Experts in autocracies have pointed out that it is, unfortunately, easy to slip into normalizing the tyrant, hence it is important to hang on to outrage. These incidents which seem to call for the efforts of the Greek Furies (Erinyes) to come and deal with them will, I hope, help with that. Even though there are many more which I can't include. As a reminder, though no one really knows how many there were supposed to be, the three names we have are Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone. These roughly translate as "unceasing," "grudging," and "vengeful destruction."
You may be familiar with the classic definition of chutzpah (insolence, impudence, gall) penned by Leo Rosten: "that quality enshrined in a man who, having killed his mother and father, throws himself on the mercy of the court because he is an orphan." I don't know whether that ever actually happened. But I think we have a new definition, based on something which actually did happen: "that quality enshrined in a rapist who sues his victim, and the school which expelled him, for discrimination under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972."
Aaron Farrer, a 21-year-old from Lafayette, was accused of rape in September 2015 after a female student said Farrer took advantage of her drunken state. The woman showed police a text message she received from Farrer the next day apologizing for the incident. Farrer told police the woman consented to sex, and initiated the act.
So, he has just filed a Federal lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana. He says he was defamed. He says he was a victim of intentional infliction of emotional distress.He says his constitutional rights were violated, and that he was not afforded due process. He says the defendants "creat[ed] a gender biased, hostile environment against males." Ah, me. To the privileged, equality feels like persecution.
He says "the rape allegations against him were taken as truth from the outset." Well, yes, when you admit and apologize to your victim in writing, and she is able to submit that as evidence, this is certainly a possibility. It doesn't deprive you of due process. Please explain that to him, Megaera, as only you can.
Question: what would you do if you had adopted a dog or a cat and then decided you just didn't want it any more? Trick question, right? No on here would "just decide" they didn't want an animal any more after adopting it in the first place. Or what if you just decided you didn't want your kid any more? Really? Would anyone do that? Any human person?
In Halifax, PA, parents are facing multiple charges after police say three children were locked in a room, beaten and starved for three months because "they did not want them anymore." I am not making this up.
◦The six-year-old had a severe abrasion on his right eye; he said his father had thrown him across the floor as punishment, causing a severe facial injury
◦Victims told investigators that they would be locked in their bedroom at night and they could not leave the room
◦The four-year-old and five-year-old had visible signs of physical abuse; confessing to having been punched in the face
◦Victims said they would pound on the wall to get someone to take them to the bathroom, and they would urinate on themselves, on the bedroom floor, and no one would come
◦Victims said they didn't have a functioning heat source
◦Victims said the rooms were without furniture, and they would often peel paint off the walls
◦Victims said the last thing they could remember that they ate was an apple"These were healthy kids, and while they were in their custody, these parents neglected them, starved them to such an extent they ended up the way they did," {Dauphin County District Attorney Ed] Marsico said. "We're prepared to prove they neglected these kids to such a point that they were near death."
There are things in the story which make me unsure to what extent the mother was a perp and to what extent she was a victim herself. I cannot in conscience come down on one side or the other without more knowledge, so that's one thing I'm asking you to look into, Tisiphone. Good luck.
So. We've see two crimes of violence – sins of commission, as it were – and heaven knows there are more. The guy in Las Vegas who was like, "How dare you object to me calling you a racial epithet, I'm going to beat you to death with this sign – oh, wait, my food's ready – OK, finished eating, I'll just beat you some more." The woman who stabbed a black man in the New York subway because he offered her his seat – and he turned out to be transgender also – so she got a "twofer." And, no, that isn't all.
But I want to turn to a sin of omission now. WTF was this judge thinking?
TAYLOR COUNTY, Texas – An elderly Ranger man was sentenced to probation and community service after pleading guilty to multiple child sex crimes that happened at a church in Taylor County…. Wright was also ordered to pay a $1,500 fine and will have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life.
Well, sex offender registration is at least something. But community service? Is there anything in there that keeps him away from children? Or is he just being sent to a new happy hunting ground?
Okay, maybe prison is not the right place, but dammit, kids need to be protected, and if the church won't do it – and apparently it won't – the state needs to do it. As one person commenting said, "I can't belive, that we don't put child molesters in jail, they harm children, but we put drug addicts in jail for harming themselves. Just don't make sense to me." Me neither, honey. Alecto, I hope you'll keep an eye on him.
The Furies and I will be back.
Cross posted to Care2 at http://www.care2.com/news/member/101612212/4028948
8 Responses to “Everyday Erinyes #57”
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This story was also on my list and almost made it – there is now a petition
Update from January 4, 2017 – Success! The city has dropped the fine!
Magaera: This man chose to accost, and rape this young woman, with no regard except for himself. He needs to be held accountable. It amazes me that these conniving individuals file lawsuits thinking they are innocent. He says he's a victim of intentional infliction of emotional distress?? How about YOUR victim?? What about her feelings?? He also alleges his constitutional rights were violated. Again, how about hers?
Tisiphone: Those sweet little babies. I am relieved to read they have been rescued, and the parents arrested. I hope they find a loving home, and not be separated. Looks like both parents are well fed, btw.
Alecto: I hope that the little one gets counseling for this incident(s) that happened to her. What a creepy man. He should have received a long prison term, imho. ugh!! Taylor is about 30 miles from my house
Signed petition. 3,769 SUPPORTERS so far. Unreal !
Well, ladies, you've got your work cut out for you this week. I wish you the Best.
Thank you, Joanne for post.
Megaera; Before passing judgement, I'd like to know more. In my youth, I participated in more than one college party in which I had a liason with a woman who was drunk, but no more so than I was, and who was an active participant in the matter, I think that on one occasion, the woman expressed remorse, saying that others would think she was a slut, and I apologized out of respect for her feelings. I'm not saying this situation is similar, but the article left too much in doubt for me to make a dsetermination.
Tisiphone: Lock the father up and determine the status of the mother.
I have almost no doubt that the TX Republican has no church, no contact with minors and successful therapy provisions to his probation.
Good one, JD!!
I admit the thought did cross my mind, "Just how drunk would a healthy young woman have to be to initiate sex with this guy?" but I decided to try to keep going high.
WRT Texas, since each state is different, I looked up Texas a little, and they have a mandatory 500-foot child satety zone for offenders on parole and probation for which they mention schools, daycare facilities, playgrounds, public or private youth centers, public swimming pools, and video arcade facilities. Churches are not mentioned. That's mandatory, but judges can add to it (e.g. stores.) Therapy and polygraphs are requirements, and there are residence restrictions. If he gets off of probation, which he conceivably could (it is for 10 years and he's 83), the only requirement he will have is to register, everything else disappears. That is state law. Cities may well have ordinances which further limit activities.
Bottom line, you are right on, except for "church." There is a tendency for law enforcement, especially in Bible belt states, to think that church is "good for" offenders. But seeing as his original offense happened in church, a smart judge would have included it in the child safety zone. Without court documents, we can't be sure.
I can't speak for Texas, but here, a church ban is virtually automatic.
Yeah, not every state has laws as smart as Oregon's.
Thank you, Tom, and Joanne for your comments on this.
Appreciate y'all.
Happy New Year!