Well, that didn’t take long! Twitler’s team managed to become a trending Twitter meme in the record-breaking time of less than 24 hours!
The honors go to Press Secretary Sean Spicer, who held a press conference on the Saturday after the inauguration and repeatedly told blatant LIES at the behest of Twitler himself. Among them was the whopper, and easily disproved fallacy, that his crowd of 1.5 MILLION was the biggest ever.
Immediately it gave rise to a number of hashtags like #SpicerSays, #SpicerFacts, etc. So let’s enjoy a few:
Guess the number of jelly beans.
Me: 87
Wife: 134
Sean Spicer: 1.5 million #spicerfacts pic.twitter.com/dq7MmhgG3H— Mark Zohar (@markzohar) January 22, 2017
This photo proves that Trump inauguration crowd was actually quite impressive!#SpicerFacts#TrumpInaugural#TrumpTreason pic.twitter.com/jdTG7Z4n4T
— Larkin (@larkin1235) January 22, 2017
"The Beatles, INCLUDING John & George, played the inaugural concert and President Trump applauded them with his HUGE HANDS." #SeanSpicerSays
— Mitch Benn (@MitchBenn) January 22, 2017
"Donald Trump has the biggest hands of any President in history. Period." #SpicerFacts pic.twitter.com/tnSyOUspmR
— Lt Tasha Yar ?
(@ResistBLOTUS) January 22, 2017
Trump was America's first black astronaut. #SpicerFacts
— BadgerStew (@BadgerStew) January 22, 2017
"Coconuts are mammals 'cause they have hair & produce milk."#SeanSpicer #SpicerFacts #PressSecretary #TheResistance #TrumpLeaks pic.twitter.com/44wvAanqRs
— #NotMyPresident ? (@Riela2) January 22, 2017
But Spicer did manage to get one correct:
That was not empty space…that was millions of people wearing sheets. PERIOD. #Spicerfacts pic.twitter.com/APnSG4L9Pi
— DG Curry (@DGCanuck) January 21, 2017
So on Sunday they sent out Kellyanne Conway (after wisely ditching her Paddington Bear or New England Patriots logo inaugural outfit …)
To try and clean up the outrage Spencer produce with his bald-faced LIES. So she appeared on Meet the Press, and did a bang-up job … of creating a NEW meme: “Alternative Facts”!
Merriam – Webster Dictionary actually Tweeted out the defintion of "Fact" to try to help – but to no avail:
?A fact is a piece of information presented as having objective reality. https://t.co/gCKRZZm23c
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) January 22, 2017
Largest Inaugural crowd. Period pic.twitter.com/QBfkJTOMRZ— George D. (@xdelmar59) January 22, 2017
Millions cheer as Mike Pence greets adoring crowds along the #Inauguration parade route #AlternativeFacts pic.twitter.com/MCq12kZQxu
— Donald J. Drumpf (@RealDonalDrumpf) January 22, 2017
'Nobody has more respect for women than me, believe me.'
-Donald Trump
#AlternativeFacts pic.twitter.com/vDl4tZiQut
— Ashley Riggs (@Just1MoreAshley) January 23, 2017
Loving devoted husband, happy wife.#alternativefacts pic.twitter.com/F4BYUJvznZ
— Randi Mayem Singer (@rmayemsinger) January 22, 2017
And so America's descent into the depths at least begins with a few chuckles. But we all shudder to think of how it will end!
Kyrie Eleison
Lord, Have Mercy
13 Responses to “Friday Fun – Twitler Provides Us an “Alternative””
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New word! "Twitler". Does that new word remind you of anything…? lol.
Some of these "twitlers" are downright funny. Others are visual facts. Kellyanne Conway is correct when she uses the term "alternative facts" as those facts are from an alternate reality. As far as Sean Spicer goes, his alt-facts has set the tone for all of his future press conferences.
The 3 photos shows just how much drumpf respects women. First Lady Melania is being assisted by the gracious Obamas and Drumpf is off on a Lala land mental trip by himself. The 3 photos is a very telling story in of itself. So sad.
What kind of first lady will Melania Trump be?
Thanks for the "twitlers"
Our HOG Chapter visited and toured the Jelly Belly Factory in nearby Fairfield, CA. a few years ago. And yes, there are Hogs on display in its showroom. The Jelly Belly is a very popular tourist destination to visit. Short video: 1min 45sec.
Republicans have had a BS in Bullshitology for decades. Spicer has a PhD (Piled higher and deeper!).
Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4033248
Orwellian, isn't it? Love the jelly beans. Glad you didn't use the old Simplicity pattern, since that turned out to be a forgery. That picture of the Obamas walking in with Melania – I did see it earlier – to me it is the best illustration I have ever seen of the expression "We have your back."
We need humor like this in a dark time. And it's going to get a lot darker. Remember, it's always darkest before dawn – or a really nasty storm.
As one who attended Catholic schools, and Mass, when it was said in Latin,
"Kyrie Eleison' is most appropriate and fitting.
I feel sorry for Melania, and her treatment by Der Fuhrer. Actions speak louder than words. She looks very unhappy.
Thanks, Nameless for post, and Joanne for cross posting.
Sometimes I am tempted to throw in
Agnus Dei, miserere nobis … Agnus Dei, DONA NOBIS PACEM.
No argument with "Grant us peace" – as long as it's NOT the funereal "eternal" type.
(He does have access to that "nuclear football".)
No, not eternal peace, and also not the illusory kind that might keep us from resisting by falsely feeling normal. The kind that comes from knowing all is well, when it actually is.
And if you're not sad enough: listen to IMO the most beautiful "Agnus Dei" from Bach's Mass in B minor sung by counter tenor Andreas Scholl. Then please come back to this page and reread some tweets to cheer yourself up again.
I think that triptych Tweet of how Twitler treats Melania is really a great summary of the Trump pathological personality.
The man is seriously deranged, and in dire need of psychiatric intervention.
(I should start keeping track of how often I mention that.)
Totally Orwellian! He ought to get royalties, at least his descendants!
Love the new pick-me-up for those in the RESISTANCE: Twitlers.
Thank goodness for some humor. I hope those who brought Orwell's "1984" back on the best-selling list don't forget to visit your pages after (re)reading it, Nameless. It might keep the depression numbers down a bit.