Sam is BACK!!

 Posted by at 10:50 am  Politics
Jan 122017

In a year when everything that can go wrong is, we’ve gone far too long without relief.  Therefore, here are four new videos from Samantha Bee, who returned from vacation just in time to help save our sanity and to go right to work lampooning the Piddle Puddle Pervert.

People Are Saying: Trump Likes Pee


Now we know what Republicans mean by trickle down economics.

White Plight


That’s projection taken to the ultimate degree.

A Session On Sessions

Beauregard needs a cross to use as na reading light.

And finally, an ad for Sam!

Give the Gift of Full Frontal


I did!




  18 Responses to “Sam is BACK!!”

  1. Glad to see that Bee is back from her vacation. Will watch her videos later tonight.

    Meanwhile, the words TC used "…Piddle Puddle Pervert. " made me pause and think of Drumpf, PeOTUS, not my president, as the "Orange Drip-drip". lol.

  2. So glad she's back…she'll have a steady job for the next four years…LOL.

    The commercial for the TC (giggle), shirt is priceless!!!

    Wendy's is too!

    Love it!


    Thanks, Tom.

  3. Wendy is a gem!  I take it she made through your winter storm unscathed. 

    (And whereabouts in Iowa is she from?)

  4. Oh, nonsense.  We have always known what trickle down economics meant.  We can't even say they are finally admitting it – because they aren't.

    You know, I'm white, I'm 71 years old, I am awake enough to see that I have benefitted from white privilege, and I have NO patience for these snowflakes who think no such thing as white privilege exists, and that even mentioning it is "divisive."  And I'm going to shut up now before I start to become unprintable.

    Did you see Keith Knight's cartoon on this?

    Yeah, great Tshirt indeed!

  5. Wonnerfull, wonnerfull, wonnerfull!

  6. Glad Samantha is back!

  7. #1 — "A spoonful of hooker urine helps the treason claims go down." — LMAO!

    #2 — "That’s projection taken to the ultimate degree." — Ain't that the truth!

    #3 — A cross as a reading light, eh?  I'll bet that is a real burning issue for Sessions!

    Wendy's looking good in her T.

    Sam Bee is wonderfully funny!  More please!

  8. Sorry I've been absent again – not my fault but the reaction of yet another Windows update with my software security – it has been taking me an hour a day to get online, then I've needed to spend my exhausted energy ordering vital supplies as I can't get out of the house to buy any – suffice it to say we now have enough cat and dogfood for a couple of months!  (And yes, it has been going on for WEEKS!).  Restoring my computer daily has done some odd things – things that were working the day before don't work when it was restored to the previous days settings, why I don't know – and once it took itself to reset the clock to seven years before, all on its own too, causing much panic here before I realised what was happening – oh the joys of electronic communication!

    Articles – it took me a while to read the second word on the Tshirt – then I got it – oh my!


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