Jan 062017

I fired the mail order pharmacy I’ve been using for over five years today.  I had put them on notice after I went without insulin for four days because of one of their several major screw ups, that they were on notice.  Ten days ago, I ordered 100 insulin syringes.  This morning they gave me a "courtesy call" to inform me that they no longer fill prescriptions  for syringes.  If they wanted to be courteous, they could have informed me a LOT sooner. I have a less that week’s supply left, so I have to pay $12.95 for overnight shipping from another online pharmacy.  Portland is under another winter storm warning.  ARGH!!

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today’s took me 3:23 (average 5:35).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From YouTube (MoveOn Channel): Stop Jeff Sessions


If Sessions is confirmed, rename DOJ to Department of Injustice. In addition, Alabama’s Fuhrer Bentley would fill Sessions’ Senate seat, and Bentley likes Judge Roy Moore! RESIST!!

From Daily Kos: The will of the American people is not represented by the people taking power. Donald Trump lost the election, by nearly THREE million, and yet there he is ready to infest the Oval Office with his odious presence. In the Senate, Republicans may hold a Senate majority, but add up the votes of every senator, and the 48 senators in the Democratic caucus received 78.4 million votes, while the 52 GOP senators received just 54.9 million votes. Americans have picked Democrats to run the government, yet it’s Republicans in charge. What we have here isn’t a democracy, it’s a mockery of one.

So Democrats in Congress must act to represent that nullified American majority, and the best way it can do that is by halting all work. Just bring it in to a standstill. Pass continuing budget resolutions to keep the government running, but otherwise make sure that not a shred of Trump’s agenda, or that of the undemocratic GOP majority makes it through.

Filibuster everything, as long as the GOP majority allow it. Deny the use of unanimous consent to waive the rules for things like the post-cloture 30-hour period. And deny it for EVERYTHING, even the most routine of Senate business. Grind that f-er to a halt.

This is exactly what I’ve been saying since Putin, Comey, and Stein joined forces to hand the White House to Resident Rectum. RESIST!!

From NY Times: For a band at a tiny, little-known, historically black college, it seems in some ways to be the gig of a lifetime: a chance to march and perform at the Jan. 20 presidential inaugural parade in Washington. Some of the musicians at Talladega College have been excited to see the capital for the first time.

But because the president-elect is Donald J. Trump, the school has become the subject of an impassioned national outcry, with online petitions, threats to end donations and a flurry of how-could-yous from alumni who feel that performing in the parade would betray the values of an institution founded by newly freed slaves 150 years ago.

On Thursday, after days of speculation that the college administration might bow to the pressure and remove the band from the parade roster, the president of Talladega College, Billy Hawkins, issued a statement confirming the participation of the band, the Marching Tornadoes, and argued, in essence, that the 58th presidential inauguration is about something bigger than Mr. Trump.

SHAME! They are betraying Black Americans everywhere, by allowing that rabid racist to use them as tokens! RESIST!!




  14 Responses to “Open Thread – 1/6/2017”

  1. 5:50  Not a saguaro, but might work.

    That is OUTRAGEOUS behavior on the part of your mail order pharmacy!  (And NOT the way you wanted to be using the money you are saving by not having to see Courtney so often!)  Fire away!

    YT/MO – I have signed their petition (probably multiple times) and at least one other petition that is not theirs.  I agree that this is a biggie.

    DKos – Thanks for the statistic, TC.  I am working on an open letter and I will use it.  I signed the petition here (I think not for the first time).

    NYT – I couldn't agree more that the decision is the wrong one.  I do, however, feel that it is their right to make it.  I do NOT feel the same about some decisions being made by elected officials who are betraying those they were elected to represent.

    Cartoon – Oh, Lord, isn't it ever!

    RESIST !!!

  2. YT: Oh, he's awful!!! Here's some links for y'all to sign if you haven't already.

    DK: I think I've already done this, but am doing it again. I have/and will Resist!

    NYT: Talladega College is getting more publicity from this furor than if they do or don't march in the parade. Personally, I want nothing of this regime, nor of the 'festivities' that surround this day.

     Cartoon: Bleck!!

    Oh, my goodness! I completely understand your frustration on the handling of your meds from the pharmacy. Hope that this next company/pharmacy comes through for you. We are cold here, and one of the bridges for daily commute was closed with the black ice this morning. I'm hunkering down, and have my heater on as we are supposed to be in the low 30's till Sunday. It's that bitterly cold wind that makes it colder than it is. How did I ever survive the blizzards in Jersey when I was a kid? LOL. Enjoy your evening, take care, and Thanks, Tom.

