public defender but no interpreter.  He was found guilty and given four concurrent life sentences, and has been in prison ever since.  He gradually lost contact with everyone except his mother, Pierrecina Aureus.  Siblings, nieces, nephews, his partner, his daughters – none knows him now.

In 2010, Centurion, a non-profit legal service which has works on exoneratatons, took on his case.  Their lawyers discovered in the file of the trial a seroligical test of a semen stain on the victim's robe, which completely excluded Letemps as the rapist.  THE EVIDENCE HAD BEEN IN THE RECORDS ALL THE TIME.  Apparently the public defender misunderstood it.  It was never presented to the jury. 

The Florida State Courts initially ruled that Centurion’s appeal came too late, but the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals granted them permission. In July 2015, a federal district judge ordered a new trial. And in October 2016, the state dropped all charges.

Centurion knew there would be immigration issues, so they brough on immigration attorney John Pratt.  Since his initial entry status was "humanitarian parole," and the felony conviction would have revoked that, he is now categorized as an "arriving alien" in court proceedings, not entitled to a bond hearing before a judge.  Only DHS can let him go.  Or not.  In November they denied that, so he will likely be detained until his immigration status is resolved.  He is now 53, so he has been in prison a little over half his life.

“Based on Mr. Letemps’ criminal past, ICE determined that his detention is warranted,” wrote [ICE} spokesperson [Tammy] Spicer in an email.

Alecto, I think this has been going on long enough.

Speaking of immigration, the Baltimore Sun raises a question about all the – stuff – that happened last week, when the executive order/Muslim ban was thrown into the mix at every United States airport.

When we worry and wonder about authoritarian regimes that inflict cruelty on civilians, we often imagine tyrannical despots unilaterally advancing their sinister agendas. But no would-be autocrat can act alone. As a practical matter, he needs subordinates willing to carry out orders. Of course, neither Donald Trump nor Steve Bannon personally detained any of the more than 100 people held at airports over the weekend pursuant to the administration's executive order on immigration, visitation and travel to the United States. They relied on assistance.

They refer to incidents such as the 5-year-old child handcuffed and detained, separated from his mother, for several hours.  The mother traveling with two children who was handcuffed, detained for 20 hours without food, separated from her children (who were US citizens.)  The 65-year-old mother of a US serviceman detained for 33 hours and denied the use of a wheelchair.  I expect we all heard about all of these.  They point out:

The men and women who work for the federal government completed these and other tasks and then returned to their families, where perhaps they had dinner and read stories to their children before bedtime.

Authoritarians don't need monsters.  They need people who will follow orders dutifully, even if the orders are monstrous.  And the Sun continues that we all need to ask ourselves what we will do.  Because it's so much easier to do nothing than to do something.  "If we do nothing, that is a choice. It means we accept a government that has demonstrated it is capable of inflicting cruelty on the innocent and defenseless."

Megaera, Tisiphone, come and visit all of us this week.  Help reinforce our spines so that we will have the backbone to keep resisting all the way.

The Furies and I will be back.  We are considering adding a special, one-time, "delusion edition" between Saturdays.

Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4036175


Ninth 1 – Sphincter 0

 Posted by at 12:37 pm  Politics
Feb 102017

In what I consider to be the best win for decent people, since a walking, talking rectum infested 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the Fuhrer’s hateful Muslim ban.  Remarkably, the vote was 3-0, even though one of the judges is a conservative GW Bush appointee.  But will Trump obey the Court?


A federal appeals panel on Thursday unanimously rejected President Trump’s bid to reinstate his ban on travel into the United States from seven largely Muslim nations, a sweeping rebuke of the administration’s claim that the courts have no role as a check on the president.

The three-judge panel, suggesting that the ban did not advance national security, said the administration had shown “no evidence” that anyone from the seven nations — Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — had committed terrorist acts in the United States.

The ruling also rejected Mr. Trump’s claim that courts are powerless to review a president’s national security assessments. Judges have a crucial role to play in a constitutional democracy, the court said.

“It is beyond question,” the decision said, “that the federal judiciary retains the authority to adjudicate constitutional challenges to executive action.”… [emphasis added]

From <NY Times>

Rachel Maddow did a far better job of covering the ruling than any of the several accounts I read.

In all my years of studying politics, I have never seen such extreme incompetence at any level of government anywhere.  Here’s the segment on the PPP poll.

The Fuhrer has a habit of going overboard when spurred on by the deplorable bigots in the Republican base.

If the Fuhrer were to defy the Court, it is likely that Republicans in the House and Senate will keep goose-stepping in lock step, and even if some didn’t, the Fuhrer could defy them too. Where would that leave us?


