Jan 282017

It’s very rare for me to get my articles out so late in the day, but I had a ton of chores that I had to get done, and more to do, so please pardon my brevity.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:18 (average 5:41).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (Full Frontal Channel): MILCK Performs "Quiet" with GW Sirens and Capital Blend


Since so many of you loved this, Sam posted the entire song. RESIST!!

From Washington Post: Republican lawmakers aired sharp concerns about their party’s quick push to repeal the Affordable Care Act at a closed-door meeting Thursday, according to a recording of the session obtained by The Washington Post.

The recording reveals a GOP that appears to be filled with doubts about how to make good on a long-standing promise to get rid of Obamacare without explicit guidance from President Trump or his administration. The thorny issues with which lawmakers grapple on the tape — including who may end up either losing coverage or paying more under a revamped system — highlight the financial and political challenges that flow from upending the current law.

Senators and House members expressed a range of concerns about the task ahead: how to prepare a replacement plan that can be ready to launch at the time of repeal; how to avoid deep damage to the health insurance market; how to keep premiums affordable for middle-class families; even how to avoid the political consequences of defunding Planned Parenthood, the women’s health-care organization, as many Republicans hope to do with the repeal of the ACA.

“We’d better be sure that we’re prepared to live with the market we’ve created” with repeal, said Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.). “That’s going to be called Trumpcare. Republicans will own that lock, stock and barrel, and we’ll be judged in the election less than two years away.”

Click through for many more statements from the secret recording. Note that not one of these fascist Republicans gives a damn about YOU, only the damage they wouls do to their careers. RESIST!!

From The Rachel Maddow Show: Trump, weak under pressure, caves; wall’s future uncertain

Rachel Maddow reports on a series of orders from Donald Trump to federal agencies this week that were ultimately reversed as Trump caved to pressure, and wonders about the future of Trump’s wall when Americans learn he wants them to pay for it.


This is why we…





  12 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/28/2017”

  1. 4:19  A little embarrassing to be staring at a tulip's private parts.

    YT/FFC) – I haven't finished making my PP hat yet (actually that's pink pussy hat, not politics plus hat, though it likely goes with both).  And now everyone's sold out of the yarn.  But I will get there eventually.

    WP – Why, yes, Republicans, we know.  And we are delighted at the damage you will do to your careers, thoug sorry for the human suffering involved,  Exactly what planet were you on that you didn't know sooner?

    RMS – Pressure is a good thing.  And it's really important that we keep doing it.  It may not be the ONLY weapon we have, being out of power, but it certainly is our strongest.  But it takes all of us!  Those who are involved in citizen archiving (which requires software I don't have and really don't want, but whch many people like just fine) should, IMO, continue.  I am a member of more than one of those veterans' groups, as I am sure are many here (and you don't have to be a veteran, you just need to want to support vets.)  Of course, we are talking about Republicans here, who lack the intellectual ability to generalize, so they are unlikely slow down on their collison course.  May the words "The sample is shining" live as long as – longer than – "Come here, Mr. Watson, I wany you."

    Cartoon – Well, of course aliens would vote for Hillary.  Their sources transmitted her actual actions, not the slanders.  Oh, well.

    • I just want to add this today – I feel strongly about it – Starting with a quote from State Senator David Knezek from Michigan, who posted at Facebook:

      I want to open up for a moment about my time serving in Iraq and share a personal story about why this article made me tear up when I read it. 

      The story was sent me in an email, but I have looked at the Facebook page, and was able to read the whole thing though I don't belong.

      Yesterday I received a different request to join in the pressure of writing to Congress on this issue, at this link: https://secure.everyaction.com/THPrSuimrkyHN2PbCVAxBA2  I am now sharing the link.  (If you don't want to share your mobile number, put in ten 5s.)

  2. YT?FFC:  Fantastic song, so well done!

    WP: Let them squirm, and then push back, themselves!

    Rachel:  If Trump really caved in we would hear it as a quiet, sibilant, whisper of empty wind.

  3. YT: LOVED this, and the words! Beautiful and talented women too!

    WP: This is of great concern to citizens, I have several family members who are with ACA. Remember to vote these people out when they are up for re-election too!

    RMshow: It's good to know that the Resistance is within these walls. Public pressure works well with this president, and his administration. This must be done consistently!!

    Cartoon: Awww….now where did I put my hanky?

    Hope you have a good restful relaxing evening. Take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  4. Puzzle — 3:54  I doubt that tulips taste very good, Puddy Tat!

    YouTube — Beautiful singing!  Great song!  When I was in my church choir, we sang a capella almost all the time when doing anthems, and we were noted in the area for it.  We even produced a CD which we sold.  I was one of two tenors, the other was also female.



    Washington Post — "“We have a responsibility to work for the people that put us in office,” he said. “That’s the oath we take: to defend the Constitution, to fight for the people we represent, and this is a fiasco that needs to be fixed.”" — Uh, then why are they talking 'repeal'?  Repeal is not in the best interests of their constituents.  Republicans need to reform — stop being bought and paid for ideologues!  I'd say I hope they shoot themselves in the foot (fewer Republicans in 2018), but then that would mean that too many people would be without healthcare.



    TRMS — Seems to me that Drumpfenfarten accused John Lewis of being "all tallk, talk, talk and no action".  Gee, sounds like that was nothing but projection!



    Cartoon — LOL!



    Finally made arrangements today for my mother's passing, and then went to visit her for about 5 hours.  Will go back tomorrow, and every day.  The staff at the care centre are so helpful and caring of mum, and of me.

  5. You don't have to apologize for running late now and again because of chores, TomCat. We all have lives to lead and can't RESIST 24/7.

    Thanks for the MILCK video, I really like that song. It wouldn't come as a surprise if would become the anthem of the RESISTANCE.

    WP: Isn't it funny that the GOP is worried that repealing and replacing Obamacare with something of their own is very tough without the Drumpf administration telling them what to do, because neither has that plan both have been lying about. But the many legislators understand that Drumpf will take the credit while they will take the blame for the new package which – as even they understand now – will either have their voters turn away from them if they please their masters and cut it's funding or their "sponsors" if they they "replace" it with something "less costly". Either way their careers are screwed, LOL. Let's make that a certainty and RESIST!

    Rachel Maddow: So good to hear that RESISTANCE   really works and that this government can't withstand any pressure. Which isn't surprising as their insane actions and decrees are only there to give Drumpfians the impression that the minority vote president is keeping his promises, but in fact are as hollow as his had and in no way can be justified. However the wall may be another thing. It has been the key topic of Drumpf's campaign and in the past week he has repeated some hard statements about it. For Drumpf it is a terrible blow that he just can't force the Mexicans to pay for it, no matter what "brilliant" scheme he comes up with (and has shot from under his butt again). But he's invested too much on a personal level in the building of this wall, more than for instance in American infrastructure. His plans for American infrastructure have been shot  before they could even make it to a decree and he/his cronies might now insist that Congress throws it under the buss to free up the money for the wall. That way he can blame Americans for not wanting to pay for both (You wanted that wall more than infrastructure), give his cronies the building contracts so they won't lose out on their fortunes and destroy the infrastructure plans of the Democrats at the same time. So he does a bit more lying, his fans will still believe him.

    Cartoon: LOL Great one, TomCat.

  6. Thanks and tired hugs to all!

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