Jan 112017
Last night I watched President Barack Obama say farewell to the nation. Here is the complete video of that address, or, if you prefer, click here for a transcript.
As I watched, I could not help comparing what we are getting to what we are losing. The only rational response was to shed tears.
20 Responses to “Bon Voyage”
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I wept like I was grieving – and I guess I am.
Made more bittersweet when compared to the disaster-of-a-day for Traitorous Trump and his "press conference".
(Can you impeach someone before they're even in office? Sadly, no longer a silly question.)
No, but Pense is as bad.
Tears by the score for me! I couldn't stop crying knowing that Drumpfenfarten would be taking the place of THE BEST PRESIDENT we have EVER had!!! Watched it on my phone and was crying the whole time!
grieving greatly especially when compared to today's egotistical rants from drumpf
Grief is appropriate. The loss is real and devastating.
I have shared this link before, but I think it is tie to share it again: http://johnpavlovitz.com/2016/11/09/heres-why-we-grieve-today/ Maybe you'd better skip the comments, though.
And while you're there, you might also want to read this one: http://johnpavlovitz.com/2017/01/11/dear-jesus-youre-fired-from-american-evangelical-christianity/
At least we have each other to grieve with. Be strong. Keep sharing. Keep seeking truth. Keep seeking justice.
Maybe inappropriate, but your comment brought back memories of a patient I had as a medical student on my psych rotation who I bumped on to an actual psychiatric resident – because he had a much deeper grasp of his problems than I did.
He was a simple schizophrenic, and during one of our sessions he said: “You know Doc (they called anyone in a white coat “Doc”), there’s one good thing about being a schizophrenic.”
ME: Interesting … what’s that?
PT: At least I’ll always have each other.
Or maybe all too appropriate. (Good, though.)
Thanks, Joanne. I read both links and shared them. They are both so true!
Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity fired Jesus a long time aho andf replaced Him with Republican Supply-side Jesus.
That's correct of course. And Pavlovitz does not constitute an admission of that. But if there were to be an admission, this is what it would read/sound like.
I agree.
I got called a blasphemer on Facebook today regarding the articles I shared, but the person did promise to pray for me.
Oh, whoopee.
Anyone who would call you a blasphemer doesn't know what the word means (or very much else.)
When the person said they would pray for you, did you ask, "To whom?" I would have been sorely tempted.
LOLOL!! We hgave our own Kentucky Fried blasphemer!!
I did not watch. I am angry that he did not call McConnell on his Russia BS, in Sep't., as I've said, and I did not want to "see" the end come; probably would have cried, as well.
Watched the whole speech.
Feel a big hole in my heart.
The ending was perfect, tears flowed.
Because (the east of) Australia is close enough in tune time-wise with (the west of) America, Obama's speech was televised live here yesterday. I wasn't here 8 years ago, but I doubt if they did that with Bush's last speech. I didn't get to see all of Obama's, but the little I saw and the clips later on were impressive enough. Of course Barak Obama is an oratory master; if he doesn't go down in history as the best president, he sure will be remembered as the greatest speaker of all.
As I understand Barak Obama went out on an unusually high popularity score of 55% in the polls yesterday. Compare this to the dismal, no abysmal, lowest ever, 37% of incoming non-president Drumpf after his pathetic press conference yesterday.
…, that man is going to be so sorely missed! And not only by Americans, I can assure you. 🙁
How could any of us watch without grieving? The next four years are going to be a huge contrast. I hope we survive and those who voted for this bunch has enough sense to throw the Republicans out next year. Kentucky gov. Bevins announced today that he is cutting the 51 unemployment offices in the state down to 12 in a cost savings act. Now you can drive two hours to get to an office for help if you lose your job.
I have only watched part of it because of a lack of time right now, but the electricity in the air is very evident during that first part. I agree with the crowd who chanted 4 more years. How unfortunate that that can't happen. I will watch the rest later.
Thanks all! Sad hugs!!