  3. YT- I've signed numerous petitions, and calld both of my senators, about keeping Sessions out ofofice.


    DK: Yes, EVERY trick in the book has to be used aginst these bastards, who have been worse than do-nothings for 8 years!  It is sad that we've come to this, but the Tea Partiers, and the GOPigs have shown that they will do anything, perhaps even elect Lucifer, from THAT down under, if they thought it wuld help their agenda!

    NY T: I think that the college is doing itself wrong!

  4. How could they let you place an order (whether online or by phone) that they KNEW they wouldn't be able to honor?

    Everything legal tool that's humanly possible to use should be deployed in order to block the coming Trumpocallypse.


  5. On-line pharmacies are pretty sure of their income if the can treat their customers the way they treated you, TomCat. Good thing you threw them out and sorry the shipment now cost you half a PT session extra. I'll keep my fingers crossed the syringes will come in before your supply runs out.

    YT(MOC): I've read enough about Jeff Sessions lately to know that this man should never be appointed. The damage he'll do will be irreparable for years to come. Just imagine Drumpf can get someone like him appointed to replace Scalia in SCOTUS, "Justice" will then have to be taken from the American-English diary because it'll be nonexistent from then on. No there's only one thing for it:


    DK: Yup, all for it.


    But it's ironic that although "[t]he will of the American people is not represented by the people taking power" neither is the will of those who voted for him. Only a few among them (generally called the 1% or the KKK) will want the draconian measures the Drumpfian horde are going to impose on America given half a chance, yet they'll be the last ones to admit they were wrong and that Drumpf/Republicans are in fact hurting the"m badly. So if none of these draconian measures ever comes to fruition, the average Drumpf voter may still think Drumpf and Republicans are swell guys after four years. So on top on resisting, progressives need to find a way to educate the Drumpf voter and to show them with irrefutable facts and in a way they understand and accept what would have happened to them if Drumpf had been allowed to continue.

    NYT: The president of the black Talladega college, "an institution founded by newly freed slaves 150 years ago" is right " that the 58th presidential inauguration is about something bigger than Mr. Trump" and that is EXACTLY the reason why the Marching Tornadoes shouldn't be there. But even if they do decide to show up, I hope the American people will show what they think of the man who is undeservedly inaugurated on the 20th AND of the media who (also) helped put him there while hauling in the best financial year in ages, by refusing to watch or listen to any item on the inauguration an decimate the ratings.

  6. I don't blame you for firing your pharmacy supplier.  Episodes like this are the reason I still go to a pharmacy to get my prescriptions.

    Move On:  I have signed several petitions to support this.  Sessions is definitely not the person for the job.

    DK"  Signed their petitions.

    Cartoon:  Aptly named.

  7. Puzzle — 3:41  I definitely got the point!
    YouTube — What a piece of work Sessions is!  He is an insult to the category of homosapien, human being!  Signed Pat's petitions.



    Daily Kos — It is imperative that Democrats block everything coming from Republicans — all nominations etc especially.  I can just hear McTurtle, and Drumpfenfarten too, whining that Democrats are obstructing the work of the people.  IMO, they are doing the work of the people by ensuring that there are competent people to govern.  Signed the petition.




    NY Times — During one of Drumpf's campaign rallies, I remember hearing him say "Where's my African American?" as he looked out over a very white crowd.  This incensed me because it was pure racism, slavery.  Why this college is supporting that kind of attitude in a new president is beyond me.  Most definitely the band is letting every African American down.




    Cartoon — I see Chickenhawke Cheney and Lyin' Ryan, by themselves a terrorist cell.  Who are the other two?



    So you played Drumpf today — You're fired!  Good!  You have to be able to rely on your pharmacist.  I've been with mine for over 20 years and I rely on their knowledge.  So you're in for another storm!  Our temps have warmed up and by Sunday, we will likely have rain.  Next week, temps are suppose to dive again.

    Just had a call tonight  from my cousin.  My auntie, Carlotta, passed away yesterday, age 93.  She was a favourite of mine.  She was the oldest daughter of my favourite grandfather, and my father's oldest sister.  Apparently my cousin moved her from Victoria to Metro Vancouver about 18 months ago but failed to let me know.  I could have visited her but what is done cannot be undone.  A memorial service will be held later this month.

  8. Thanks all!  Hugs!!

    The pharmacy I fired is Wellpartner.  The one I'm moving to is Wallgreens.

    • I use Walgreens for the scripts that Medicare D covers.  They have a drive thru, and I believe it is thanks to Obamacare that I can now get 90-day supplies covered at pickup.  Of course the drive thru wouldn;t help you, TC.  But I've been reasonably happy with them.  (I do have one prescription that Medicare won't cover which I have to get at a compounding pharmacy, even though it isn't compounded there.  That's a nuisance, but I do get reimbursed.)

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