Jan 212017

I successfully avoided all contact with the Russian Infestation yesterday by spending the day resting, listening to Pandora, and watching Netflix.  I heard demonstrations that were close, but not close enough to make out the chants.  At around 9:00 PM there was a flurry of tear gas  canisters popping and flash bangs going off.  However sleep was impossible, because of frequent police sirens until well after midnight.  Then a few deplorable fascists in a Humvee drove up and down the street with his speakers blasting a speech from Putin’s Pervert, turning it off occasionally to scream "Nigger Libs!".  I gave up at 4:00 AM and got up to discover both my cable and Internet were down.  So the first full day of the Republican Reich has not started well, and I’m going to nap before I publish.  Nameless… Sioux City.

Jig Zone Puzzles:

Yesterday’s took me 2:42 (average 4:44).  To do it, click here.  Today’s took me 5:00 (average 5:10).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (GQ Channel): Boycott Donald Trump’s Inauguration | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann


Kudos to Keith. Kudos to John Lewis. This is why I boycotted the infestation.  RESIST!!

From OPB: After an evening of protests Friday, Portland police used crowd-control devices to disperse lingering demonstrators near Pioneer Courthouse Square and six people were arrested.

The use of flash-bangs and tear gas came after police told protesters that the march, which began at 5 p.m., was unlawful. Police also warned the group that those who did not leave the area would be arrested.

By the end of the night, five people were charged with second-degree disorderly conduct.

Kudos to the nonviolent demonstrators.  RESIST!!

From NY Times: Affordable birth control. Equal pay for equal work. Full access to health care for transgender Americans.

As recently as last summer, these seemed like achievable goals, backed by President Barack Obama and championed by Hillary Clinton. Now, of course, Donald Trump is president, and what might have been items on Mrs. Clinton’s agenda are tenets of the Women’s March on Washington, a protest to mark Mr. Trump’s second day in office.

More than 200,000 people have signed up on Facebook to attend the Washington march, and over 1.5 million plan to attend one of hundreds of satellite marches around the country.

Kudos to the women.  RESIST!!



We had a President then.


  15 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/21/2017”

  1. Thanks!  Sioux City is in the NW corner of Iowa – opposite border from Illinois.  Actually never been in Sioux City, but if it gave you Wendy, must be a pretty nice place.

  2. YT/KO: I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Lewis, and KO. "DontheCon-Snot nosed punk!" Well done!

    NYT:  We had Austin Women Marches today. Numbers approx. between 20-50 K. All good!!!!

    OPB: Sorry that you didn't get any rest….it was pretty quiet here.

    Hope that you get some much needed rest, take good care. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. I LOVE KEITH OLBERMANN!!! He lays everything out on the line and sews it up in a neat little bag!!! He was great in this clip! And EVERYTHING he said was TRUE! 

    I spent the day with my tv on Animal Planet watching "Cute", a show that follows litters of kittens and puppies from birth til they are given away or sold. I love those shows!!! So! I BOYCOTTED THE CATASTROPHE ALL DAY! RESIST!!!

    Sorry You didn't get any sleep, TC! But you participated in the Protest! Glad the protests stayed nonviolent! RESIST!!!

    The Women's March has several marches in other countries, I believe! That's what Jane Fonda said last night on Bill Maher. I believe that's what one of them said. And there is a march here in OK also! Wish I could have gone! Nagging neck problems has kept me in bed for a couple of weeks. The up and down temps here are killing me! I'm sure you know what I mean. BUT I was there in SPIRIT!!!

    Women are in for a horrible time with this Preditor-in-chief! We are going to have to band together and fight every day, in every way!!!

    Jimmy Carter was one hell of a president! And he is STILL working, trying to make a difference in this world! From the Habitat for Humanity to obliterating that deadly worm in Africa (I believe), he has done more for humanity since he was in office than he did while he was president!!! And that is saying A LOT!!! 

    Well, it's time to feed the cats. They are whining for the canned food. Gotta go, TC!

    Tomorrow is the High Holy Day in the Church of the Ellipsoid Orb!!! I wish that the Patriots and the Steelers could both lose, but since they are playing each other, one has to win. Hope the Falcons get a win!!! 

    Later, TC!

  4. Puzzles — yesterday — 3:20  My feet won't fit in that lady's slipper!  Today — 3:37  I wasn't moving at snail's pace today!