Feb 102017

I slept poorly last night.  In what continues to be the weirdest winter I can remember, the temperature at midnight was 57°, prompting the homeless in the neighborhood to throw a party on the street below.  The noise level did not abate until it was almost time to get up, and although I did sleep, I was awakened frequently.  I discovered that our new analytics package was set by default that only Administrators could see the dashboard  I fixed it to include Editors.  Tweak away, Lona.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:39 (average 5:43).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?  A kitty has to be damn careful around that place.  I could get peed on by a dawg!! Surprised smile

Short Takes:

From The New Yorker: Infuriated after Senator Elizabeth Warren read a scathing letter from 1986 about Jeff Sessions by Coretta Scott King, Donald Trump vowed on Wednesday to secure an endorsement for Sessions from Frederick Douglass.

“I know Frederick Douglass will write a great letter, much better than that bad letter Coretta Scott King wrote,” Trump said. “I said really nice things about Frederick Douglass last week, so I’m sure he will do this for me.”

Visibly angered by the King letter, Trump contrasted the “great job Douglass has done” with the “terrible, very bad job that Coretta Scott King has done.”

“I don’t know who this Coretta King person is, but she should stay away from writing letters because she has zero talent for it,” Trump said.

At the daily White House press briefing, Trump’s press secretary, Sean Spicer, said that, while Trump is confident that Sessions will be confirmed as Attorney General, “a strong endorsement from Frederick Douglass will clearly seal the deal.”

Andy, If Douglas endorsed Beauregard, color me scared stiff and gone! RESIST!!

From YouTube (GQ Channel): Life in Trump’s America Just Got Worse for Your Pet | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


If torturing and poisoning animals increases profit, Fuhrer Drumpfenfarten supports it. RESIST!!

From Think Progress: National Security Adviser Michael Flynn discussed sanctions with the Russian Ambassador to the United States around a month before President Donald Trump took office, the Washington Post reported Thursday night.

Flynn allegedly told Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak that any sanctions put in place under the Obama administration could be reversed. The allegations could put Flynn in hot water, as officials say they were inappropriate at best and possibly even illegal. The situation gets worse for Flynn, as he said on Wednesday he hadn’t discussed sanctions with Kislyak. He backtracked on Thursday.

“While he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up,” Flynn’s spokesman told the Washington Post… [emphasis added]

The traitor had no recollection, huh? Remember this?  RESIST!!



Feb 102017

Being of Scandinavian stock, I take much pride (with tongue firmly planted in cheek) that Ikea is stepping up to help Popular-Vote-Loser Trump to “Build That Wall”.

From someone who has put together my fair-share of Ikea’s flat-pack furniture following their rage-inducing instruction manuals (“child’s play” my foot), this project is promised to be easy-peasy.

Press Secretary, Sean “Alternative Facts – PERIOD!” Spicer, has announced that Twitler is seriously studying the Ikea proposal for the “Börder Wåll”

So let’s take a look at how Ikea envisions its “Börder Wåll”.

Beautiful, isn’t it?  (You gotta love the little guy’s sombrero)  But one of its main pluses is that it’s going to be a LOT cheaper than the estimates of building the wall put forth by Trump ($12 BILLION), Ryan/McConnell ($15 BILLION) and the recently announced estimate of $21.6 BILLION – AND take 3.5 years to complete – by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Ikea is pricing this gem at a mere $9,999,999,999.99.  And it can conveniently be picked up in their iconic flat-pack (well, a rather YUUUGE one – or maybe several) at your nearest Ikea store. 

There is some assembly required, but it comes with their familiar instruction manual.  And it only takes two people to put it together!  (Okay, so that’s NOT going to help with his promised expansion of the labor force.  Oh, well – you can’t have everything.)

And Ikea promises its “12,000-page instruction manual with easy-to-understand pictures makes construction child’s play.”  To illustrate how easy it is to put Ikea products together, a brief video (and I think we’ve found the ideal pair to get “That Wall” built):

As always, first check to be sure that your package contains all the parts necessary for construction.  Inside your “Börder Wåll” box you should find:

• 471,612 wall panels

• 754,579 cotter pins

• 313,329 yards of concertina wire

• 1,886,448 short screws

• 3,772,896 long screws

• 1 two-sided hex key (Just one?  This item sounds troublingly easy to misplace)

But in the end we’ll have our promised beautiful wall of pressboard with birch veneer standing 33ft (10 m) tall and extending 1,954 miles (3,144 km) along our border with Mexico.  (The height and length can be extended as desired with additional units.)  Plus it has the usual Ikea 5-year warranty!

And fortunately Ikea has announced that it’s already working on related, complimentary products that will compatible with the “Börder Wåll” – such as the “Gåwk” watchtower and the “Råtåtåtåtåtå” spring-gun.

How about enjoying a flying overview of that border?  It’s a video from 200,000 Google satellite photos stitched together to give you an idea how absolutely absurd Twitler’s idea actually is.


Ikea “Börder Wåll”

Tweet of It

Feb 092017

I had a pretty good night's sleep last night, after Wendy left, but I'm still quite tired.  Sometime today the pest control people will be here to inspect my place, and do some baiting for roaches as needed.  I have my own bait injector, so even though there are roaches in the bathrooms and some other people's rooms, I don't have a problem here.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today's took me 3:19 (average 5:55).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): The Travesties Done in Your Name and Mine | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


I trust that, if they heard this at all, some traditional Republicans, would be very upset at it. Others would make excuses and hide their heads in the sand, not wanting to know the truth. The Fuhrer, his associates, and the rabid base would rejoice at the opportunity to kill another potential Muslim for Republican Supply-side Jesus (The exact opposite of the real Jesus). RESIST!!

From The Rachel Maddow Show: Schumer: Democratic bulwark will hold on Trump SCOTUS pick

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer assures Rachel Maddow that despite reports of defections, Democratic Senators will filibuster Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Neil Gorsuch.


I hope the only useless piece of crap to break ranks and vote to break the filibuster against Whoresuch is Joe Manchin (DINO-WV). RESIST!!

From The New Yorker: The Senate’s confirmation of Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary means that immigrants will be the nation’s only reliable source of educated people going forward, education experts said on Tuesday.

Under DeVos, according to Davis Logsdon, the dean of the University of Minnesota’s School of Education, the U.S. will have to “drastically increase its inflow of immigrants” if it wants people capable of performing even the simplest tasks.

“Most of our industries require people who can read, write, and do arithmetic, even in a rudimentary way,” he said. “The Senate just shot that to hell.”

With DeVos running the Department of Education, Logsdon said, millions of American students “will graduate from high school each year without mastering any useful skills—in other words, much like DeVos herself.”

Dang!! I miss the days, when Andy did satire. RESIST!!




Shut Up Liz! Shut Up Coretta!

 Posted by at 2:44 pm  Politics
Feb 082017

Bernie was wrong.  I few days ago, he said that Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is a very nice guy.  I wrote that I disagreed and that there is nothing nice about McConnell.  The proof is in, and I was right,  Bought Bitch Mitch just told Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Coretta Scott King to STFU!!

Warren-McConnellSenate Republicans voted on Tuesday night to silence Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren, who had taken to the floor of the Senate to give a speech opposing the confirmation of Alabama senator Jeff Sessions as attorney general. Warren began reading a letter written in 1986 by the late Coretta Scott King, activist and wife of civil-rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which was originally written in opposition to Sessions’s 1986 nomination to serve as a federal judge. (King’s letter was written to be sent to the Senate, though Senator Strom Thurmond, who was then the chair of the judiciary committee, blocked it from being entered into the congressional record.) In her letter, King wrote, “Mr. Sessions has used the awesome powers of his office in a shabby attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters. For this reprehensible conduct, he should not be rewarded with a federal judgeship.” (Sessions’s nomination for the judicial post was ultimately withdrawn amid allegations of past racist comments, some of which he has denied.)

But Republicans immediately took offense to Warren reading King’s words on the Senate floor. Senator Steve Daines of Montana warned Warren that she was violating Senate rules against impugning another senator. She continued reading King’s letter anyway. “Mrs. King’s views and words ring true today,” Warren said. “The integrity of our Justice Department depends on an attorney general who will fight for the rights of all people. An honest evaluation of Jeff Sessions’ record shows that he is not that person.” Civil-rights advocates and lawmakers have expressed concern over Sessions’s record on race and immigration, as well as statements he’s made in the past. Sessions has been criticized for calling the N.A.A.C.P. “communist-inspired” and “un-American,” and for allegedly calling a black assistant U.S. attorney “boy.”

Warren’s speech came to a halt when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell invoked rule XIX, which keeps senators from “directly or indirectly, by any form of words impute to another senator or to other senators any conduct or motive unworthy or unbecoming a senator.” Warren, McConnell said, “has impugned the motives and conduct of our colleague from Alabama.”…

From <Vanity Fair>

Liz explained it to an MSNBC reporter that was not altogether sympathetic.

What the reporter did not get is this.  The purpose of rule XIX is to prevent debate between Senators from descending into flame wars of personal attack, not discussion of issues.  It should never have been used to evade the reading of testimony.  Sessions (R-KKK) was in the discussion as a nominee being evaluated, not as a Senator in debate.

Furthermore, Bought Mitch Mitch never invoked Rule XIV against the multiple attacks on Senators by Cruz (R-Uranus).  I guess IOKIYAR.