    YouTube — Keith is spot on!  I just finished watching a short vid where Drumpfenfarten referred to the media again as the "lying media".  He didn't like what they said about the attendance figures.  However, looking at pictures and transit ridership that day, Obama's 2009 inauguration showed far greater numbers.  His 2013 inauguration, although smaller than 2009, was still much bigger than Drumpfenfarten's 2017 inauguration.  Good on John Lewis and all other patriots who passed on the inauguration of an illegitimate president.



    OPB — So this is what was keeping you awake yesterday!  If the protesters were all peaceful, then I would say that the police overreacted.  In DC, some protesters started throwing bricks etc and set a limousine afire.  Such behaviour is less than helpful to the cause.



    NY Times — Not only were there many demonstrations in the US, but also globally.  Here in Vancouver, there were more than 10able to ,000 marchers marching in solidarity.  There were people heading down to Washington from Ontario and Québec who were refused entry to the US.  This Women's March has sure started a political fire, and Drumpfenfarten and the Republicans are bound to get burned.



    Cartoon — Love that peanut farmer!

    I had a call from mother's care centre last night.  She hasn't eaten for several days and has been in bed steadily.  Today I went over to see her — thay have put her on oxygen and are using salbutamol in a nebuliser several times a day.  In addition, she has to take anti biotics.  I was  able to get her to eat some pureed carrots, 3 glasses of milk and a glass of a nutrition "shake".  She loves the shakes.  She wants to eat some but it does take a long time to feed her what little she does eat.  When I came home, I was exhausted but unable to sleep.  So here I am.

  5. boycotted although admit I heard a little "highlights" on NPR and read a bit on NY Times…..scary and awful!


    Resist, Peach, Stand Strong, Stand Together!!!


    United we can overcome!

  6. 1/20  4:34  Handling it delicately, of course.
    1/21  4:38)  The cactus might be tastier than the snail …      

    Goodness, what a ruckus.  So sorry.  I spent my time with hubby in the prison.  Visiting hours are 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Mountain, which also happens to be noon – 6:00 pm Eastern, which also happens to be the time period during which Dr. Barber requested prayer and fasting by everyone who could, because "Some (demons) come not out but with prayer and fasting."  They have snacks, but because of food allergies, we never indulge, so the fasting was no trick, and we did some praying.  I do not promise positive results, but we tried, and incidentally also with the same actions followed Keith's advice (ignore the traitor).

    OPB – I'm sorry about all of that, and especially because it sounds like the police overstepped their authority and trampled the First Amendment.  Not that all progressive protesters are perfect, sorry to say, but I gather yours were pretty good.  I didn't hear of any punched faces in Portland.

    NYTimes – I got an email that so many women were there they couldn't do a formal march (i.e., so many they filled the allotted space completely so couldn't really move.)

    Cartoon – And thank God for him.

    It does occur to me that, though journalism isn't looking very strong or very competent, we do have a litmus test for truth, and that is, if the Traitor In Chief (TIC) says it's fake, then it's true – and if he says something is so,, it ain't.

  7. Living downtown in the capital of a state which is obviously no fan of Drumpf, to put it mildly, may have it's drawbacks in the next four years, TomCat. While the peaceful demonstrations against the newly appointed tyrant may give you some hope for America's future, the ones that end up in looting, or are put up by the cowardly deplorables when nobody's there except the people who are trying to get some shut-eye, may keep you from a good night's sleep for some time to come. But I'm sure it'll all strengthen your resolve to


    YT(GQC): From what I've heard and read in the past two days here, Many American took your and Keith Olbermann's advice to boycott the inauguration to heart and it really hurt Drumpf's vanity, having him and his cronies lie and threaten the media, as has become their habit. But the press, including the foreign press, do not take kindly to that and are sharpening their knives . Foreign media won't let themselves be pressured by lying bullies like Drumpf and his ilk, so when push comes to shove and American "independent" media have been forced to go underground, foreign media may be your best source of information in the years to come with which to


    OPB: Yes, Kudos to all who demonstrated in a non-violent way to make clear they


    NYT: Kudos to all the women, and men, who attended these rallies and put Drumpf inauguration figures to shame. Kudos to the women of all backgrounds, ethnicities, educational levels, income levels and ages to stand together and


    Cartoon: Yes, a real president.

  8. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

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